
作者&投稿:豫尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英文翻译 整篇~

The relationship between Chinese culture and Jade
Understand the relationship between Chinese culture and Jade must first understand the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, Chinese traditional culture has always been physical and chemical characteristics of Jiyu, natural rivers and mountains, the great works and inventions, the dragon totem beliefs, excellent handicrafts in bronze, porcelain , but no one objects more than jade carrier such lasting and general.
1, "Heaven and earth, students of this are" characteristics of the farming-based culture
For thousands of years, people grow daily routine in the "Yellow Earth", the lifeblood of the land as their own, facing the loess in the generation of the long dorsal overturned, the Chinese people develop a practical, honest and sincere Tokujitsu character. Agriculture-based culture, to relationships and a harmonious relationship between man and nature as an ideal target. High-brother has a son Confucius said: "The ceremony used, and for you." Mencius said: "The timing than location, location not as good as people." "Moderate," says: "and also who is also the world of up to Road." Therefore, individuals must obey society's interest groups, no individual's independence, personal melt into the population.
Agricultural society dependent on the weather, the relationship between heaven, do not stress the opposite side, but stressed that its the same side. The so-called "Heaven" is to coordinate the relationship between man and nature.
This feature coincides with the texture of jade is closely related to the natural beauty of jade and jade can meet the needs of agricultural civilization that time, while the rare and precious jade can reflect the materialization of social hierarchy, is the moral and cultural values of ancient people carrier. Jade elevation and shape to meet the Cerebra, jade decoration body mystical concept of faith. Xu Shen in Eastern Han Dynasty, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" said: "Jade, who is also the beauty of stone." Jade is a "stone of heaven" because the lessons intelligence in this world and have a mystical significance. Because human and nature of traditional Chinese culture is a harmonious whole, "Heaven, body and spirit."


This paper the five-star hotel in chengdu from personnel of intercultural communication, discuss the start point for cross-cultural communication in the development status and now hotel development idea. After analysis Through the five-star hotel in chengdu practitioners intercultural communication competence and the analysis of the current situation of the comparison with the similar foreign personnel, the design gives the future development of high-grade hotel employees cross-cultural communication methods and the development idea. And hope for practice process, provide certain theoretical basis and the reference.

Through the investigation and analysis, we can know the present hotel employees ability to cross-cultural communication are still at the preliminary state, no system management and system of training, and no cause enterprise pay enough attention to the hope that through some advice can make relevant departments to make this aspect of the development of training and management standardization.

新世说整篇翻译 5 谁知道整一篇文章哪里有翻译啊,帮帮忙,急需用啊... 谁知道整一篇文章哪里有翻译啊,帮帮忙,急需用啊 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故? aprilwhy 2008-08-18 · TA获得超过268个赞 知道答主 回答量:62 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:50.2万 我也去...

何灌字仲源 整篇翻译

有些人带来,放在那里不用等待谢谢。事实上,超过90%的慈善商店的东西都是善良的人。 所有的钱商店去慈善工作。慈善商店提高每年超过1.1亿英镑。钱生病和贫困儿童无家可归,残疾人,和许多其他人。在慈善商店你可以得到便宜的但好东西。购物时你甚至感到很特别。 如果可能,让我们一起为慈善事业做些事情。


原文:明有奇巧人曰王叔远,能以径寸之木,为宫室、器皿(mǐn) 、人物,以至鸟兽、木石,罔(wǎng)不因势 象形,各具情态。尝贻(yí)余核舟一,盖大苏泛赤壁云。舟首尾长约八分有(yòu)奇(jī),高可二黍(shǔ)许。中轩敞者为舱,箬(ruò)篷覆之。旁开小窗,左右各四,共八扇。


花之有利于人。。。整篇翻译 跪求



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并吕羚黄: This paper the five-star hotel in chengdu from personnel of intercultural communication, discuss the start point for cross-cultural communication in the development status an...

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