
作者&投稿:纳忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Weekend remedial class is prohibited by the state, in principle said we disapprove of children to weekend remedial class.
But for different types of children, their needs are different. For example: the kids if he didn't want to learn, you quote class again many didn't also effect, a waste of money. Improve the learning achievement extracurricular remedial class is not the only way, the key lies in children have study power.
Some children feel extra-class continuation is effective. For example: the child attends class didn't understand, home and no one can give his help, through the remedial class can make up for the lack of class. If your child attribute this kind of situation, I suggest you in the choice of schools note points:
1. Must first respect the child choice: as the saying goes forced love does not last, all parents force children to, most immediate effects are not so good, must let children choose whether to need to go to counseling. To see the children's physical health. Originally child ferial went to school very tired, very easy weekend can supplement sleep, parents should moderate arrangement study, so as to let the child rest adequately adjustment, next week good energetic go to school.
2. Select prestige good school: the remedial class are various and choose better school reputation is very important. Parents don't think fees are high teaching quality is good. Once in the past can ask the parents and students studied in, look at the school management and teachers level is appropriate, recruit students general rules and actual situation, whether conform running hardware and software running condition of the qualification examination, etc, to avoid fraud.
3. Choose to leave home close to place: some remedial class journey faraway, the road to occupy more than two hours, it's not worthwhile. Some children to house the remedial class, because mobilisation long journey, parents were forced to squat down, rain or shine, exhausted, usually was very tired, weekend can not get rest, moody, more impact study.
4. Avoid by all means "haste makes waste" : select class must according to the child's actual level, haste makes waste may make seedlings are not good survive. Some parents think give children choose progress faster class is a good thing, in fact, some students from this pressure is disgusted. Children at the school didn't understand, in the remedial class still can't find the feeling of success, therefore, PoGuanPoShuai dust.
Learning this should be a student to enjoy happy thing, parents should pay attention to let them with full of energy, enthusiasm, confident to learn knowledge, encourage them to perform a required the campus, the learning tasks, such ability benign circulation, more study is love to learn, more study is good.

Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don’t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it’s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desktop. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren’t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are occupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood.

复习班 如果是为了特定考试如中高考而办的复习班,叫cram class/course 即补课班(cram 是填鸭式教学的意思),如果班级很多的话可以用cram school表达 , 同学可以说classmates, 所以复习班同学可以叫the cram course classmates,避免class重复。

classmates from reviewing class.


复习班 如果是为了特定考试如中高考而办的复习班,叫cram class\/course 即补课班(cram 是填鸭式教学的意思),如果班级很多的话可以用cram school表达 , 同学可以说classmates, 所以复习班同学可以叫the cram course classmates,避免class重复。

学生英文是student,音标英 [ˈstju:dnt] 美 [ˈstu:dnt]student英 [ˈstju:dnt] 美 [ˈstu:dnt]第三人称复数:students student 基本解释 名词中学生; 学生,大学生; 研究者,学者; <美俚>初学者 student 相关例句 名词 1. He is a student of international politics....

“学生”的英文单词是student。student是个名词,意思是“大学生;研究生;学生;研究者;学者”,student在英式英语中专指“专科学校的学生、大学生”,在美式英语中也可指“中小学生”。student指“研究者、学者”时,常跟of连用。01常见句型A student should always be curious to learn.学生...

学生单词的正确拼写是student words。学生单词指的是学生在学习英语时需要掌握和记忆的基础单词。这些单词通常包括日常生活中常用的词汇、基本的语法概念和语言表达方式等。学生单词的掌握对于英语学习的进展非常重要。

Student Leader


补习班的英文说法是:Cram school,辅导班的英文说法是du:Remedial class或者an auxiliary class。相比于常规的补习班和辅导班,线上一对一外教才能起到英语综合能力的提升!这份免费的【阿卡索欧美外教一对一课程】还可以获得阿卡索免费赠送的:1份英语水平测试报告+288元欧美外教课程+20G英语学习教材!...

My classmates and I take a trip into the mountain.为英语习惯表达。

> While studying at the school after school hours in Suzhou, a hand-painted silk shop practice, hand-painted creation.> Semester in junior Kim Sun learning, and provide Hua Gao.> Summer in Shanghai, Chen Kai original art design practice, during practice for the main text and ...

他比他们班上任何一个女同学都要高 用英语怎么说
同学 be in the same school ; be a schoolmate of sb ; fellow student.英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法 合并翻译法就是把多个短...

阳山县18230012148: 复习班同学用英文怎么表达 -
项品氨酚: 复习班 如果是为了特定考试如中高考而办的复习班,叫cram class/course 即补课班(cram 是填鸭式教学的意思),如果班级很多的话可以用cram school表达 , 同学可以说classmates, 所以复习班同学可以叫the cram course classmates,避免class重复.

阳山县18230012148: 同学用英文怎么?同学用英文怎么说
项品氨酚: 同学 英语是:classmate 亲,如果觉得对你有帮助,请点击好评哦~~谢谢啦!

阳山县18230012148: “复习”用英语怎么说? -
项品氨酚: 复习英语:review,发音:[rɪ'vjuː]扩展资料 词性: n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅;vt. 回顾;检查;复审;vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论. 短语: design review 设计评论 in review 在检查中 performance review 服务表现检讨 management ...

阳山县18230012148: 小学同学 初中同学 高中同学用英语怎么说? -
项品氨酚: 小学同学:Primary school classmates; 初中同学:Junior high school classmates; 高中同学:High school classmates. 同学为“classmate“,在“同学”之前加上“小学”、“初中”、“高中”即可. 小学:Primary school; 初中:Junior ...

阳山县18230012148: “班级的每个同学”这句话用英语说“每个”是every还是each? -
项品氨酚: 都可以,用法不一样,精确表达的意思也不一样.Each of the classmates....或者..Every students in the class...精确翻译成汉语,前句为“班上的任一位同学如何如何..”后者则为“全班每位同学如何如何” 看了楼上的回复,多嘴下,的确,用...

阳山县18230012148: 《小学同学用英语怎么说》 -
项品氨酚: 小学同学 这个词语 用英语表达 翻译为 : primary school classmates

阳山县18230012148: “同班同学”用英语怎么表达?
项品氨酚: classmate

阳山县18230012148: 小学同学和初中同学英语怎么说 -
项品氨酚: 小学同学:classmates in primary school 初中同学:classmates in junior middle school VS天才翻译家团队

阳山县18230012148: ”需要关心同学和班集体”英语高级表达? -
项品氨酚: 需要关心同学和班集体. 用英语表达是: 1)Need to care about students and class. 2)Need to show solicitude for students and class. 3)Need to be concerned with students and class. 注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您.请及时点击采纳.

阳山县18230012148: 我们班的同学用英语怎么说?我们班的同学都非常好用英语怎么说 -
项品氨酚:[答案] The students in our class are very good.


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