
作者&投稿:恽奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In recent years, with the expansion of our recruitment, increasing number of students, the consumer market, but also gradually expanded due to a shortage of supply market after school provide goods business already cannot satisfy the needs of the consumers. According to our school after the consumptive market survey that 65 percent of them: "the school consumption, 51% of people think commodity price expensive and not beautiful, after nearly 70 percent of people hope the monopoly of the school improvement, nearly 65% phenomenon of hope in the future development of food after school to be innovative, direction of consumers have more choices, nearly 90 percent of people believe should be expanded, nearly 60% of business that if there are other consumer place, they can consider whether to continue the school consumption. So these problems to solve.
(1), resource limitations:
Social resources are limited, as a household cannot give every member of its like every thing. The institute of business school after the wealth, the area is lesser, booth here people not only include spending more than 9,000 tianfu college students, and the institute of nanshan, vocational school and bilingual construction site and the surrounding Citroen company personnel to consumer, it is caused by commercial cannot satisfy our each person's life needs.
(2), the contradiction between supply and demand:
Demand is willing and able to sell to certain substances, demand is willing and able to buy refers to the buyer of goods, when demand is greater or less than the contradiction between supply and demand and supply called back to college because of commercial area is lesser, businessmen, but can't sell products, but also more and more consumer groups, the ability to purchase goods, so demand greater than supply and demand, the contradiction between supply and demand in the demand.
(3), cost:
The total cost is used in the production of the market value of the investment, business management needs input, and the cost of money (not including fixed costs as changes cost), variable costs (with the changes of our school, after the commercial area is small, the high rent, so the merchants need to input, and the high cost of fixed position, purchase resources too far behind the school faced an fluctuation, the smaller, so consumer people variable costs.
(4), forming the lack of competition: monopoly,
Oligarchs is only a few offer similar or identical products selling market structure, there are many sell monopolistic competition is similar but not identical products market structure. After school downtown area is too small, the businessman is limited, so the merchants formation, and a series of oligarchic monopoly, especially in food, supermarket, restaurant provides the same food rarely phenomenon seldom, thus formed the monopolistic competition.
To solve the problem:
A, expand the business area, increasing the supply
With our college recruit students number, increasing number increases year by year. For distributors, this is a very big market. In the market, has prompted them to participate in the market competition, but, owing to the school gate business area is finite, can provide the appearance, booths, etc, it is limited to let dealers can provide all kinds of consumer goods, and thus limited. According to the market investigation and analysis of various commodities in the gate, and can meet the demand of the consumers, basically meeting about 7% of about 52%, cannot satisfy the approximately 41 percent. We can see that the goods cannot completely, meet the needs of the consumers, so we need to provide more abundant commodity types and styles, to meet consumers' needs.
(1) gradually expand business area. First, so that there is more merchants to enter the market, thus increasing competition, then, will produce an incentive effect. In economics, people respond to incentives will (4), thereby improving principle of current not ideal state. To improve health conditions, such as: Increase product quantity, Pays attention to product quality. To improve service attitude. In order to attract more customers. Second, expanding commercial area, have increased supply and demand in certain period is relatively stable, therefore, the price will drop accordingly.
(2) to the sale of goods flow, of course not include a facade-like vendors. Suggest that retailers bring sales tool everyday to commercial sale of goods, (of course have qualified health condition and the corresponding equipment) rather than a fixed point in every day. Also can take in the limited space, for example, if the multilayer decoration with trucks with goods sales, we can use fruit box such things will be put inside, if neatly in the glass is such, can be converted into its layers, prepare flexible close put chairs bench etc.
Second, strengthen competition, breaking monopoly situation
Actively encourage more vendors involved in the market, to provide more goods to meet the needs of the consumers. Encouraging similar products. After school, because of the limited sales business Co., LTD, has formed the monopoly situation. So they can discuss in the circumstances, forming a collusion between the enterprise market production in charge or the price agreement), deliberately price-gouging, which is not only the unfair market order, and give consumers brings serious economic burden, especially for students. The survey found that are deliberately, 28% of higher prices, benefit. At this time, you have to say to the government. Because the government can sometimes improve market effect (7), because only the principle of tangible and intangible hands makes hand market more standardized, more equal. If the government can invest near the school built a relatively large and comprehensive market.
Three, and improve the management idea
Due to the operators are for the purpose of profit, so, basically all their activities are surrounded by the lowest cost, and how to gain the maximum income. When fixed costs are not much change, for these purposes, they will ignore some seemingly small problems.









有一天你过来我的生活,并且说我就是你的公主,是你最好的爱的人。你会永远让我快乐。你告诉我真正的爱情是给而不是取。所以你想给我一样东西,因为我是你的爱人。我相信你,你的每一个真实姿态(wards believe true










有一天你过来我的生活,并且说我就是你的公主,是你最好的爱的人。你会永远让我快乐。你告诉我真正的爱情是给而不是取。所以你想给我一样东西,因为我是你的爱人。我相信你,你的每一个wardsis bwlieve ture。因此我把我的心交给你。我是真正的我将会快乐与你在一起的感觉。











有一天你过来我的生活,并且说我就是你的公主,是你最好的爱的人。你会永远让我快乐。你告诉我真正的爱情是给而不是取。所以你想给我一样东西,因为我是你的爱人。我相信你,你的每一个wardsis bwlieve ture。因此我把我的心交给你。我是真正的我将会快乐与你在一起的感觉。
















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