
作者&投稿:由索 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 打电话的几种情况

Hello. *英语中接电话的人先说“Hello”。
Hello. (喂!)
Oh, hello. Is Mark there? (喂,马克在吗?)

Speaking. *对方要找的刚好是自己,就以这句“我就是”回答。
This is he. *女性用“This is she”。
This is Mr. Smith speaking. (对,我是Simth。)
This is. *有点儿生硬的感觉。

It\'s me. *常用于像夫妻间关系非常亲密的场合。
ABC Business College, may I help you? *公司等工作场所接电话时的一般对答方式。个人家庭接电话时只需说“Hello”。
Thank you for calling ABC Business College.
Can I help you?

Who\'s calling, please?
Who\'s speaking, please?
Who is this, please?
May I ask who\'s calling?
Who should I say is calling?

Who in particular would you like to talk to? *in particular“特别”、“尤其”。

He\'s been expecting your call. * He\'s是He has的省略形式。Expect“抱有希望地等待”。

Which Linda do you want to talk to?

There are three Linda here.

Would you mind calling back later?
Could you call back later?

Extension 103, please. *extension“延长”,在这里表示“分机电话”。
May I have extension 103?
Could I have extension number 103?
Please connect me with extension 103.
Would you transfer this call to extension 103?

I\'ll connect you to extension 103.
I\'m transferring your call to extension 103.

Hold on, please. *hold on“等待”。
May I speak to Mr. Smith? (请找史密斯先生。)
Hold on, please. (请稍等。)
One moment, please.
Just a moment, please.
Hold the line, please.
Just a second, please.

I\'ll put him on. * put...on“让……接电话”。
I\'ll connect you. (把电话转接给你。) *connect“连接”。

I\'ll transfer your call.
I\'ll put you through.

I\'ll get your party for you. *party 不是“聚会”而是指接电话的对象。
Let me transfer this call for you.
I\'m transferring your call to the person in charge.

I\'m transferring your call to the sales department.

Mr. Peck is on line one.
Mr. Peck for you. He\'s on line one.
Pick up line one. It\'s Mr. Peck.

You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.
There\'s a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.
Mr. Miller of ABC is on the line.

Your party is on the line. *通过电话交换台的接线员时,接线员接通电话后常用的表达方式。
Your party is on the line. (您要找的人来接电话了。)
Thank you. (谢谢。)

1. Ring up
2. Making A Phonecal
3. make a phone call; phone sb.; call sb. up; ring sb. up; give sb. a ring
4. on the telephone
5. To make a telephone call to.
6. Telephone Tips
7. inquire by telephone
8. Call up
9. A person using a telephone.
10. E.T. phone home.E.T.

to call s.b
make a phone call to s.b
telephone s.b

hello, i'm calling from xxxx, may i speak to xxxxx

手机的缩写是mobile phone还是cell phone?
手机的英文缩写是“T”。一般手机有以下几种英文缩写表达方式,都惯用在名片上表示“手机”。M\/T: Mobile Telephone、M\/P: Mobile Phone、H\/P: Hand Phone (东南亚人常用)、Cell (美国人常用)、Mobile (欧洲人常用)。mobile或者cell都是指的手机,,Handphone是中式英语,而且很少用缩写的,小灵通在...

英语中常见的电话用语有哪些 (至少写8种)
Who is that speaking?This is XX, speaking.Hold on, please.Mr XX, you are wanted. 有人找你接电话 make a phone call to sb ring up sb \/ ring sb up give sb a call \/ give a call to sb call \/ phone sb 上面这些句子或短语,不知道是不是你想要的。我是江苏初中英语老师,有...

telephone number

打电话 英语有几种说法
ring up phone call ring

他给我打电话 英文有以下几种表达方式:1、He phoned me.双语例句:At that point he phoned me for aerial support.这时,他给我打电话要求空中定位支援。2、He called me.双语例句:I was watching a movie when he called me.他给我打电话时我正在看电影。3、He ring\/call me up.I hope ...

