
作者&投稿:帛科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

分数太低啦= =


Youth, whenever i heard about this word, i immediately thought about energy, enthusiasm,power, passion and so on. I like to be young. I remembered the first time that i realized i was grown up. I did not do many other things before i went to college. All my energy was engaged in studying. But when i entered the college, everything changed, nobody forced us to do anything. You have the freedom to choose the things you like. At that moment, I felt that i was grown up, i was all on my own in the future.

About celebrating Youth Day, I did not do that before, so no comments here.

For the 21st century youth, they have a lot of things to concern about. With the developing of the society, young people are under the pressure from all kinds of competitions.They need to study hard when they are at school, they need to find a job hard when they are graduated, they need to work hard when they are in the company. At the same time, they care about the politics,they also care about the economy of the county. All in all, they think of county and themselves.

In my opinion, honesty, integrity,bravery are very important qualities for the young people. Only they own all of these, they will never make major mistakes.

Young people play a very important role in society. But nowadays, young people are getting more and more greedy. Maybe after a short time, only money talks, man listens. As far as I'm concerned,
Young people have energy, enthusiasm, power and passion to create new things, to change rhythm of society.They are the pillar of our country.

I have a friend.Her name is Angel.she's a lovely girl.We always get together at school.
She has long and cirly hair,her nose is smooth,and there is a small mouth on her round face.Look at her eyes,there is some shine of wisdom in them.In fact,she's very smart.
She's good at many subjects.Especially geography.She likes everything about maps.They are full of fun to her.She often study them for a long time that she used to forget to have dinner.She enjoys traveling.It's a part of her passion in geography.
As the rule,she is a good student.And she does well to every classmates.She also help them with sudies.I'm proud of her.
She usually make me touched.Once,I forgot to bring my Chinese book.When I found that,I was very worried.At that time,she walked toward me,she found that quickly.I didn't know how to explain to her.But she came to her desk,take her book out of the bag,and handed it to me.I was so excited.In the Chinese class,she could only use her classmate's book.
She's a real Angel!

“忙你的吧” 英语口语
take your time.

求英语口语翻译,嘿嘿。求厨房英语口语翻译,嘿嘿。 1、忙吗?是的,很...
1 are you busy ? yeah ! very busy, not really busy 2 chef, do i needa put this on? and how ?3 chef, this one is like... bad or smelly, what can i do?望采纳

我现在忙,过一会儿找你 英语口语如何说更地道
Busy now.catch you later.

英语三分钟口语对话 急求
B:A little busy! What about you?\\有点忙,你呢?A:Me,too! I'm going to buy a cellphone. Do you have any good suggestions?\\我也是,我准备去买个手机,你有什么建议吗?B:Yeah! I know a supermarket's most goods are on sale!\\是的,我知道一个超市大部分货物正在打折。A:Grea...

英语口语考试:编一段对话(三个人 四分钟)
C:That sounds great! Taking this extra class also widen my eyesight and I find maybe i will find a job in field of finance instead of English. (听起来不错呢。 上这个额外的课程我也学到了很多东西, 以后我说不定要找一份金融方面的工作,不做英语方面的工作呢。 )A: Ok, I ...

话题一:A: I have a question, people today always find themselves in a rush, what do you think are the reasons?B: I think one of the reasons is because today we exchange information in a very fast speed, it pushes people to respond to everything fast.C: I agree, phones ...

A:嘿 最近忙什么?Hey,what are you doing these days?B:最近在为了考试忙碌。你呢?I'm busy with the examinations,and you?A:我也是,天气好热啊 Me too.It's so hot!B:是啊 我快疯了 Yeah,I'm going to be crazy.A:广东的夏天就是这么炎热,湖南的也是吗?Summer in Guangdong is...

英语。我有点忙怎么说呢?说i m kinda busy好还是a little?kinda是什么...
I'm a little busy 如果真的有点忙,这样说比较好。I'm kind of busy 有点 I am not really busy, I'm just saying this to get rid of you.如果英文发音不好,尽量不要读 "kinda", 因为外国人就算是写 kinda, 说话时还是有个轻微的 f 或 pause 代表 of....

1 口语考试的利和弊(advantages and disadvantages of oral English test)A:Hi, long have you been doing? 嗨,好久不见,你最近在忙什么呢?B:I'm busy preparing for my spoken nglish exam. 我在忙着准备我的英语口语考试呢。A:It? it must be tough. 是吗?那一定很辛苦吧。B:...

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东郭群硝酸:[答案] put eggs in to pot that fill woth water.Then turn on the heat. When the water is boiling, keep for another 5 mintue. Ture off the heat, the eggs are done.

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新丰县13188347212: 帮忙写一份英语口语的稿子!!! -
东郭群硝酸: 仅供参考:Youth, whenever i heard about this word, i immediately thought about energy, enthusiasm,power, passion and so on. I like to be young. I remembered the first time that i realized i was grown up. I did not do many other things before i went ...

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东郭群硝酸:[答案] 这个自己写撒.或者临场发挥.不难的.

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