
作者&投稿:乐娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Study is very important.
Studying English is very important.

the book is worth reading 这句话是对的,典型的动名词主动表被动。

Some of thieir ideas suprised us.
We were suprised by some of their ideas.
That is an only five-year-old boy,but he can read and write.

were, by

an, 5-year-old,can read

were by/at
an 5-year-old can read

were by
an 5-year-old (can) read

5.My birthday is on___of June A.third B.the third 选B,序数词前要用定冠词the;翻译:我的生日在六月份第三个周。6.Ben is good at ___A.skate B.skating 选B,be good at doing sth,"商场做什么"翻译:Ben擅长溜冰。希望对你有所帮助,如有不同意见请见教!

所以 后面不能加动词原型 需要加动词的 ing形式。look forward to doing 固定句型表示 期待,希望做某事 而这句话的意思为 在她生日的时候这个女孩期待被别人送礼物 所以 她和礼物的关系应该是被动的 表示她被给礼物 所以用被动语态 c d 排除。综合上述两个语法点 所以答案为b 希望楼主采纳哟 ...

1.Why did you【stay】at home?2.There was not too much to see, the museum was【boring】.3.The vacation was【relaxing】, I feel great.4.Where did you go? I【visited】a museum.5.She studied for the【exam】yesterday.6.It was【rainy\/raining】, so we had to stay at home...

in half 表示“分为相等的两半”或“从中间破开”。本句中的in half 是saw the tree 的宾语补足语,即看到的这棵树呈现出“从中间裂开”的状态。3、Remember how Atlas is such acontrol freak.how 有以下三种功能:疑问副词:用来提出以什么方式、有多大范围,有多少数量,达到多深程度等问题。(...

agony 2. estimate 3. destination 4. image 5. anticipate 6. respectable 7. avoid 8. urged 9. available 10 reference 11. 不会 12. sequence 13. arguments 14. practically 15. command 16. skip 17. career 18. correspondence 19 violates 20 choked up ...

1.C 他喜欢看电影。be into sth表示喜欢……。2.D.before多表示时间上和次序上在前,above表示“在……上面”,只在表面上没有接触的部分,ahead of可以表示“在……前部,头部”,且包含在该物体中或是该物体的一部分,或表示“超过……,在……前面”;in front of表示方位上的“在……前面...

问题英文:problem。问题的英语为question,其英式读音为「kwestfen],美式读音为[kwestfen]。question可作名词和动词两种词性,基本含义除了“问题”之外,还有“疑问”、“事情”、“课题”、“困惑”、“正式提问”、“表示疑问”等意思。例句 1、You did us a great favour by disposing of that ...

1. I am very glad to have you with us.2. I had the teacher explain the poem again.3. He has his computer working day and night.=== 1. It's getting dark.2. The suspect got arrested.3. He always gets his hands very dirty.4. The PE teacher got everyone running.5. ...

这句话看起来似乎有点奇怪,但其实它是正确的。原因是在英语中,当我们描述某个东西的特征时,我们通常使用单数来指代这个东西,但是接下来我们会用复数来描述它的特征。比如说,在这个句子中,“It”指的是“狗”,是单数形式,但是我们接下来用复数形式“its legs”来描述它的腿。这是因为我们要描述...

2.The dining-room is too crowded to have room for us to come in.Shall we go out for dinner.这个ROOM是作"空间"讲的,此时是不可数名词, 所以用ANY来修饰。3.It's bad manners to speak with your mouth full of food.A.manner B.way C.manners D.thing 这个选的是C···因为...

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语小问题? -
冻狐一扫: 一、形容词enough作定语,而着重点又是强调它所修饰的那个名词,或者它所修饰的名词起形容词作用且前面不加冠词时,通常要后置.例如:I haven't time enough to do the work.我没有足够的时间做那件工作.He hasn't man enough to admit ...

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题 -
冻狐一扫: 1.现在完成时(have / has done):A) 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成.eg.: I have just finished my homework.B) 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去...

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语翻译问题,谢谢 -
冻狐一扫: 增长十倍有很多种说法 sth increase/explodes/grow by ten times10 times more than……” 也对,或者increased by more than 10 times 数字增减及倍数的译法主要有以下几种:第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法:1.句式特征:by+名词+...

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题
冻狐一扫: 搞笑····居然有人说 AM`` My brother and I are walking to the park. My brother and I am going to the park. 都对··第一句是现在进行时态··表示正在去公园的路上(如果你说我是用现在进行时态表将来walk不能用,只能是go come fly呀·...

右玉县17697815923: 1个英语小问题 -
冻狐一扫: 既然and连接的是两个并列短语,那么这两个短语就是相互独立的.那么playing football和taking a walk in the park就是两个被主语同时喜欢的动作,所以in the park只是散步的地方.

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题
冻狐一扫: sometimes 是副词,意思是'有时',表示动作发生的不经常性,用于现在或过去是太中.sometimes相当于at times【不时的】 sometime 是副词,意思是'在某一时刻'表示的时间不确定 some time 为名词词组,意思为'一段时间' some times 为名词词组,意为'数次'此时time为可数名词,意为'次数'

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题
冻狐一扫: 1)others 其用法相当于复数名词,此词不能用作定语,表示的意思是“不具体的某些东西”,如: This chemical is poisonous . Others are poisonous , too . ( others = other chemicals ) 2)但是如果others前用了the ,则表示具体的别的东西.如: ...

右玉县17697815923: 一个有关英语的问题
冻狐一扫: 2 He had to do homework at home yesterday

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题
冻狐一扫: 造点句吧:all money, 假如天天就光想钱,不想别的:u think about nothing but all money. all the money, 例如世上所有滴钱:all the money in the world. all of the money, 比如你有100块钱,你全花了:i spent all of the money. 这的“the”表示你前文提到过,或者你知道有这么些钱,强调,花掉了这些钱里的全部.

右玉县17697815923: 一个英语问题
冻狐一扫: 1. Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off. 2. A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says ''Sorry we don't serve food in here'' . 3. What did the ...

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