
作者&投稿:铎殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一个5人的英语情景小对话 急!在线等~

At a restaurant
A:Hi, B. How are you?
B:I'm good, thank you. This is my sister C. Do you know each other?
C: No. Nice to meet you. Your necklace is very nice.
A: Oh, thanks. Nice to meet you, too.
B(answer the phone): Hey, D. Where are you right now? How much time is it still gonna take for you to get here?
D:Oh, hey. We are at the 41th avenue right now, and we will arrive within about 5 minutes. Hold on, E wants to talk to you.(give the phone to E)
E:B? Could you tel me your sister's phone number? Last time my cell phone was out of battery. Remember?
B:Sure. I guess she will tell you by herself when you guys arrive at the restaurant.
E:Haha. I see you sitting near the window! Look out of the window !
B:Oh, you are here already. Come in quickly. (hang up the phone)
E(hang up the phone)and D: Good afternoon, guys.
A:Oh, I'm so hungry. Let's get started!
All: Haha, sure! Let's order some dishes!

A: Hey, dude!
B: Hey, what's up!
A: Not much...
B: Do you still remember the proverb "A friend in need is the friend indeed" we learned today in the class?
A: Sure!
B: What do you think of it?
A: En... It is good, very imprressive~
B: Come on, I'm serious. Your answer is too broad...
A: Well, it seems you'd like to talk about this sentence, unh?! So what do you think of it?
B: Me?! I think it's a very wise and meaningful sentence. I mean not only of that it reveals a principle of the true friendship, but also teaches me the way to perform in the friendship. For example, "friend", this word doesn't mean the guy you hang out with, but a partner, a helper, supporter who always stands with you whenever you are in morass or in heydays.
A: Well, you have a very strong sense on this... I confess I didn't think a lot as you did... but since you have thought of it... you know, it sort of stirs up my feelings now.
B: Okay, then, what do you think?
A: Have you ever seen the ?
B: Sure, it's the best ever!
A: Yeah. I am a insanely faithful fan to that... you know why? it is just because the that show delivers a virtual sense and a ture scene of friendship. Friendship actually is a common sense, a sympathy, which is exactly depicted in the . For example, in the show, the altercations are seemed inevitable sometimes and tactics are sometimes applicated, however, the betrayal never exists for they all faithfully love each other, namely, they absolutely have a thing together.
B: Yeah, that is right! friends have a thing!
A: What's more, real fiends have the thing, which is exactly the sigh of friendship, and so the faked friends would never acquire this for they never attach their true feelings on the friendship.For example, in the , Joey himself likes to bring chicks back home, however, he never has a really durable relationship for he wants only sex... samething with the friendship, you know... Here is point, since real friends have the thing, they would stick together as long as they believe the "thing" and that's the underlying explaination of that the proverb describes. So I mean... you said the sentence tells people how to perform friendship, right?
A: Yeah. That is what I got from it.
B: Ok, I mean people should develope the thing first! Then, the proverb predicts the result.
A: That's right! Your thought are amazing!
B: And you know what? We actually have a thing together! Both of us have impressive thoughts on this!
A: Right! Come, give me a hug!

1.you smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this
I had been waiting long.你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。
2.the mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty.雾,象爱情一样,在山峰的心上游戏,生出种种美丽的变幻。
3.light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night
whisper to me of love. 在我的心头燃点起那休憩的黄昏星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。

:i'm fine ,and you ?
:me too



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