
作者&投稿:门琰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



'm crazy for clothing, giving up originally flat road, choose the road bumps, no matter what other comments, but never regret, I always believe, do your own, is the most happy, hold your this stationary, can be achieved.

Intuition sensitive, active thinking, know oneself should do, what to do, insight into ability.

Can skilled operating clothing (CAD), Coreldraw, Illustrator, Photoshop software

Have a certain talent for clothing

i am infatuated with the costume,once i gave up other flat road then chosen this job.
no matter what they say, i will not regret about what i have chosen.
i still only believe in doing what i like,i will be the happiest.
if i stick to, it will be come ture one day
keep a close nose, have an active mind, keep the perceptive, konw what you should do and how to do.
i am good at using CAD,Coreldraw、 Illustrator 、Photoshop and other softwares.
i do well in costume.

靠 我对楼主和回答的敬佩犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝 而后如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

有些单词写的不对,大概翻译是: (qiao)乔歌,事情怎么样,很晚了,我们这样的地方……? 但我要对你说,我你……您抄的实在是不全啊,单词也有抄写错误,只能翻译这样了。

英语 翻译大师进.急急急急急急!
1.turn on air conditioning;2.relax in a cool place;3.during anti-Japanese war;4.hatred;5.senior sister apprentice;6.move dormitory(换宿舍);move into the dormitory 搬宿舍,入住宿舍。


I feel sick on your filthy smile. XX, stop mocking and F*CK off!……语气有点重,不知和你意否

英文大师进 帮我翻译一段文字
I like the word of fresh-experience although it is cruel.I'm do attach the importance of process.I appreciate a saying of Kerouac:"I'm still young,I'm desire to go forward with the initial passion, for puisuiting the original dream and feeling the sense of first-experience, ...

1 I've got a bad stomachache.you're beter take these pills three times a day and have a good sleep\/rest.2 I've got a cold. you'd better get lots of food\/tea\/coffee(热的食物什么的) and put on warm clothes.3 I feel terrible.l've got a fever. you'd better get ...

急 高分悬赏 英文棒的大师请进!帮我翻译几句话吧
1.生活就他妈是坨屎 我就是那根搅屎棒 life is like a shit ,and i am the stick to stir it up 2.笑 直到腹痛 哭 一直哭到笑 laugh, till you feel bellyache; cry, till you laugh 3.别跟我谈爱情 多伤钱啊 do not talk about love with me .it wastes money 4.年轻的生命不...

有了百姓拥护就同君父较量起来, 没有比这更大的罪过了。我还是逃走吧!”于是重耳逃到了狄国。 同他一块儿出逃的人有狐偃、赵衰、颠颉、魏武子和司空季子。狄国人攻打一个叫唐咎如的部落,俘获了君长的两个女儿叔隗和季隗,把她们送给了公子重耳。重耳娶了季魄,生下伯俦和 叔刘。他把叔隗给...

The pool outside the house is frozen.希望能帮到你...如果满意,请采纳...

Today, I read a book, Jane eyre. It moved me. It USES the Angle of the heroine Jane eyre tells the story of an abuse of the orphan as an independent, strong women's growth story.The protagonist of the book, Jane eyre though she had been bullied by aunt and cousin, but...

广汉市19355519636: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,万分感激 -
少世水飞: 正确翻译如下:This question is very simple, the company sent me to study in UK, only two months of time. You should know my career, I'm a costume designer so I have to keep study, and work very hard. Recently, I'm very tired, because of the time ...

广汉市19355519636: 英语厉害的进来帮我翻译下,万分感谢!
少世水飞: If it could, ends of the earth, I follow; If you never leave, I will never give up

广汉市19355519636: 请高手帮忙翻译下.万分感谢,虽然花费您很多时间,但是我会给予我最大的谢意. -
少世水飞: 借下楼上的回答,小做修改,希望别介意.Haidi Zhang in 5 years of age due to myelopathy, chest following a total paralyticed. She therefore did not go to school, her childhood began to self-knowledge with tenacious perseverance, she has self-...

广汉市19355519636: 求翻译大师帮忙帮忙翻译以下句子, 翻译得好,采纳及20分感谢!
少世水飞: Dear friend, although we are not married, but I have you as my people, my wife.Even if we cannot be together, I will quietly behind you and care about you, protect you, watching you,...Until the day I die

广汉市19355519636: 哪位大师能帮我翻译下面的句子?万分感谢!!! -
少世水飞: 你必须以(你的)痛苦,来偿还(你)超越本分的行为! 你必须以(你的)眼睛,来偿还(你)狂妄自大的行为! 你必须以(你的)鲜血,来偿还(你)背离叛变的行为! 注:超越本分,古时指地位在下的冒用在上的名义或器物等等, 尤指用皇家专用的.

广汉市19355519636: 英语信函翻译,请高手帮忙,万分感激!!!急急急,谢谢!!! -
少世水飞: 楼上机翻丢人害人.真无语.......我的翻译:(有调整 ) 设计/流程变动通知(最终版本) This is to inform you that a design and/or process change will be made to the following product(s). This notification is for your information and ...

广汉市19355519636: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下!万分感谢! -
少世水飞: Office of the Commissioner of Real Estate Property Right 房地产产权产籍监理处 Real Estate Authority 房地产业管理局

广汉市19355519636: 大师帮忙!译成英语!万分感谢!
少世水飞: This increase is for the antique, from the ancients brush, into their own compositions, although men say that he copied, still creating. The ancients of the pens is to Italy, and composition to digest, and then DragonVenture, opening and closing, the ...

广汉市19355519636: 请帮忙翻译下这段英文,万分感谢...
少世水飞: 夏天的飞鸟,来到我窗前,歌唱,又飞走了. 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘落在地上.

广汉市19355519636: 帮忙翻译下...英语句子,万分感谢!!!
少世水飞: 我关注我的健康.而且我的健康的生活方式帮助我获得好的等级.

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