
作者&投稿:薄月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The changes in science and technology, and human's contribution to human survival and also makes the earth suffered serious damage. Along with the development of agricultural production and chemical pollutants on the environment, the health of human beings, the harm to social development, more and more attention from the whole society, protect human survival environment has become the common people. In order to make every citizen was set up strong awareness of environmental protection, I combined with junior high school chemistry curriculum teaching about environmental protection education are discussed in this paper.

Language is a major means to communicate with each other. Though language can be used to write or as other media, it is mainly used verbally. If the verbal form is not available, some visual means such as sign language can be used as an alternative. One of the leading features of language is that the connection between linguistic symbol and its meaning is often arbitrary. Language can serve for discussing a broad range of issues, and this is what distinguishes language from the communication among animals.

Thank you for your greetings, and this is my new mobile phone number, the old phone number is no longer in use, but because there are some money unused, and so did not stop, probably September this year old cell phone number will stop. A new mobile phone number is last year I hand in my free time consuming of fixed telephone, I like this number, so I decided to use it. From the end of last year my new job, and, because I am in the end of last year when the TC recruitment exam through. Last week I not in company, I in the field open supplier quality annual meeting. Are you ok? I also very much like to know about you, tell me?

Thanks for your greetings. This is my new mobile phonenumber, which would instead of the old one. I will not use the new number until charges used up.The reason for me to use it not just loving ,but also it's a gift when I paid for the landline charges last year. I have passed the TC recruitment exams so that I have been one members of TC at the end of last year.I was absent from company last week because I had a annual meeting for suppliers about quality out of town. How are you? Would you mind tell me your news?

We do a lot of exercises every day.3我有两本工具书,一本借给了马丽,一本借给了汤姆.I have two books that can be tools by my work,one lended to Mary,another to Tom.4我不仅帮马丽还帮助所有人,因为我和所有人都是朋友.I not only help Mary but also everyone,because everyone is...

I'm not breaking up with you.我不要分了 Thus,you're still mine.所以你还是我的 I won't let go of you, neither will you.我不要放手,所以你也不许放手 And we are going be together forever.我要我们永远在一起 So, even if it's just an illusion, please, promise me all th...

1.这是一本很有趣的书,它吸引了很多读者,我也很感兴趣.This is an interesting book which attracts a lot of readers and I'm rather interested in it.2.这消息使我们大家都很吃惊.This news makes us all suprised.3.这是个动人的故事,我们都被感动了.This is a moving story, we are ...

Let me say something about our school and the education of our country. There're many classes in our grade. Each class has more than 60 students. The number of the students in my class is 3 times as large as yours. In our country, the schools include primary schools, junior...

Dear passengers,long journey for you!Now we are reaching our destination,Chengdu. It’s the capital of Sichuan Province,centre of its politics,economic and culture.It has also been well-known as “the land of abundance”.We are arriving at Shilin Station,you can choose buses ...

Cheng's father passed away two years. Has not portrait. One day he chanced to meet an old beggar was exactly like his father. Words like go home, so that artists painted Zhang shining portrait of his father. That have enough to eat a good addition to the daily management, ...

Natural calamity of agriculture means that the agricultural production dependent natural force makes the orderly agricultural system become disorderly due to the reverse succession and eventually causes crop failures 严重的农业自然灾害往往会给一个国家和民族带来巨大的灾难,甚至毁灭性的打击。Severe...

those firefighters drove the fire engine to the building once they saw the building is on fire.4、作为一个志愿者,我们尽量加强对犯罪的打击 As a volunteer, we try to strengthen the fight against crime 他们都有一些语病,帮忙纠正了。英文要慢慢学的,要多读。参考资料:raptao and ...

体验苦难Experience misery 自学英语Self-learning English 发现奇迹Finding a miracle 忍住咳嗽Bears the cough 掌握技能 Masters the skill 获取知识Access to knowledge 需要勇气 Requires courage 丰富生活 Rich life 接受修正 Accept amendments 改正错误Correct mistakes 不再指望 No longer counts on 作出...

I've learned English for six years.I've been learning English for six years.2. 我去过北京有三次 I've been to Beijing three times.3. 自从我第一次见到他,我们互相写信已有十年了 We've written to each other for 7 years since I met him for the first time.4. 我一直在收集...

温岭市18564437485: 请帮忙翻译一下这一段话 谢啦 中译英我住在上海 她是个美丽的城市我喜欢花朵 我喜欢晴朗的天空 我也喜欢小孩子我希望可以收到各式各样的明信片,只要... -
阴星南元:[答案] I live in Shanghai,she is a beautiful city.I like flowers,I like clear sky,and I also like kids.I hope I can receive various postcards,you can post the postcard to me if you like it.In addition,my eng...

温岭市18564437485: 请帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,谢谢~请原谅我没有经过你的允许就给你发送私人消息(PM),我只是想要对于你送给我的X说声深深的感谢,我认为这对于我... -
阴星南元:[答案] Please forgive me for this unexpected personal message,I just want to thank you sincerely for the x you gave me.This is my manner,I'm sorry if I bother you.

温岭市18564437485: 请帮忙翻译一段汉译英,谢谢. -
阴星南元: Thanks for your greetings. This is my new mobile phonenumber, which would instead of the old one. I will not use the new number until charges used up.The reason for me to...

温岭市18564437485: 请高手帮忙翻译一段话,中译英!...
阴星南元: Hello, I have already received your remittance and the total number is 3066 yuan. I was informed by aunt Helen's sister. We were all happy after hearing the news. Here I would like to thank every uncle on behalf of my family. Chinese New Year is ...

温岭市18564437485: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
阴星南元: I'm very sorry to tell you that a customer has come to our factory and signed a contract of 5000 kilograms products purchase order, so we can not supply you the products you need. But we hope sincerely that you could place your first order to us after ...

温岭市18564437485: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
阴星南元: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

温岭市18564437485: 帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,麻烦大家了,谢谢 -
阴星南元: sorry,i did't mean it. but my English isn't good, so i can't express it clearly..XX ,i have it. do you have anything else to exchange.

温岭市18564437485: 请帮忙汉译英.谢谢. -
阴星南元: 答案All things will be solved, I will always behind you.请采纳,谢谢

温岭市18564437485: 请帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,谢谢~ -
阴星南元: Please forgive me for this unexpected personal message,I just want to thank you sincerely for the x you gave me.This is my manner,I'm sorry if I bother you.

温岭市18564437485: 请各位帮忙把一段中文翻译成英文.谢谢 -
阴星南元: My favourite lady,she might not be so perfect, but she is the most special for me. Even though i cant always guess her thoughts, but she always does things unexpectedly that made me feel the emotions of life. Every moment i spend with her is the happiest times in my life that i would never forget. 祝楼主好运~:)

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