Jim is taller than____in his class.A. any student B.any others C. anyone else A和B为什么错了

作者&投稿:暨叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Jim is taller than__in his class.A.any student B.any others.C.anyone else D the other~

B any是不能修饰others这种不定代词的,答案是any other student/the other students才行
A 不用说了,因为any student把他自己也包括进去了
D the others=the other students就可以;但是the other单用时只能用在"两者中一者...而另一者"的结构中.

应该选B.any others =any other students

others一般和the搭配,还有others本来就有其它的意思,再就不用any修饰了,故B错。注:表示其它学生可用the others也可用other students,

A B 都包含了JIM JIM不可能比他自己还高所以A B都错 C是把JIM除开了的其他学生

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is taller than -- in his class.A.any student B.any others.C.anyone else D the other -
独秀翠莲: 正确答案是C B any是不能修饰others这种不定代词的,答案是any other student/the other students才行 A 不用说了,因为any student把他自己也包括进去了 D the others=the other students就可以;但是the other单用时只能用在"两者中一者...而另一者"的结构中.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: jim is taller than student in his class. -
独秀翠莲: Jim is taller than other students in his class.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is taller than any other boy in our class. -
独秀翠莲: Jim is taller than any other boyin our class. 的意思是“吉姆的个头比我们班任一个男孩都要高”,也就说“吉姆是我们班男孩中个头最高的”,所以同义句可以用下面的两种:1. Jim is the tallest boy in our class. [最高级 + in...(比较范围“]2. Jim is the tallest of all of the boys in our class. [最高级 + of ...(同类比较对象) ]

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: 一道英语题 Jim is a true traveller.He has been to a --
独秀翠莲: A. such 只能修饰名词,不能修饰形容词,不能选;B. much 只能修饰单数不可数名词,同样不能选;C. great 常用于大量的修饰词,如 a great number of(形容词),此处作程度副词修饰形容词many.(也是唯一剩下的答案啥)

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is taller than Jack, but shorter than Ken,so he should s - - - between them -
独秀翠莲: stand choose

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句) -
独秀翠莲: 您好!改为同义句是:Jim is (the)(tallest) of the three.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is the tallest student in his class.
独秀翠莲: Jim is taller than any other students in his class.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: 1.They are cuter than any other animals.2.Jim is taller than any other boy in his class.1.They are cuter than any other animals.这是书上的.2.Jim is taller than any ... -
独秀翠莲:[答案] 这里涉及到一个范围的问题2句为什么boy后不加s呢?原因在于Jim 是包括在his class中的(即Jim是他班里的一名成员),Jim是属于他们班级这个大范围里的,这个范围是有所指的(即Jim的班级)换句话说Jim和这个班级是有交...

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is taller than - ---in his class.A. any student B.any others C. anyone else A和B为什么错了 -
独秀翠莲: A B 都包含了JIM JIM不可能比他自己还高所以A B都错 C是把JIM除开了的其他学生

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15941827839: Jim is - --taller than me.选择题,要翻译理由哦~
独秀翠莲: 您好!选择much 这里taller 是形容词,要用用much 来修饰意思是:吉姆比我高很多. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

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