
作者&投稿:真蚀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

get rid of 摆脱

  120. get tired of 对……感到厌倦

  121. get to

   get together 相聚; 联欢

  122. get up 起床

  123. give
back 归还;送回

  124. give out 分发

  125. give sb. a hand

  126. give up 放弃

  127. go ahead

   go away 走开;离去

  128. go shopping / bowling 去购物
/ 打保龄球

  129. go for a swim 去游泳

   go for a walk

  130. go home 回家

  131. go in for 参加;从事于;酷爱

  132. go
on 继续

  133. go on a diet 实行节食

  134. go on a picnic

  135. go on with / doing sth. 继续做某事

  136. go out

  137. go over 复习;仔细地再读一遍

  138. go sightseeing

  139. go to (the) hospital 去医院(看病)

  140. go to bed

  141. go to college 上大学

  142. go to school 上学

go to sleep 入睡

  144. go to the cinema / movie(s) 去看电影

  145. go
up 走上前去 146. go wrong 出错

  147. grow up 成年;长大

  148. had better

  149. hand in 上交

   hand out 分发

happen to do 碰巧做

  151. happen to sb. 发生到某人身上

  have fun

  have fun doing…玩得高兴

  152. have (got) to

  153. have a class / lesson 上课

  154. have a good time

  155. have breakfast 吃早餐

  156. have no idea

  157. have pity on sb. 怜悯某人

  158. have sports

  159. hear from 收到……来信

by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) how(怎样) go to school(上学) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站)wait(等待) get to(到达)
library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店) where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后)
next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(购买)
hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn't=does not
singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) tv reporter(电视台记者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作
rain(雨) cloud (云) sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后)
tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger 更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger 更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的
have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat喉咙疼 have a cold感冒 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 matter事情,麻烦 sore 疼的 hurt疼痛 nose 鼻子 tired疲劳的,累的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴的 bored无聊的,烦人的 sad 忧伤的,悲伤的
watch—watched 看 wash—washed 洗 clean—cleaned打扫 play—played玩 visit—visited 看望 do—did last weekend 上一个周末 go—went去 go to a park—went to a park 去公园 go swimming—went swimming去游泳 go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼 read—read 读 go hiking—went hiking 去郊游



动词加小品构成的起动词作用的短语叫短语动词(Phrasal Verb)。例如:

Turn off the radio. 把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)


1) 动词+副词,如:black out;

2) 动词+介词,如:look into;

3) 小学六年级英语语法同步练习动词短语:动词+副词+介词,如:look forward to。构成短语动词的副词和介词都统称为小品词(Particle)。



1) 不定式

时态语态    主动          被动

一般式    to do         to be done

完成式    to have done   to have been done

2) 动名词

时态语态    主动         被动

一般式    doing      being done

完成式    having done  having been done

3) 分词

时态语态    主动         被动

一般式    doing      being done

完成式    having done  having been done

否定形式: not +不定式, not + 动名词, not + 分词



do moring exerices wash the clothes watch TV clean the room have lunch

1. call at (a place) 访问某地
2. call back 回电话
3. a call for help 呼救声
4. Make a call to sb. 打电话
5. call for 请求,为……喊出,(接)找某人
6. call on (upon) 号召,拜访
7. call out 召集,大声叫
8. call up 召唤,召集,回忆起

1. carry on 继续,经营,开展
2. carry out 进行,开展,执行(计划,命令)

1. come across(偶然)遇见
2. come true 变为现实,实现
3. come along 来吧
4. come about 产生,发生
5. come back 回来,折回
6. come down 下来
7. come in 进来
8. come on 快来(表示劝说、机动、不耐烦等)
9. come out 出现
10. come to 来到
11. come up走过来

1. cut away 切掉,剪掉
2. cut down 砍倒,缩减
3. cut off 切断
4. cut up 切碎

六年级的英语不规则动词不多,可以找规律去记。1.A---A---A型(现在式、过去式和过去分词同形)read read read 读 put put put 放下 cost cost cost 花费 cut cut cut 割,切 hit hit hit 打 let let let 让 hurt hurt hurt 伤 2. A---B---A型(现在式和过去分词同形)become became...

随着小学英语教学日益为国家和全社会所重视,在许多地方的小学英语已经成为了一门必修课。新人教版六年级英语有哪些知识点呢?接下来我为你整理了新人教版六年级英语知识点总结,一起来看看吧。 新人教版六年级英语知识点:句型 1. allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式) My father allowed me to ...

一、 基数词,序数词 序数词前一定要加“the”,序数词一般用于:①日期【the 号(序数词)of 月】②【第几…】③【名次】二、 动词 1. be动词(am\/is\/are)主语 be动词(原形)be动词(过去式)I am was He\/she\/it is was We\/you\/they are were 2.助动词(do\/does\/did)问...

小学六年级英语下册知识点总结(二) (一)英语动词4种时态: 1.一般现在时:常与表示程度或频度的词连用,如:often(经常) , usually(通常,一般) , sometimes(有时) , always(总是,一直) , never(从不),表示经常性或习惯性的动作,表示现在的特征或状态,表示普遍真理。用动词原形表示,第三人称单数后,动词要在...

