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Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about.

sorry 英[ˈsɒri] 美[ˈsɑ:ri]
adj. 遗憾的; 对不起的; 无价值的,低等的; 感到伤心的;
[例句]'We're all talking at the same time.' — 'Yeah. Sorry.'

understand 英[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美[ˌʌndərˈstænd]
vt. 懂,理解;
vt. 了解; 领会; 默认; 听说;
[例句]I think you heard and also understand me.

talk 英[tɔ:k] 美[tɔk]
v. 说话; 讨论; 讲,说; 说闲话;
n. 交谈; 讨论; 报告; 空话;
[例句]He was too distressed to talk.

i am sorry i can't understand English!

Sorry my English is very poor, I can't hear you,

Sorry my English is very poor. I don't understand what you said.

对不起 我的英语不好 英语怎么写
对不起 我的英语不好。词汇解析:1、sorry 英文发音:[ˈsɒri]中文释义:int.(道歉时用)很抱歉,请原谅 例句:It's them as should be sorry!应该说对不起的是他们!2、not good 英文发音:[nɒt ɡʊd]中文释义:不好的 例句:Green fruit is not good to eat.未熟...

对不起,我的英文不好,请你说中文好吗? 这句英文怎么说
sorry , i can' t understand you , could you speak chinese ?

Sorry my English is very poor, I can't hear you,

回答:Sorry. My English is not very good. (对不起。我的英语不是很好) Sorry. I am not good at English. (对不起。我并不擅长英语。) 都可以啦。 还有,楼上的也是个很不错的答案。 他的‘My english is far away from the standard’ 意思是‘我的英语距离标准还差很远’。

“我的英语不好”的几种英文翻译:1、My English is not good;2、My English is poor;3、I am bad at English;4、I am not good at Engli。

I'm sorry, I can't speak English well."对不起,我的英语说得不好”用英语可翻译为:"I'm sorry, but I can't speak English well".也可以翻译为:Sorry, my English is not good.

Please excuse me for my poor English最好不要用forgive,这个词用在如果你做错了事,比如说你上班迟到了,或者更为严重一些的时候excuse程度要轻一些,比如说想要让人家给你让地方,说excuse me,突然之间打了个嚏喷,在。你可以有其他说法,例如1 My English isn#39t very good我的英文不太好2 ...

不好意思,我的英语不是很好,你能说慢点吗?翻译成英文是Sorry, my English is not very good. Can you speak slowly?sorry在这里表示“对不起的”,主要用于表示道歉和对自己所做的表示后悔。作此解时只能作表语。can在这里作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”,可表示体力、...

我的英语不好的英文翻译是My English is poor 。句子分析 My English is poor .我英语不太好;我英语很差。

英语的初学者说法如下:My English is not so good.\/ My English is poor.更符合外国人交流的说法如下:I am working hard on my English .

德阳市15292999960: 送分……中文翻成英文……很简单的1:抱歉我英语实在太差以至于我听不懂你在说什么.(用too.that.)………………2:抱歉我无法回答你的问题因为我只是上... -
众云杰列:[答案] 1.I'm so sorry,my English is too poor that I cannot understand what you said. 2.Sorry,I'm not coming for your question,I just come here to recite

德阳市15292999960: 听不懂外国人说话时,该怎么样回答.比如 对不起 我英语不好 所以不能和你对话 非常抱歉.用英文怎么说. -
众云杰列: 您好 您可以说,sorry ,my english is very bad,I can't understand you well.

德阳市15292999960: 对不起我英文不太好,可能交流有些困难.用英文怎麽说 -
众云杰列:[答案]对不起我英文不太好,可能交流有些困难. I am very sorry for my poor English, I may have some difficulties in comunicating with each of you. I am sorry, my English is not very good and I may have problems in comunicating with people here.

德阳市15292999960: 对不起,我不懂英语怎么讲 -
众云杰列: 1,先说这个:My English is not good 我英文不好, 再解释一下下:I don't understand your words 我听不懂你的话 或者这样说:I can't understand what you say 我听不懂你说什么 2,直接点可以这样说: I'm very busy,and My English is not good 我很忙,并且我英语不怎样

德阳市15292999960: 对不起我听不懂英语怎么说 -
众云杰列: 对不起我听不的中文:Sorry, I don't listen. listen 读法 英 ['lɪsn] 美 ['lɪsn] v. 听;倾听;听从;听信 n. 听;倾听 例句 1、She is listening to the radio. 她在听收音机. 2、It is boring to listen to the same story. 听相同的故事是令人厌烦的. 短语 ...

德阳市15292999960: 对不起,我只会说一点点英文,所以我听不懂你说什么 -
众云杰列: Sorry I only know a little English. So I can't understand what you mean.

德阳市15292999960: <对不起,我的英语不怎么好,所以不懂你的意思>用英语怎么说?
众云杰列: i am sorry,my English is poor,so i don't know your mean

德阳市15292999960: 对不起,我只会一点简单的英语,所以你说什么我没听懂!的英文怎么写?thabk you! -
众云杰列:[答案] Sorry,I can only speak a little English so that I didn't figure out what you said .

德阳市15292999960: “对不起,我听不懂你说的”用英语怎么说 -
众云杰列:[答案] Sorry,I don't know what you say!会读吧?中文:所瑞,唉党诺握友sèi

德阳市15292999960: 对不起我听不懂英语怎么说Sorry,Idon't/didn'tunderstand. 是用do还是用did? 多少钱用英语怎么说? 比较适合在英国美国用的. -
众云杰列:[答案] sorry,idon'tunderstandenglish.对不起,我不明白英语. sorry,idon'tspeakenglish.对不起,我不会说英语. 应该是don't因为当你说这句话的时候,是一般现在时.didn't用于过去式. howmuch.是多少钱!很多地方都可以用.

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