
作者&投稿:濮询 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I often attend a club. I didn't attend a club yesterday. I will attend a club tomrrow.

our teacher explained new words in English yesterday. our teacher will explain new words in English tomrrow.

He often steals things. He stole things yesterday. He will steal things tomorrow.
I often invite her to see a film. I invited her to see a film yesterday. I will invite her to see a film tomorrow

1.I am doing well.: doing 动词进行式 well副词
2.You need it urgently.:need 动词 urgently副词
3.She recently wants to go abroad. wants 动词 recently 副词;

I attend school everyday.
I attended church yesterday.
I will be attending a concert tomorrow.

I have to explain why I am late everyday.
I explained the question to her two days ago.
I will be explaining the details next week.

The thief steals everyday.
He stole the wallet last Sunday.
They will be stealing the painting tomorrow.

She likes to invite people to her house everday.
She invited me to her party yesterday.
She will be inviting me to her party tomorrow.

(1)I attendlistening the music every day
I attend aconcert yesterday
Iwill go shopping in threeday
(2)He often explains to theguests products
He explainad that he had been cheated two days ago
He will to everyboby explains tomorrow
(3)He often steal something
I saw a thiefsteal something yesterday
Tomorrow ,Do know willhave the thief steal
(4)He often invite his friend
I invite my friend go shopping
I will invite my families go shopping

二、英语中副词的位置 多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。三、短语搭配 1.come out出来;花开。2.come over顺便来访;过来。3.come along来;随同。4.come in进来。5.eat up吃光。6.fall down倒下;跌倒。7.find...

“动词+副词”型短语 动词后加上away,out,forward等时,常构成“动副”型短语。1. 动词后若是about,in,on,off,over,through,up,down等时,需按实际情况来确定它们是“动介”型还是“动副”型短语。但是初中阶段所学到的绝大多数都属于“动副”型短语。2. “动副”型短语用作不及物...


非常多的,in, on, at,up, down, aside, away, off, with, after, about, for, from, to, across, out, ……平时注重这些动词短语的积累,学一个记一个,没有其它巧办法。

这篇《小学六年级英语语法:动词短语》,是无忧考网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!小学六年级英语语法:动词短语 动词加小品构成的起动词作用的短语叫短语动词(Phrasal Verb)。例如:Turn off the radio. 把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)短语动词的构成基本有下列几种:1) 动词+副词,如:...

此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A.动词(vt.)+副词 1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面...

baby-sit 看孩子 eavesdrop 偷听 ghose-write 为别人代写 proof-read 校对 sleep-walk 梦游 spoon-feed 用勺喂,灌输 tape-recod 用磁带录下来 water-ski 滑水 b.副词+动词:overcharge 超额收费 overeat 吃得太多 overhear 听见(别人说话)overthrow 推翻 undergo 经历 underwrite 承担,同意保证 uphold...

要想造句好,就需先了解这个词组的具体【含义】和用法!!! Wake sb up 这个短语的意思是:把某人叫醒。 属于一个动词短语,wake 是动词,sb 是宾语,up是副词。属于动词加副词构成的动词短语,宾语可以加在副词前或副词后都可以,当宾语是代词是,只能放中间。 而且这个短语是由动词和副词构成的,他的宾语如果是人或者...

首先不及物动词+副词相当于一个及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语,宾语可以是名词、动名词(doing)等。如keep on 继续、put off 推迟、set about 开始,着手、insist on 坚持、pay attention to 注意、stick to 坚持、get down to 开始认真做、look forwards to 期盼、be used to 习惯于、lead to ...

1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。I get up early in the morning everyday.我每天早早起床。He gave me a gift yesterday.他昨天给了我一件礼物。She didn't drink water enough.她没喝够水。The train goes fast.火车跑得快。We can go to this school...

万秀区19262848322: 用所给动词和副词短语造句. -
唐顷香砂: I attend school everyday.I attended church yesterday.I will be attending a concert tomorrow.I have to explain why I am late everyday.I explained the question to her two days ago.I will be explaining the details next week.The thief steals everyday.He stole...

万秀区19262848322: 1.用所给动词和副词短语造句1.用所给动词和副词短语造句every day/often last sunday/yesterday/two days ago tomrrowattend - _________ - I didn't attend a ... -
唐顷香砂:[答案] I often attend a club.I didn't attend a club yesterday.I will attend a club tomrrow.our teacher explained new words in English yesterday.our teacher will explain new words in English tomrrow.He often ...

万秀区19262848322: 1.用所给动词和副词短语造句 -
唐顷香砂: I often attend a club. I didn't attend a club yesterday. I will attend a club tomrrow.our teacher explained new words in English yesterday. our teacher will explain new words in English tomrrow.He often steals things. He stole things yesterday. He will ...

万秀区19262848322: 用所给动词造句词组,并译成汉语.
唐顷香砂: go on 继续 go in for爱好,参加;从事 go over 复习 ;仔细审查;走近 go away走开;外出度假;消失play on 利用read for play out 演完, 结束; 精疲力尽; 陈旧, 过时 play with 玩, 戏弄, 摆弄; 不大认真考虑(某一问题) play in 奏乐迎人 read for 攻读 read into 隐藏某种意义, 曲解 read out 宣告开除, 把...读出 read up 熟读, 研读, 通过阅读以增长知识

万秀区19262848322: 用所给的单词造句,注意频度副词的位置. -
唐顷香砂: We usually go to see films on weekend. Brother looks up something on john's webpages sometimes. They always buy a lot of things in the supermarket. He never eat much food in dinner.

万秀区19262848322: 动词+副词+介词造句
唐顷香砂: Don't speak loudly in the hospital. 动词 副词 介词 He sings very well in his classroom. 动词 副词 介词

万秀区19262848322: 用所给的动词造带有介词的词组 1,Play 2,get -
唐顷香砂: play for money赌钱play on the piano弹钢琴sunlight playing on the water荡漾在水面上的阳光play with sb.开某人的玩笑A smile plays on her lips.她的嘴唇上泛出微笑.They are playing at chess.他们在下棋.This violin plays well.这把提琴拉起来很好...

万秀区19262848322: 用所给动词造带有介词的词组 -
唐顷香砂: play with ,p lay against get to ,get on , go to ,go across look after listen to read after put on take off learn from

万秀区19262848322: 用所给词组造句,并完成八个时态
唐顷香砂: 一般现在时:She takes notes. 一般将来时:She will take notes. 现在进行时:She is taking notes. 现在完成时:She has taken notes. 一般过去时:She took notes. 过去进行时:She was taking notes. 过去完成时:She had taken notes. 过去将来时:She would take notes.

万秀区19262848322: 用动词加副词造句子.还有连接动词加形容词造句子,形容词加名词造句子.介词加名词造句子
唐顷香砂: I get up eraly. The weather becomes warmer and warmer. It is a lovely dog. The book is published in autumn.

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