
作者&投稿:仲重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

---is the dog ? it ,s two
How old is the dog? It's two.

这只狗多重 用英文怎么说?
how much weight is this dog?how heavy is this dot?Could you please tell me how heavy this dog is?Could you please tell me how much weight this dog is?

be动词为:am is are. am用于第一人称,即 I am. 如 I am a boy.(我是一个男孩)is 用于第三人称单数,即it\/she\/he is,如It is a dog.(它是一只狗。) She is very beautiful.(她非常漂亮。) He is a doctor.(他是一名医生。)助动词为:do does did ...

The dog was dying. 句子结构是主系表还是主谓?就是问dying在此处是动 ...
eg.The dog was dying.The dog is dying.The dog died.The dog will die.都是一个述谓结构,语义是确定的,如果是主系表结构,必须满足be作系动词,而不是作为进行时时态的助动词,eg.The dog was dead.The dog is dead.The dog has been dead.这是同一个述谓结构,主系表结构。

he is a lucky dog是什么彦语
原文:he is a lucky dog 译文:他是个幸运儿 重点词汇:he 英 [hi; i:; i; hi:]释义:pron 他;(泛指的)人;上帝 n 男性,男子;雄性动物 n (He) (中、美、丹)赫(人名)短语:He should 他该

What dog never barks?——It is ___.
要加 a 原因很简单,因为hot dog是可数名词 举个例子:It is water. water不可数所以不加a\/an It is a hot dog. hot dog可数所以加a

[u]book look cook foot goodou\/ow[au]flower house count down[u]know row throw though[]young...如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨...3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两...

is it (real) a dog?用适当形式填空
is it (really) a dog? 副词 果真是一条狗?

19.___dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agre...
答案:D 原题:That the dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon byauthorities in the field.白话译文:狗是第一只被驯养的动物,这一点在该领域得到了权威人士的普遍认同。解析:1、A until表示直到……这里不符合句意。2、B it was the 这个句子已经倒装,后面...

~+名词 die a beggar 穷困潦倒而死 die a dog's death 死得可鄙 die a glorious death 死得光荣 die a hero's death 英勇牺牲 die a martyr ...He is no more.It is all over for him.He has passed away.He departed from this life.He slept the final sleep.He was numbered among the ...

呼齐13423464423问: 到底是you are dog正确还是you is dog正确……? -
长安区附子回答: You are a dog.

呼齐13423464423问: you is dog!什么意思 -
长安区附子回答: 确切的说是 you dog,意思是无耻之徒,或者是性生活糜烂.因为狗经常在公共场合交配.

呼齐13423464423问: YOU IS DOG 翻译 是啥子 -
长安区附子回答: 你是 狗 的意思 再说 还写错了 ..应该是 YOU ARE DOG

呼齐13423464423问: you is a dog中文是什么意思? -
长安区附子回答: 应该是 you are a dog 直译:“你是只狗” 意译:..亲你肯定明白啦..

呼齐13423464423问: you is a dog中文是什么意思? -
长安区附子回答: 在汉语中通常忌讳将人比喻成狗,但在英语中却屡见不鲜.使用时一般在dog前面加形容词,例如:aluckydog(幸运儿),agaydog(快乐的人),runningdog(走狗),alazydog(懒汉),acleverdog(聪明的家伙),aseadog(老练的海员)等.楼主把第二个词打错了吧?从语法上来说,应该是are.

呼齐13423464423问: you si dog是什么意思 -
长安区附子回答: 其实应该就是=you are a dog 其中si 是写错的吧?应该是 is, 意思同are,只是各自对应的主语不同 意思是:你是一只狗.或者根据意境不同,联系上下文可以理解为:你是一个幸运儿 you are a lucky dog

呼齐13423464423问: you is Dog 难道不是吗? 应该是 -
长安区附子回答: You are dog. 应该这样说,you做主语,系动词要用are.

呼齐13423464423问: you are a dog是什么意思 -
长安区附子回答: 你是一只狗 如果是you are a lucky dog 就是你是一个幸运儿

呼齐13423464423问: 子曰:“You is dog".是对的不
长安区附子回答: 不是.应该是You are dog.

呼齐13423464423问: you is hot dog翻译成中文 -
长安区附子回答: 这句话译为:你是热狗.要是宝宝解决了您的问题,望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~(哇哈哈^_^,这也是对我的一种鼓励)

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