英文大师进 帮我翻译一段文字

作者&投稿:贰仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Laoye mountain scenic area
Laoye mountain and hill, because the new yuan yuan gong's name. The original Qinghai province is one of nine scenic spot. Known as "the north wudang".
Laoye mountain elevation 2928 meters, relative height, LingXiao cliff 486 near downtown, and is the most magnificent landform of xining, the most beautiful scenery in the ancient mountains, "Weng pines, rock PanTi seaward, streams, scenery," miss scarlett, famous.
The annual lunar during the "land, land and flowers will grand dachaoshan, both at home and abroad.
One of the eight sights of xining grotesque "in this mountain abrupt". Main attractions related GuanYinDong temple, male, induction temple, cultural corridor, JinChan techniques, general feng, jade temple, the tiger's palace, and fight, uterine temple, wenchang hole etc.

标签/收据号码:LN12 7696 945U S

Life is a kind of process.
We should design this process fully intereting what constructed by a series of first-experience which acts as the most pure and beautiful part in the lifetime.It means dream,courage,creativity,exciting, persistence and so on,but sometimes it also accompanied with horror,anxiety,despair and risky.However, I like the word of fresh-experience although it is cruel.I'm do attach the importance of process.
I appreciate a saying of Kerouac:"I'm still young,I'm desire to go forward with the initial passion, for puisuiting the original dream and feeling the sense of first-experience, let's go!

Life is a process.

We are fully able to design this process very interesting and the reason why this process is interesting because it is the first experience by a thread composed of, early experiences are the best of life's most pure it means that part of the dream, courage , novelty, excitement and dedication ... ... But very often, the early experience is often accompanied by fear, worry, despair and danger, the early experience is cruel. I really like the word experience, because I was more attention to the process of people.

I like Kerouac said that phrase: I am still young, and I look forward to the road, with the initial passion, to pursue the original dream, felt the initial experience, we Sheung bar.

郊区13994331656: 英语高手进\帮我翻译一段话.
进彬乐青: 我的沙发已不在, 椅子也丢了. 也许我不知道幸福是什么, 我祝你幸福, 有一天,拥有你是我的目标, 等待、等待、等待, 相信你和我 .

郊区13994331656: 请英文高手进帮我翻译个中文说法哈
进彬乐青: 在我的梦境中,小孩们唱着爱之歌给每个男孩女孩听.天空是湛蓝的,田野是翠绿的,笑声是这个世界的语言.然后,我醒来了,我看到的世界,是充满了贫困的人们.一定得是这个样子吗?我是否错过了什么呢?因为我真的不懂,当那么多人需要某人的帮助的时候,没有人伸出援手.每天我都在问我自己,我该做些什么来当个男人,我是否该站起来奋斗.来证明给大家看,我是什么人,我的生命的意义在哪里.而不该是浪费在一个充满战争的世界. PS:我稍微修改了一些细节.倒数第二行的最后一个字应该是错了,应该是for. 还有最后一句,和前后文不是很符合,所以我也稍微修改过了.

郊区13994331656: 英语好的进,帮我把中文翻译成一段英文
进彬乐青: My ideal room This is my room.There is a small pink bed in the room,and there is a doll on the bed.My cellphone and schoolbag is on the table.The reading lamp is put on the Dressing table,and the book is on the pink bookcase.

郊区13994331656: 英语高手!帮我翻译一段话!进来~
进彬乐青: long ago,a girl fell in love with a boy,but the boy knew nothing about it--he ignored that girl.Until now,the boy found that he had fell in love with that girl to.But,maybe,everything has changed now.

郊区13994331656: 英文高手帮我翻译一段文
进彬乐青: My good friend calls Jinnah, her Chinese name and I call CHC equally, we knew since childhood. Jinnah is one cheerful the girl, she smiles time, a double eye narrows the eyes, is very lovable. Jinnah is very honest , makes the wrong thing certainly ...

郊区13994331656: 急求英语达人帮我翻译一段文字,本人英文水平有限 -
进彬乐青: Time will dilite everything. I still want to say: Don't be so extreme, no impossibility but giving up. Don't say no to love for sudden impulsion, there are still many who will treat you well. Let all go by nature with a bright mind's eye.what's more, to be more ...

郊区13994331656: 英语好的进,帮我翻译一段话! -
进彬乐青: 山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝.[这是意译] 以下是直译: (这段感情)将永远永远不会改变,也不会(随着时间的流逝而)褪色.(除非)山峰被磨平、河流枯竭、冬季电闪雷鸣、夏季雨雪交加、天地合为一体,否则,我决不会与你分离. 我想成为你的恋人. 一旦相爱,你将永远不会被我忘记.以上是我对这段英文的理解,个人认为虽然不能达到翻译“信、达、雅”的境界,但也能凑合,希望能给你一些参考.

郊区13994331656: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段商业邮件,谢谢(汉译英) -
进彬乐青: 1.This is our best price. This is the best price we can provide. This is our rock-bottom price. This is the rock-bottom price we can provide. (商务...

郊区13994331656: 大师请帮我翻译这段英文!急!!
进彬乐青:仔细思考.也许.我真的改变了.” 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你

郊区13994331656: 谢谢英语大神 帮我翻译一段文字... -
进彬乐青: Now China's economy is in rapid development stage, especially in our area of delta of the Yangtse River the development of private enterprises is more prosperous...

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