
作者&投稿:贯钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

History has nobody should do a postmodern means with about a "classic" of the wicked (a Villain) how to be affection change into good. Why do we think this interesting? Because the best Gru has "the wicked" career choice is very novel, his world inside can avoid many of our in peacetime to take good care of interpersonal relationship, he can within the scope of certain and do what we can't do bad things. A postmodern villain world - this is absolutely originality has contribution.

But this originality is just a fur packaging, such stories of the material in Hollywood is simply mechanization mass production -- because he is not about evil men, is about selfish man:

- shrek 1: since privately closed monster because the friendship and the princess and the donkey of love and change

Headmaster: selfish - Ghost because of love and become the dentist is able to give

- little miss sunshine: selfish success to learn professor because family of affection and understand the meaning of success in life,

- telling jokes and the competition: selfish comedian because of cancer of friendship and change,

Etc - almost all comedies are so dot content; Why? Because comedy inside is about adverse circumstances, but the feeling is in less than too much pain zero - from Aristotle's poetics up, comedy is about this matter.

More than 2,000 years, after one of Hollywood writers guru mackey said: "good story isn't speak good people how to overcome difficulties, a good story is about how something evil in the great" good "in front succumb."


The selfish person must in some extent let people like:

No matter how ugly appearance, dirty, lifestyle, lack of interpersonal skill, nausea

Often they are very charming; wisdom,

Often they are professional spirit,

Often they are also very insist, find the target will not give up.

Our best Gru has besides above the Villain of the common advantages, besides some * * things

- although he selfish, but good temperament, robust manner,

-- he's a good managers, employees love him, he will also be concerned about the staff (appeared to some postmodern economic crisis means)

Then the script writers have a more brillant place -- he through character memories of childhood let we learned the best Gru has fragile.

We see this fragile is best Gru has "goodness" side. But because mother in his childhood continuously "evil", to attack him, make he inherited "evil" attack power.

Film smart place is centered around the "strike children" evil deeds speak out many jokes - I've never seen a movie appear so much harm children self-esteem story. and

This self-esteem in three children have lost, our best Gru has from the start using them, change to become realized is his own three children.

Change is in the playground scenes. Therefore said playground a miraculous place -- dating playground carnival should be able to help emotional development.

Finally we must gradually beat mother to best Gru has his "evil", a kind of method is through self realization to prove that I cannot be hitting no. 1







  [明] 顾炎武
  魏明帝殂,少帝即位,改元正始,凡九年,其十年则太尉司马懿杀大将军曹爽,而魏之大权移矣。三国鼎立至今垂三十年,一时名士风流,盛于雒下。乃其弃经典而尚老、庄,蔑礼法而崇放达,视其主之颠危若路人然,即此诸贤为之倡也。自此以后,竞相祖述,如《晋书》言王敦见卫玠,谓长史谢鲲曰,不意永嘉之末,复闻正始之音。沙门支遁以清谈著名于时,莫不崇敬,以为造微之功,足参诸正始。《宋书》言,羊玄保二子,太祖赐名曰咸、曰粲。谓玄保曰,欲令卿二子肖林下正始馀风。王微与何偃书曰,卿少陶玄风,淹雅修畅,自是正始中人。《南齐书》曰,袁粲言于帝曰,臣观张绪,有正始遗风。《南史》言,何尚之谓王球正始之风尚在。--其为后人企慕如此。然而《晋书 儒林传 序》云,“摈阙里之典经,习正始之馀论,指礼法为流俗,目纵诞为清高”,此则虚名虽被于时流,笃论未忘乎学者。是以讲明六艺,郑、王为集汉之终;演说老、庄,王、何为开晋之始。以至国亡于上,教沦于下,羌、戎互僭,君臣屡易,非林下诸贤之咎,而咎谁哉?


Such as "the words of the chapter of WangDui see WeiJie, refers to the history of long XieKun yue:" does not always fine, the smell is at the end of the beginning. "the voice ZhiDun salmonella to talk, either in famous, who thought "made the function of micro, foot and the zhengshi."
The high admire so for later generations. But "the ratios of the chapter of the sequence? Cloud:" in the Canon of que out in the cold, XiZheng beginning more than the theory of propriety, refers to rise, orders for Christmas. "thou in the longitudinal This is hollow reputation is to be shed, Benedict has to do not forget the scholars of. Is LiuYi confidently, zheng, and WangWeiJi end of han; Speech, king zhuang, what is open in the beginning of the jin. That country wu in, reduced to teach, qiang hu, whom officials repeatedly to each other, and the forests of jinpai writers turn blame and who to blame zai!!!!!

高手帮忙翻译一下John Steinbeck的一小段获奖感言~!
我认为他在努力发明,并使用其他手段来控制这些发明的反作用。 我认为他发现了他的所为留在了人们头脑的精神世界里。 对我来说,他的思想在设制的些奖项里分别被明显地表明出来。


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高手帮忙翻译一下John Steinbeck的一段Nobel获奖感言
诺贝尔看到一些残忍、血腥的人误用他的发明。他甚至可以预见的最终结果是 他的探索-获得最终暴力-最后的毁灭 有人说他是玩世不恭,但我不相信这一点。我认为,他致力于发明一种维护和平的、安全的东西。我认为,他最后致力于造福人的心灵和人类的精神。对我来说,他的思想是明确推选出这些奖项。参考...

I can't go and I can't cty.cos my body is withered.I'll stay with you forever like this.cos I know your pain.

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