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ore than you More than me Not a want But a need


你比我更倔强 不是想要,而是一种需要。

比你我都重要 不是人人想要 但是必须有

It was she who advised us to go to the library.2 直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了It was until it was dark that I realized it would be too late to visit him.3 你们昨天工作的确实很苦Yesterday you worked really very hard.4 我是在上周接到通知的It was last week t...

英文句子翻译 禁止翻译软件!速度!在线等!
9、So, girls, if you want to lose weight, you don`t want to go no a diet, just dump your boyfriend.那么,姑娘们,如果你想减肥,又不想节食,那就把你们的男朋友甩掉。10、It may be worth your while to look over the following tips they have for us.可能值得去看看下面那些他...

这是英文的"前否后肯"型反义疑问句句式,例如:1、He isn't a student,is he?(他不是一个学生,对吗?)回答:Yes,he is.(不,他是.)\/ No,he isn't.(对,他不是.)2、She doesn't like apples,does she?(她不喜欢苹果,对吗?)回答:Yes,she does.(不,她喜欢.) \/No,she d...

几句英文的翻译 急!要人工翻译的 不要电脑翻译的!!谢谢了
In modern society, the incidence of leukemia in children gradually increased. Expensive operation forces many families to give up treatment. The lives of the young are leaving us apart. A little help adding together can help them with the distress from disease. So we are going to ...

百度翻译 I don't care the people in this world that I, I just want to do things according to my beliefs, no regret, no matter now and in the future!有道翻译 I don't care the world how to say me, I just want to do things in accordance with my faith, no regrets, ...

把下面几句英文翻译成中文,非常感谢! 不要网上翻译的

tchs back into the mist of time是说中国的历史可以延伸、追溯到很久远很久远的过去(以致于时间概念都是模糊地)even conceived甚至还在酝酿中,这里是意译的。conceived是怀孕的意思,这里是说:古代中国人在其他文明孩子孕育过程中,还未发展成型的时候就已经取得了诸多伟大的成就。

2 the Coca Cola company is doing this type of manufacturer of production, the processing of raw material farm to be sold in the market, the "Coca-Cola" products.3 the Coca-Cola company actually do the level of production, the company plan marketing strategy, in some stores to ...

50句左右的英文翻译!!赏金100!!一定要准确 GOOGLE翻译远离!! 地道的...
不好意思 我不太懂英语,请您用手指 指出您要点的菜 I'm sorry, I'm not very good with English, please point out the dishes you like. 不好意思 我不太懂英语,请您告诉我菜谱中的菜号码 I'm sorry, I'm not very good with English, please tell me the number of the dish. 等...

原文太乱了,现排一下版:The light is dying, for one thing, as Earth’s orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun’s rays most directly.译文:光在一点一点地消逝,因为地球绕着太阳运行的轨道和它在自身...

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 英语高手来.请帮忙翻译一句话,不要机器翻译的那种.句子如下:无论等你多长时间,你依然是我最珍贵的人. -
韦艳利君:[答案] No matter for how long I ahve to wait for you,you are still the person I cherish the most. 如果还有问题可以找我.

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 求一句英文句子的翻译~~~不要机器翻译哦~~~~不要机器翻译哦~~~~“So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in ... -
韦艳利君:[答案] “很少的作家有足够的智力或者是文学天赋使他们在新闻界站住脚.”Newman写到,“我忍不住将 新闻业 定义为 被一些不明白作家真正含义的作家应用的耻辱团队.” 有些间接翻译了.意思大概是这样了.我也搞了好久.也可能不是很对.

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 英文翻译以下3句 不要机器翻译 1.我知道现在情况很糟 研发遇到了困难 2.情况会慢慢好起来 3.我相信你能走出困境 -
韦艳利君:[答案] I see how bad the situation is,for the research work get into trouble. The situation will gradually get better. I believe you can out of the woods.

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 翻译一个英文句子! 不要机器翻译的!memories of her staying with the host family in China often come back to the mind of the Italian exchange students -
韦艳利君:[答案] 曾经是意大利交换生的她,现在经常回忆起,她寄宿在一个中国家庭的日子

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 帮忙翻译一句英语,不要机器翻译的哦“我认为英语书应该适当降低词汇难度,并且在阅读中多加入一些提示” -
韦艳利君:[答案] I think it's necessary to reduce the level of the vocabulary from the English textbook properly and add some tips to the reading comprehension.

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 请问这句话怎么翻译成英文?拜托不要机器翻译 -
韦艳利君: In China,sneezing means that somebody is missing him. So when you sneeze, the one who is missing you must be me!

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 这几句话用英语怎么说(不要机器翻译的,要语法正确) -
韦艳利君: 我很高兴能和你一起工作I am very pleased to be working with you 汤姆总是帮助别人Tom always help others 这个问题很难回答This question is difficult to answer 有些苹果很难够到 (不明白,勉强译作:Some of Apple are difficult to be ...

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 问大家一句英语翻译及时采纳不要机器翻译谢谢 Not if I can talk him out o -
韦艳利君: 如果我能说服他放弃

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 求高手英文翻译一句话!谢绝机器翻译
韦艳利君: This paper aims to analyze the states and problems of native enterprise brand culture, and discuss the way how China enterprises run their own brand culture to be more stronger and more competitive by explaning brand culture. 看你有没有本事分别是不是机译了. 在我看来baidu知道上90%的英语翻译都是机译.

伊通满族自治县15030736068: 一句话翻译,中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的 -
韦艳利君: 托尼鲍威尔公司控股股份有限公司 邮政信箱453 弗吉尼亚 布里斯班Q4014 澳大利亚.荷兰31009901330

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