【 #小学英语# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是 为大家整理的《小学英语:六年级英语语法【三篇】》 供您查阅。 【第一篇:动词形式的变化】动词根本是原形,变化形式有四种:原形词尾加“s”,现在...

我们一起学习一下小学六年级英语重点知识集锦。一、重点短语:by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot步行 by bike 骑自行车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 traffic lights 交通灯 traffic rules交通规则 go to school 去上学 get to 到达 get on上车 get off下车 Stop at a red light. ...

(1) 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.(2)一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday?(3)特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did you do yesterday? I read a book.小学六年级英语下册知识...

小学六年级上册英语(求翻译) 1.You must look right before you c_百度...
原文:You must look right before you cross the road You can see this on the roab in Hong Kong 译文:你过马路前一定要仔细看看路。你可以在香港看到这一点。重点词汇:must 英 [məst;mʌst]释义:aux 必须;一定;应该,得 n 绝对必要的事物;待发酵的葡萄汁;发霉,潮气...

have English class 上英语课 have lunch 吃午餐 have math class 上数学课 have music class 上音乐课 have P.E. class 上体育课 have science class 上科学课 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a good time 玩得开心 have a headache 头痛 have a look 看一看 have a picnic 举行...

学生英语学习最明显的效果是兴趣教学法,它最符合学生的本质。通过游戏、生动的例子等方法,结合学生的特点采取不同的教学方法,以激发学生学习英语的欲望,我在这里整理了英语相关知识,快乐看看吧! (PEP)小学六年级英语上册知识汇总 Unit 1 How do you go to school? 一、重点短语: by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐...

云县17753517317: 小学英语动词词组六年级的动词词组,不要太简单也不要太难.要70个以上. -
汤蚀纯欣:[答案] answer the phone 接电话become 变成buy 购买catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶clean the floor 扫地clean the house 打扫房间climb mountains 爬山climb 往上爬collect leaves 收集树叶collect stamps 集邮come back 回来co...

云县17753517317: 小学英语动词短语30个,要有过去式. -
汤蚀纯欣:[答案] 1.get up got up 起床2.have lunch had lunch 吃午饭3.go home went home 回家4.go...

云县17753517317: 四到六年级的英语动词短语 -
汤蚀纯欣: get rid of 摆脱120. get tired of 对……感到厌倦121. get to 到达 get together 相聚; 联欢122. get up 起床123. give back 归还;送回124. give out 分发125. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力126. give up 放弃127. go ahead 先走;...

云县17753517317: 小学英语动词词组30个 -
汤蚀纯欣:[答案] run fast,jump high,get up,go to bed,go to school,fly a kite,go fishing/running/jumping,drink some water,cook food,water some flower,pick up apples,pull up carrots,collect eggs,milk cows, taste apples,grow trees,want to do sth,take a bus,catch butterflies,...

云县17753517317: 求十个英语动词词组,六年级及以下的 -
汤蚀纯欣: make sb do sth let sb do sth ask sb to do sth try to do sth keep sb doing sth bring sth to sb buy sth for sb take sth to sb talk about sth talk to sb

云县17753517317: 六年级上册英语动词短语 -
汤蚀纯欣: Call1. call at (a place) 访问某地2. call back 回电话3. a call for help 呼救声4. Make a call to sb. 打电话5. call for 请求,为……喊出,(接)找某人6. call on (upon) 号召,拜访7. call out 召集,大声叫8. call up 召唤,召集,回忆起Carry1. carry on 继...

云县17753517317: 小学英语动词词组30个 -
汤蚀纯欣: run fast,jump high,get up,go to bed,go to school,fly a kite,go fishing/running/jumping,drink some water,cook food,water some flower,pick up apples,pull up carrots,collect eggs,milk cows,taste apples,grow trees,want to do sth,take a bus,catch ...

云县17753517317: 英语常见的动词短语(小学一,二,三,四,五年级) -
汤蚀纯欣: hold 1. catch hold of 抓住 2. get hold of 握,抓住 3. hold…back 阻止 4. hold one's head high 昂首,趾高气昂 5. hold up 举起 6. take hold of 握,抓住 7. hold one's breath 屏住呼吸,不出声 8. hold a meeting 举行会议 9. hold out 伸出keep 1. ...

云县17753517317: 40个小学3 - 6年级的动词短语 要40个的 小学 -
汤蚀纯欣: read the letters读信 buy a cake for him为他买个蛋糕 be fine很好 go to school去上学 say hello to sb向某人问好 say goodbye to sb向某人再见 visit my school参观我的学校 look at a photo看图片 welcome to our school欢迎来到我们学校 behind the ...

云县17753517317: 英语动词词组 -
汤蚀纯欣: play a game 玩游戏 eat an apple 吃苹果 drink some water 喝水 swim in a lake 在湖里游泳 fly a kite 放风筝 go to school 去学校 clear the path 清理小道 skip with a skippingrope跳绳 write a letter 写信 throw a stone扔石头

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