
作者&投稿:蒲光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(6) wushu personal project competition age group: 1, from children (group A) : A1 group: under 6 years of age (born after January 1, 2007 A2 group: 7 ~ 10 (in December 2006 to January 2003) 2, the young group (B group) : group B1:11 ~ 15 years old (between December 2002 and January 1998) B2 groups: 16 ~ 20 (between December 1997 and January 1993) 3, young group (group C) : C1 group: 21 ~ 30 years old (between December 1992 and January 1983) C2 groups: 31 and 40 (between December 1982 and January 1973) 4, the middle-aged group (group D) : D1 groups: 41 to 50 years old (between December 1972 and January 1963) : D2 group 51 to 60 years old (between December 1962 and January 1953) 5, elderly group (group E) : F1 group: 61 ~ 70 years old (between December 1952 and January 1943) F2 group: 71 ~ 75 years old (between December 1942 and January 1938) F3 groups: more than 76 years old (born before December 1937) (7) wushu all-around competition age group of the project:
1, children series (group A) : 10 (2003) before the age of 2, young group (group B) : 11 ~ 20 years (2002-2002) 3, young group (group C) : 21 ~ 40 years (1992-1973) 4, the middle-aged group (group D) : 41 ~ 60 years old (1972-1953) 5, elderly group (group E) : 61 ~ 71 years old (1957-1942 years), admission methods: (1) admission to separately according to the domestic and foreign groups (2) martial arts, fitness of individual project acceptance method individual to practice according to age groups, male and female respectively accepted gold prize, silver, bronze, 30% and 30%, 20% 20% excellence award. The above applicants are admitted into according to the actual number. Every individual to practice project registration after less than three people and groups, still less than a person, will be subject to the following admission to the results of the competition gold, silver, copper, honorable mention. Table 1 children series (group A), juvenile group (group B1) grade standard .
3) give admission to give to projects regardless of age, and men's and women's groups, according to wu, north boxing, tai chi class unarmed prepared, equipment prepared (punch and machinery prepared in equipment prepared), 20% accepted the gold, silver, bronze, 30% and 30%, 20% excellence award. The above applicants are admitted into according to the actual number. (4) martial arts all-around admission method 1, according to the competition project category, wu, north boxing, tai chi classes, this paper 4 categories of all-around. All-around according to the above group six before admission to the male and female respectively; 2, scoring methods: martial arts according to boxing, single short weapon, equipment three highest score the sum calculation; Tai chi boxing, tai chi program, taiji sword, or other instruments three highest score the sum calculation; This paper calculated at three boxing, sword, single. Ranking score more persons listed before, the total sum is equal to won the first prize bulls columns, such as still equal, to won the second prize bulls column, and so on. If for all places are equal, equal. (5) collective project acceptance method collective project according to wu, north boxing, tai chi classes, this paper classes, fitness of boxing, equipment (boxing routine in equipment and machinery), 20% accepted the gold, silver, bronze, 30% and 30%, 20% excellence award. Admission to the above proportion according to the actual entry DuiShu admission. (6) martial arts group achievement admission method 1, team both male and female, age group, 60% admitted; 2, martial arts class scoring methods: individual to practice project with 15 or more athletes won gold, silver and bronze medal score and collective project has won gold, silver and bronze medal total score is calculated. Various categories of six points 9 points score according to the gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal 3 points is calculated. Ranking score more persons listed before, the total sum is equal to won gold bulls columns, such as still equal, is to get the silver bulls column, and so on; As for all awards are equal, the number before those columns; If we are equal, are parallel.


乔治和理查德甚至在学校也展开了不良的竞争。理查德经常吹嘘:“我会成为科尔福德的第一个百万富翁!”“但你会因为认识我而失望的!”乔治这样反击他,“因为我将是镇里最好的律师。” 乔治并没有成为律师,理查德也根本没有赚多少钱。相反的是,两人在科尔福德大街的两侧(门对门地)开了书店。凭卖书想赚大钱是很困难的,因此他们之间的竞争更加激烈。
之后,理查德娶了一位神秘的女孩,夫妻二人到海滩去度蜜月——然而理查德却一去不回。警察在一片荒芜的海滩上看到了他的钱包,却一直没有找到他的尸体。他一定是(掉到海里)淹死了。 现在镇上仅有一家书店,乔治的生意比以前好些。但有时当他坐在自己狭小、破旧的厨房里,从很脏的窗户向外眺望的时候,他会想到他以前的竞争对手。或许他有些怀念理查德了?

“I’ll是Coleford的第一个百万富翁! ”理查过去常常吹嘘。
“And you’ll抱歉您在镇认识我, ”乔治会回复“because I’ll是最佳的律师! ”
George未曾适合律师,并且理查未曾挣所有金钱。 反而两个人打开了在Coleford大街的反面的书店。 由书挣金钱是难,使在他们之间的竞争更坏。
Then理查与一个神奇女孩结婚。 夫妇在coast—but理查上花费他们的蜜月未曾回来了。 警察发现了他的在一个离开的海滩的钱包,但是未曾发现尸体。 他一定淹没了。 与只一个书店的Now在镇,事务里为乔治是好。 但是他在他狭窄,老厨房里有时坐了并且注视了在肮脏的窗口外面,考虑他的正式敌手(竞争对手)。 或许他想念他?
George是非常对老字典感兴趣。 He’d在卖罕见的初版的澳洲最近发现了一位收藏家。 当小包到达了,书在完善的情况,并且乔治高兴。 但是,当他吃午餐时,乔治扫视了在报纸的照片书被包裹了。 他比他记住了,但是无误是astonished—the微笑的面孔老! 打颤,乔治开始读。
“Bookends买了从他们的敌手Dylans的十个书店。 公司,拥有由大富豪理查・派克,现在是Australia.”的最大的卖书者

“我将会是第一个百万富翁在Coleford !”理查德用来自夸。





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