
作者&投稿:夏缸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A:Shall we srart our discussion?
A:Today we are goning to discuss a book report with "Honey".
B:The first sub-topic we have to discuss what is the book talk about?In my opinion,it is talk about the girl(Honey) loves to dance.She likes to hip-pop.But her mother doesn't suport her.She never give up.She find a job in outside.One day ,her boss want to flirt her,her decide give up the job.Because her boss is a famous charater,if he tells any other dance companies don't invite Honey,Honey's future looks grim.She give a show for herself.At last,the show smooth going.Honey also be a famous girl.what do you think?
A:Yes!I agree with you.I think Honey is a tough girl.I think we should move on the next point.what does the book want to tell us? I think the book want to tell us if you don't give up,you will be the best.We need to face up the problem,and then will find a way out of a difficulty.Do you agree with me?
B:Yes!we must face up the problem.It is times up.I think we need to discuss next time.

L: Oh, today's weather is awful. The wind blows so strongly and dust blows everywhere.
M: Yeah, it's terrible. But you know, it's not uncommon to have such dust storms in Beijing.
L: Why do the dust storms come so strongly this year? I've never seen such strong storms before.
M: According to the meteorologists view, the dust weather has much to do with the scarcity of rain, the dry air and exposed soil with immature plants in the area.
L: Right, right.
M: And the worsening desertification is another major reason.
L: To tell the truth, I don't like Beijing for two reasons. One is the pollution, and the other is the serious traffic jam.
M: Desertification and pollution caused by the heavy industries and car exhaust emission makes Beijing an entremely dirty city to live in.
L: In China, economic development has often been achieved at the cost of the environment.
M: But Beijing has tightened its environmental protection measures in the past few year.
L: Yes, Beijing hopes to host a "Green Olympics".
M: I hope Beijng starts to take on a new look now.
L: I hope so.

1. 太阳追赶乌云,照亮了大地,白云又跑到了蓝天上来嬉戏。推开窗户,一阵泥土的清香迎面扑来,空气格外清新。杨柳的枝条经过雨水的冲洗,绿得发亮。一这阵风吹来,不时抖落下一些留在树叶上的水珠。雨后的天气更美,空气更新鲜。2. 太阳在为它的巨大能力微笑,人们却在一旁苦恼。当然我们还是想到了一...



一、炎热的天气 夏天,我们最先感受到的就是炎热的气温。阳光炽热,炎炎夏日,炎炎烈日,这种炎热的天气让人感到汗流浃背,需要不断地寻找凉快的地方和方式降温。这也是夏天最直观、最直接的感受。二、生机勃勃的自然界 夏天也是万物生长的时节,自然界充满了生机和活力。绿树成荫,草木茂盛,各种昆虫和...


关于天气的手抄报 关于天气的手抄报内容分享


L: Oh, today's weather is awful. The wind blows so strongly and dust blows everywhere.M: Yeah, it's terrible. But you know, it's not uncommon to have such dust storms in Beijing.L: Why do the dust storms come so strongly this year? I've never seen such strong storms...



新会区13232298822: 写一段关于天气或娱乐运动的英语对话,3分钟左右,2个人的.急!!!在线等,谢谢大伙啊. -
红陆世保: L: Oh, today's weather is awful. The wind blows so strongly and dust blows everywhere. M: Yeah, it's terrible. But you know, it's not uncommon to have such dust storms in Beijing. L: Why do the dust storms come so strongly this year? I've never seen ...

新会区13232298822: 写一段英语对话(谈论天气与活动) -
红陆世保: Person A: Wow, nice weather today! person B: Yes, it is! Do you know the weather tomorrow? person A: I heard it is sunny! Person B: Awesome! Are you doing anything tomorrow? Person A: No, why? Person B: Let's go play basketball! Person A: Okay, but remind me to bring sun screen, I do not want to get tan.

新会区13232298822: 两人英语对话 见面语 询问天气 时间家乡 爱好的对话(简单点就行) -
红陆世保: hellon(你好) Nice to meet you(很高兴见到你) How is the weather like today?(今天的天气怎么样?) Today the weather good. Very suitable for outdoor sports.(今天的天气不错的.很适合户外运动.) What time is it now?(现在几点了?) At 9:30 am points(上午9:30分) What sports do you like?(你喜欢什么运动?) I like to play badminton(我喜欢打羽毛球)

新会区13232298822: 求四人英语情景对话关于运动、天气、食物饮料、健康、音乐 都可以内容要尽量多 -
红陆世保:[答案] A:host(主持人) B:CEO of a company(一家公司的总裁) C:a university student(一个大学生) D:psychologist(心理学... (当然,当我十岁的时候,我看了一篇文章关于比尔盖茨的,从那以后,我一直致力于对我们的社会作出贡献,很幸运的,...

新会区13232298822: 关于天气的英语对话(不少于16句), -
红陆世保:[答案] 第一部分(Part 1) A:It looks like it''s going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天. B:Yes,it''s much better than yesterday. ... B:Well,the worst of the winter should be over. 不过,冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去了. 第三部分(Part 3) A:It seems to be ...

新会区13232298822: 求英语高手,编写一段关于今天天气的2人对话,急用!!! -
红陆世保: “俊狼猎英”团队为您解答.A:Hi,Jiamin.B:Hi,Yongxian.A:It's a fine today,isn't it?B:Yes.A very nice day.But the weather report says we'll have shower this afternoon!A:But it seems it isn't going to rain.Look,the sun is shining brightly.B:Sometimes ...

新会区13232298822: 写一段有关于讨论天气(take about the weather)的对话用英语翻译出来 -
红陆世保: A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you're traveling, remember that there is considerable variation in climate in the United States.1.A: Beautiful day, isn't it?B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.A: I ...

新会区13232298822: 关于介绍天气的英文对话 -
红陆世保: What's the weather like today? It's sunny I like sunny day. i can play outside.ican go to the park. what weather do you like? I like snowy day.because i can make a snowman and i can have a snowball fight with my friends. oh ,i like snowy day too.i don't like windy day. Me too.

新会区13232298822: 我要写一篇3人的英语谈论天气对话,能帮帮我嘛? -
红陆世保: A:what's the weather like today?B:it's sunny now ,isn't it?C:yes of course it is can we go shopping this afternoon?A:why not? let's go together..

新会区13232298822: 关于天气的英语对话,稍微长点,有急用 -
红陆世保: Part 1 A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天. B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday. 是的,比昨天好多了. A: They say we're going to get some rain later. 据说待会儿要下雨. B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm. ...

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