
作者&投稿:仇由耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"What do you want tea or coffee\" dining are frequently asked questions, many westerners will choose coffee, and the Chinese will choose tea, according to legend, a Chinese emperor discovered tea in five thousand years ago, and used to heal, during the period of the Ming and qing dynasties, tea houses all over the country, tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, spread to Europe and the United States, but it was not until the 18th century today, tea is one of the most popular drink in the world, tea is the treasure of China, is also an important part of Chinese tradition and culture.

Our Chinese nation has a long history,
There are many traditional culture,
Among them,
The martial arts are our most interested in the traditional culture.
I like to practice martial arts,
Although martial arts is very bitter very tired,
But I insist on, and happiness within.
In cold winter to get up early too,
I was in the practice room practicing sweating,
Summer is needless to say.
But in the learning process of wushu,
I not only physical exercise,
Also developed the courage to fight,
Do not be afraid of bear hardships of the martial spirit.
I like martial arts and is influenced by her mother,
When you are young, the mother always work hard,
Work from dawn to night.
I got sick,
But the disease without overwhelming mother,
She began to exercise,
开始学习太极,Begin to learn Tai chi,
Self-cultivation, until now, adhere to10years,
Now the mother was ill, and the body is getting better and better,
More and more young.
Mother insisted on the persistent spirit has inspired me,
As I adhere to martial arts power.
Martial arts with me, it brought me a lifetime of health,
Be my lifelong interest in.

Through the above, we can see that the exposition has become increasingly network technology integration in our lives, for the life of the new approach. With the wireless network (WIRELESS), It greatly facilitate our communication and exchange. However, we are familiar with the cable network (WIRED) also exist It can not be replaced advantage. Wireless network to a cable network added, rather than an alternative. Let us start with the cost, speed, safety, flexibility to compare their respective features : Cost : network equipment such as routers, switches, like the card is essential, in the Networking products purchased somewhat different, hence its group net cost is the difference. Cable Access hardware and equipment costs in relation to the modes of wireless access, it is rather cheap. Although wireless networks save the cost of wiring, but the overall comparison, its group net cost is still relatively high. Speed : Line network transmission speed faster, but also more stable, generally 100M,1000M. and the wireless rate, relatively speaking, a little slower, the decline is relatively serious, usually 11M,54M. 108M. This shows that the speed of cable technology in the provision of wireless technology not supported by the dedicated network bandwidth. especially for those data-intensive applications or large amounts of data transmission at the same time, Wireless network and cable network performance comparison is a bit less. Security : An important issue is to guarantee the security of the network, especially when you are using broadband connectivity at this point is particularly important. Although wireless technology has many advantages, But wireless network security and there is no way to a cable network security par, Unless you deploy end-to-end encryption technology, there is no guarantee the so-called wireless network truly secure communications. Flexibility : traditional cable network cabling layout to be the pattern of restriction, if the reserve is not the line Cabling and debugging output will be very large, the network of nodes and the relocation of Mobile is also very troublesome. If the use of the wireless network can be completely solved the above problems, because wireless LAN small size, light weight, easy to carry, it can be brought at any time organizing networks instead of pulling a long line network, not subject to space constraints and network installation time of distress is very convenient.

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龙城区15934483188: 求助这段话的英文翻译!!!!!
弋叛苦黄: This article implicitly described a mother educating her child in the form of a letter.The sincere affection is not only moving but also inspiring.

龙城区15934483188: 这段话翻译成英语,怎么说? -
弋叛苦黄: You are alone and cynicism surface, (may) carried on the love of parents and miss, carrying too much responsibility and pressure, with contradictions "own mood" sister or brother, you will never leave the tears only his own family.

龙城区15934483188: 请帮忙把 这段话翻译成英文
弋叛苦黄: 您好!翻译为:I hope you can enjoy your vacation,pay attention to your safety, and reduce your stress.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

龙城区15934483188: 这段话怎样翻译成英语?
弋叛苦黄: Tom wants to go to the zoo, but he does not know the way how to walk, he asked the police, the policeman told him that go straight along this street, and take the third crossing, zoo in front of about 1 km, Tom asked whether to go by bus, take a few ...

龙城区15934483188: 这段话咋翻译成英文??
弋叛苦黄: 你好 翻译为Hello, we place a little remote, goods will not necessarily temporary arrived, may be a few days later, would you please understanding, in order to show our apology, we will give you send a, really very sorry, would you please understanding望采纳

龙城区15934483188: 怎么样把这段话翻译为英语? -
弋叛苦黄: the computer in my home broke down in the last a few days, so i wasn't able to keep in touch with you. please forgive me for that. i'm having some difficulties with my study. i heard it from Jane that you have changed your job. are you busy lately? be ...

龙城区15934483188: 请问这段话该如何翻译成英文?要专业的! -
弋叛苦黄: 我自己翻得,不知道准不准.A baptism in the rain, to grow in experience. If I force you, just do not know how good the starting point for most people, in fact, are the same, which is before the show with a large gap response -.your account and you ...

龙城区15934483188: 这段话用英文怎样翻译
弋叛苦黄: It has been holiday already, however, it an enjoyable time. But, I miss you so much, currently. Facing you, even though I pretent to be a stranger. Actually, I am absolutely absorbed to you. How near the distance between you and me, but in some cases...

龙城区15934483188: 请把这段话翻译成英文 -
弋叛苦黄: We had to bow down to helplessness. Although I still wanted to smile proudly, your cowardice made it impossible. I can only pretend not to care what I really do and unwillingly for...

龙城区15934483188: 把这段话翻译成英语
弋叛苦黄: 把这段话翻译成英语 Please translate this passage into English

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