
作者&投稿:米科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the Great Wall

How long does it take to get to the Great Wall?

The Great Wall is one of world construction miracles. East it, west,south, north criss-crossed network is continuous the fluctuation onthe Chinese vast land. The thing is distanced long amounts to morethan 5,000 kilometers, therefore was called it the Great Wall, is "theartificial project which on the Moon only can be able to see", also isthe Chinese first scenic spot and a Chinese traveling representative. As early as in the Spring and Autumn Period time, Chu country hasconstructed the long several hundred kilometers misclosure city wall,is called the side city. When Warring States, the swallow, Zhao, Wei,Han, Qin and so on all built the Great Wall in the boundary. After theChin Shihhuang unified world, the swallow, Zhao, the Qin originalnorth Great Wall connects, builds west near 洮 east to Liaodong'sGreat Wall, long ten thousand miles. Now north the Shanxi Datong,places such as Gansu Min county west end have the Qin Great Wallruins. In the ancient times transportation tool extremely backward situation,the construction so huge project, really was a great matter. Speciallyit is not the general dirt wall, but is the neat long and narrow stoneand the solid blue brick masonry and building. Some people calculate,if uses the bright Great Wall the brick, the stone and the folkrecipe, build together 2 meters thick, 4 meter high fence, may circlean Earth week. Does not need to say burns these bricks and stones, isdelivers them through the rugged ravine alley constructs the worksite, already was item of ten points favors the big project.Therefore, constructs the Great Wall really is a great action.

The Great Wall is one of world construction miracles. East it, west,south, north criss-crossed network is continuous the fluctuation onthe Chinese vast land. The thing is distanced long amounts to morethan 5,000 kilometers, therefore was called it the Great Wall, is \"theartificial project which on the Moon only can be able to see\", also isthe Chinese first scenic spot and a Chinese traveling representative. As early as in the Spring and Autumn Period time, Chu country hasconstructed the long several hundred kilometers misclosure city wall,is called the side city. When Warring States, the swallow, Zhao, Wei,Han, Qin and so on all built the Great Wall in the boundary. After theChin Shihhuang unified world, the swallow, Zhao, the Qin originalnorth Great Wall connects, builds west near 洮 east to Liaodong\'sGreat Wall, long ten thousand miles. Now north the Shanxi Datong,places such as Gansu Min county west end have the Qin Great Wallruins. In the ancient times transportation tool extremely backward situation



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西吉县13268485544: 哪位英语高手可以帮忙完整的翻译下面这段英文的意思,在下不胜感激!!! -
俞司君为: 这是一首美国人的小诗 The Flower Robert CreeleyI think I grow tensions like flowers in a wood where nobody goes.Each wound is perfect, encloses itself in a tiny imperceptible blossom, making pain.Pain is a flower like that one, like this one, ...

西吉县13268485544: 英语高手帮忙翻译 1.本周末有一个英语晚会 2.到长城要多长时间?3当她18岁那年毕业时,她决定做一名演员. -
俞司君为: There is a English party this weekend.How long time it takes (us) to go to the Great Walls?She decided to be an actress when graduated.Last Monday we got to the New York airport by air and went to the hotel by taxi.

西吉县13268485544: 求“瞳与影的世界”的最佳英文翻译.英语高手来. -
俞司君为: 瞳与影的世界A world of eyes and images瞳.影.界eyes.images.spaces以下是我曾对名称方面的翻译:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/10996221.html http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q788084774.htm http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q728586253....

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俞司君为: Hello,let me have a selfintroduction. my name is WangWei . Im from ChangChen middle school . Im ninty years old . I like study,basketball and football ,I have great interest in Bio-engineering . I want to kown more about Bio-engineering 大概就是这样啦 觉得好就采纳.

西吉县13268485544: 请高手帮忙翻译英语,就几句话,谢谢! -
俞司君为: After several thousand years of Chinese apparel vicissitudes of the wind and rain, and formed a rich Chinese style, broad and deep cultural system of national costu...

西吉县13268485544: 帮忙翻译一下,英语高手: -
俞司君为: data tells that after performing 2 hours, the three points ' temperature dif...

西吉县13268485544: 高手帮忙翻译一下“To the world you are about, but about, you are the World.” -
俞司君为: 这句子奇怪不过有个类似的句子是To the world you are one person, but to one person you may be the world这个的意思是对于这个世...

西吉县13268485544: 英语翻译,请高手帮忙! -
俞司君为: 1.我们明白,贵公司的“承诺”到什么我们已经要求过去几年,为了让我们公司的增长.可惜时间(惠益的天空,地球,人们-中国有句)是一点点缓慢 2:我不想浪费时间,如果菲律宾首都和其他地方的本质要求是有没有为我们的公司要经过这个时候, “消除” . 3.资本的支持,美国五十零点零万美元在形式的备用信用证/长 4.申请ccic自查与北京与您的帮助下他的女儿 5记得选我

西吉县13268485544: 英语高手们帮忙翻译一下(急求)!!!
俞司君为: 1 For the sake of convenience,these pictures will be exhibited by the time sequence. 2 It is required that you should stop when having traffic accident. 3 Different culture will vary from concept to method in education. 4 He is more of a poet than a ...

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