
作者&投稿:双态 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请英语高手帮忙翻译一下 下面这段文字,多谢啦。(从网上找翻译器翻译的 就免了 呵呵)~

Enterprise Business Strategy is very important to the sustainable development of a enterprises.Small and medium enterprises(SMEs,中小型企业) have become an important carrier for the development of the diverse forms of ownership in our country , and Enterprise Business Strategysmall is the most effective way and the foundation to achieve the vision and objectives of the SMEs' strategy.

This articles concretely describes and analyses the admissible business strategy, about the transnational operating, characteristic operating, green operating,innovation, for SMEs. Moreover,It also proposes what problems should be payed attention to the Implementation of business strategy.


don't be sad
wahtever you do i will support you
because we are brothers


The small and medium-sized enterprise innovation ability promotion strategy studies At present our country social economy's development already entered the quality attention the stage. In this stage, impels the economic growth way the effective transformation key is must promote Our country ...

The link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world,and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.感觉良好和把钱花在别人身上之间的联系能够在全世界富人和穷人之间得以展现(看到),对其的缺乏增强了多数...

Perspective(透视)---用线条来显示物体的空间位置、轮廓和投影的科学 a science using lines to indicate an boject's motion, outline and projection.Professional animation course(动画专业课)---动画人物、场景设计,动画基本运动原理 basic principles of the designation of animated characters&scen...

请高手帮忙翻译一下 英语句子
1.Please allow me to introduce the leaders and guests present at the platform.2.DunHuang Caves are the treasures of China, also the cultural heritages of the world.3.Recently, China's economy is developing well.4.I'd like to thank all of you for your support and help to ...

speaking of the mature period enterprise, the enterprise may rely on its fiduciary issue some short-term bill, like the trade bill, the enterprise short-term bond and so on melts the fund to satisfy the temporary turnover of capital 我是个英语爱好者,请专业人员检查过了!

2,请问你如何度过周末? what do u offen do during the weekend?A 去酒吧 go clubing B 参加聚会 go to parties C 回家看父母 still with parents D 去逛街 go shopping E 约会 personal appointment F 去图书馆或者美术观 go to librarys or arts G 看电影 go moving H 看球赛,演唱会...

With the acceleration of globalization, English, as an international language has become attracted more and more attention onto people.People's enthusiasm of learning English soars to unprecedented heights. As demands determine the market,all kinds of English culture industries emerge in ...

很高兴为您解答,全文翻译如下:My name is Li Hua. I have a common but warm family. There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my brother-in-law and me.Everyone in my family has his own job. My father is an engineer and has hard ...

1.我的目标是成为一名优秀的对外汉语教师,我想在对外汉语教学方面有所成就。1. My goal is to become an excellent foreign Chinese teacher, I think in succeeding in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.2.我的性格既具有北方人的开朗豪爽,有具有南方人的温和细腻。2. My character not only...

To conclude, proverbs have a long history, and are the combination of people’s wisdom. It is one of the most ancient and valuable language expressions among different peoples to densify various and complicated contents in a high concentrated form. It goes through long period of ...

恩施市17345463887: 请一个英文高手帮忙翻译成英语句子!很急!今天,是我最糟糕的一天.因为,我没有见到我最想见的人.买给他的礼物,还在我手上,没有送出去.糟糕的一天.... -
养昏顺铂:[答案] today was the worst day.because i didn't see the person i mostly wanted to see.The gift bought him is still in my hand.

恩施市17345463887: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文拜托了!you supplier signed for the 2 items on the carton label as denomination “blow inn tube” for the both different ... -
养昏顺铂:[答案] 你(的)供应商给这两个货物在纸箱包装的标签上标有“bolw inn tube(某种管子)”处打了勾,两种货物的商品编码不同.

恩施市17345463887: 英语翻译这段英文对我来说很重要.请英语高手帮下我 翻译下这段句子.要准确的答案噢 英语句子以下“I'm not even upset,hurt,or angry anymore.I'm just tired.I'... -
养昏顺铂:[答案] 我不再难过,受伤害或者是生气.我只是累了.我只是疲惫于付出的比收获的少.

恩施市17345463887: 请英文高手帮忙翻译下这段话 急!!!
养昏顺铂: I assure you that I will give her happiness I have never loved a woman so she smiled at a glance every bit by bit, so I love all So far her friends your little worried that I understand is also a reasonable In particular, between I and her story is so dramatic ...

恩施市17345463887: 求英语高手,帮忙用英语来翻译一下这段话,...
养昏顺铂: You have been aring being the matter that you likes, you the lives every day all very fascinating, you to my felling is thus true, you have your own explicit position, you will very simply say that you likes what, don't like what, I like thus of you, this is the ...

恩施市17345463887: 英语翻译英语高手们,帮忙翻译下这段话,对我来说有点难度,多花些宝贵的时间,一定要翻译的完美,好的话我再加分,相信你们的实力!曾经我是那么... -
养昏顺铂:[答案] Once I loved you so much.I have been dedicated to you.I treated you with my whole heart and soul.Enough I have done for you... don't come back then,never.I have run out of my patience.Let's stop our contact.I'll forget you,and please forget me,too.Wish ...

恩施市17345463887: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
养昏顺铂: This article from the "head /...

恩施市17345463887: 英语高手请帮忙翻译一下这段英文! -
养昏顺铂: 你的第一句话打错了应该是i like you so much 翻译为 我如此喜欢你 就像春天 当你没有用英语读这封信 那么你不会懂得这封信在你耳边许久

恩施市17345463887: 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙翻译以下这段祝福语.要求精准翻译,水平不够的还请绕路而行,尊敬的XX 先生/女士:谢谢您对我公司一直以来的支持,您对我... -
养昏顺铂:[答案] XX Dear Sir / Madam : Thank you for your continued support of our company , your trust in our company , so we have today's achievement , and sincerely thank you. Expect in the coming days , each sincere cooperation , create brilliant! In the eve of the ...

恩施市17345463887: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译一句话 急啊!!
养昏顺铂: 你们仔细看看句子好不......别用机器糊弄人的,要用强调句和not..but 不是而是结构 It's not the time that defeats us but our sensation that does! Farewell.... 不知你这个感觉指的是什么 如果是感情,就用emotion,如果是认知能力就用perception吧..(*^__^*)

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