1、make a phone call to sb 2、give sb a ring 3、call sb.释义:1、make a phone call to sb make a phone call"= 打一个电话.例句:Can I make a phone call to the your father?我能给你父亲打个电话吗?2、give sb a ring 美式英语中 这个是打电话的意思 而英式英语中则是 向...

有一下几种:1、to pick up the telephone 2.、to lift the telephone 3、 put sb. on to 4、 answer the telephone 5、answer the phone 以上都是表示接电话的意思,具体例子如下:(1)Will you answer the telephone if it rings?电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗?(2)He was too lazy to ...

打电话的几种情况 ●接电话 喂!Hello. *英语中接电话的人先说“Hello”。Hello. (喂!)Oh, hello. Is Mark there? (喂,马克在吗?)对,我就是。Speaking. *对方要找的刚好是自己,就以这句“我就是”回答。This is he. *女性用“This is she”。This is Mr. Smith speaking. (对,我...

what is his telephone number ?It is XXXXX His telephone number is XXXXX.what is her telephone number ?It is XXXXX.Her telephone number is XXXXX.

1、 (接电话方)拿起电话 Hello! This is Watson speaking.(喂?这里是华生)2、 (拨电话方)说明目的 Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.(喂,我是Robert,我找Tom)3、 (接电话方)询问身份 May I ask what company you are calling from, please?(请问一下你是哪个公司的?)4、 (拨...

柳林县15067677045: 打电话有几种英文表达方式 -
盛忠盐酸:[答案] 1.Ring up 打电话 2.Making A Phonecal 打电话 3.make a phone call; phone sb.; call sb.up; ring sb.up; give sb.a ring 打电话 4.on the telephone 打电话 5.To make a telephone call to. 打电话给… 6.Telephone Tips 打电话须知. 7.inquire by telephone 打电...

柳林县15067677045: 英语打电话怎么说?有几种方式?各是什么? -
盛忠盐酸:[答案] Ring up 打电话 2. Making A Phonecal 打电话 3. make a phone call; phone sb.; call sb. up; ring sb. up; give sb. a ring 打电话 4. on the telephone 打电话 5. To make a telephone call to. 打电话给… 6. Telephone Tips 打电话须知. 7. inquire by telephone ...

柳林县15067677045: 打电话有几种英文表达方式 -
盛忠盐酸: 1. Ring up 打电话 2. Making A Phonecal 打电话 3. make a phone call; phone sb.; call sb. up; ring sb. up; give sb. a ring 打电话 4. on the telephone 打电话 5. To make a telephone call to. 打电话给… 6. Telephone Tips 打电话须知. 7. inquire by ...

柳林县15067677045: 在英语中表示打电话的词有那些 -
盛忠盐酸:[答案] call,

柳林县15067677045: 打电话英文有几种说法
盛忠盐酸: telephone sb. call sb. up ring up give sb. a call make a phone

柳林县15067677045: 打电话用英语说
盛忠盐酸: 1. to make a phone call; to call; to ring; t o telephone for/to; to dial; to give sb. a ring

柳林县15067677045: 英语中打电话的常用语? -
盛忠盐酸: 1、打公用电话:1. I'm calling from a public phone, so I'll call her again. 2. I'm not at home now, so I'll call her around three o'clock again. 3. May I use your phone? 4. Would you mind if I use your phone? 5. How do I get an outside line?翻...

柳林县15067677045: 在英语中表示打电话的词有那些 -
盛忠盐酸: call,

柳林县15067677045: 英语GIVE SB. CALL 对吗?
盛忠盐酸: 在英语中,给某人打电话有几种不同的表达方式,都是正确的: 1. give sb. a call (例句:Please give me a call!) 2. call sb. (例句:Every time I call home, she doesn't answer the phone. ) 3. phone sb. up (例句:I'll phone them up now. ) 朋友...

柳林县15067677045: 和某人打电话英文 -
盛忠盐酸: make a phone call to somebody on the phone with somebody

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