
作者&投稿:实闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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Zhangjiagang City in Jiangsu Province is located in the southeastern part of the two major coastal and the Yangtze River economic development zone Interchange emerging industrial port city. There is an international traders port of Zhangjiagang Port, China's only river port-Trade Zone in Jiangsu Province and Zhangjiagang Bonded Area in Zhangjiagang bonded logistics parks. To the end of 2006, Zhangjiagang total permanent population 879,000, external transient population 460,000 people. Auchan is located in Zhangjiagang City of Hong Kong. Zhangjiagang on the lower reaches of Yangtze Coast, the south-east Jiangsu Province, North Foreshore Yangtze, and Nantong, Rugao, Jingjiang sea; South near Taihu Lake, and Wuxi, Suzhou neighboring; east Changshu, Taicang, 98 km from Shanghai; Jiangyin west, Changzhou, Nanjing, 200 kilometers away from, along now presides over the eight towns, and often overcast sand Management District, the city's total area of 998.48 square kilometers. Hong Kong City an area 88,000 square meters, with a total investment of 580 million yuan. Currently, the construction of commercial buildings over 50,000 square meters, the main structure has been completed. The Plaza has 1,500 parking spaces to solve the other urban traffic difficulties, the problem of parking; and 1,000 motorcycle parking spaces, to completely resolve the motorized not into the city of 22,000. Hong Kong City basic function of the six plate, the 10 Format : Auchan, Paris wearing the world, a children's playground and Jinjiang Star, hotel-style villas and resorts, the food plaza, digital Square, home shopping, super-five-star hotel, leisure shopping street.



请各位帮我翻译一段话(汉译英) 翻译准确一点 机器翻译免进 我要用...

The present paper to economic information's characteristic, the market information and the related content has carried on the introduction. Through carries on the analysis to the present domestic small and medium-sized enterprise informationization management's present situation, pointed out ...


(4) to create a brand strategy of property management 1 market road.A realty management enterprise shall persevere in the process of creating famous brand enterprises to promote the overall level of enterprise to increase, so, in the fierce competition, quicker and better development. ...

Because there is something leave at school, I go back in the evening. Came into the classroom, it was dark, there's no one, only a bunch of Moonlight on the platform in front of the ground. I turned on the light to hear the sound of crying out, but only hear was ...


她总知道你的学习情况,给你买在学校要用的东西。如果你的学习成绩好,就可看到最灿烂的笑容堆在她的脸上。为了孩子,妈妈总会不惜放弃一切,不求回报。这是在世界上最真的爱!我们会永远记得母爱。~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下:Only Mother Love is true love. It's gives everybody ever...

Sweetie\/Dear, I just realised that there's such a big gap between us. I want to say " I love you ", but I'm tired. You know what, maybe we're not realistic. If one day you find out that I'm not in your sight anymore, suddenly I disappeared, please, don't be ...

am fourteen years old this year, coming from XX middle school. I am very happy that I can stand here to participate in this competition. Next, let me introduce our school to everyone...That's all, thank you everyone!如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励!如果有疑问可以追问 ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 麻烦各位帮忙翻译一下这几句话,谢谢1.行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高.2.企业成功的秘决在于对人才、产品、服务三项品质的坚持3.态度决定一... -
幸奚宁欣:[答案] 行动是成功的阶梯=Actions are the ladder of the success Behaviours are the ladder to the success Actions are the ladder leading to the success Actions are the ladder to the success ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 请大家帮我翻译下面那段话,谢了~``濮阳①人吕不韦②贾③于邯郸④,见秦质子异人,归而谓父曰:“耕田之利几倍?”曰:“十倍.”“珠玉之赢几倍?”... -
幸奚宁欣:[答案] 濮阳人吕不韦在赵都邯郸经商,看见秦国在赵国做人质的公子异人.回家后,便问他的父亲:“耕田可获利几倍呢?”父亲说:“十倍.”又问:“贩卖珠玉,或获利几倍呢?”父亲说:“百倍.”又问:“立一个国家的君主,可获利几...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 请人帮忙翻译一段话~谢谢~请高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段话,谢谢了: 去年暑假,我的好朋友PETER突然从美国的休斯顿回来了.当我看见他时,和他拥抱在... -
幸奚宁欣:[答案] Last summer,my good friend Peter unexpectedly came back from Huston ,the United States.I was so glad when I saw him that I can't help to embrace him.We visited the Happy Valley in Shenzhen that day.We...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 烦请高手帮忙翻译一句话烦请大家帮忙翻译下面一段句,谢谢大家!本项
幸奚宁欣: Battle line of project this long, about bank more than 50 kilometers; The project is scattered, though irritated the canal and linked to each other, the main building is relatively far apart, is it assign to construct and management bring great inconvenience , construct cost see a certain increase.

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译一下这几段话~~~~谢谢 -
幸奚宁欣: 我晕```你应该好好学习英语了``我比较懂英语``有什么事可以请教我哦```我先帮你翻译下``1.Existent problem when this thesis mainly studied a medium day to translate, basic is divided into two aspects, the phrase language choice and phrase ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 请大家帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢.
幸奚宁欣: Hello,Ladies and gentlemen.My name is XX.I am in Class 1 Grade 3 in Rizhao Middle School.I'm very happy to join the competition.I bring a small joke to you.I hope you will love it . 笑话一篇: One day when women's dresses were on sale at the ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
幸奚宁欣:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 麻烦大家帮我翻译这段话,译成英文的,谢谢!别说客气话,不用说谢谢!感谢您一直以来对我无私的帮助,鼓励.这种助人为乐的举措在这年头很难得!愿... -
幸奚宁欣:[答案] Don't say kind words,needless to say thank you!Thank you for your selfless I have been to help and encourage.Towards others such initiatives in this year of a rare!Your life to peace,health,happiness!If in the future have the opportunity to meet,I Was ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 请大家帮我吧下面一段话翻译成外语谢谢 -
幸奚宁欣: You said I don't love you, hurt you, perhaps this is the reason I hang around it, to your sentence, I want to do your father! In fact, I can do it wholeheartedly love you forever, in fact, maybe we will eventually have to be goodbye Why do we still love each ...

省直辖行政单位17830853000: 烦请大家帮忙和翻译下面这段话,急用! -
幸奚宁欣: 随着国家的深划改革以及改革开放政策的实施,中国与其他国家之间的差别受到了广泛关注.对外交流正在变得越来越重要,因此,跨文化的沟通能力必须从早期开始培养,并且通过外语...

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