
作者&投稿:敞常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
而是 我就站在你面前
Yet you don't know that I love you

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you
不是 我就站在你面前
Yet you can't see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
而是 明明知道彼此相爱
Yet cannot be together

The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
不是 明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起
But when painly cannot resist the yearning
而是 明明无法抵挡这股思念
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when painly cannot resist the yearning
不是 明明无法抵挡这股思念
yet pretending you have never been in my heart
but using one's indifferent heart
而是 用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人
To dig an uncrossable river
For the one who loves you

Travel 旅程

THE railroad track is miles away, 铁轨延伸至千里之外,
And the day is loud with voices speaking, 世界湮没在无尽的嘈杂之中,
Yet there isn't a train goes by all day 一整个白天都没有一列火车经过
But I hear its whistle shrieking.但我却听到它的汽笛轰鸣。

All night there isn't a train goes by, 一整夜也没有火车经过,
Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming, 尽管夜因为睡眠和梦境而沉静,
But I see its cinders red on the sky, 但我看到了火车冒出的黑烟在空中变成红色
And hear its engine steaming. 听到它引擎的蒸汽声

My heart is warm with the friends I make, 我的心因为我交的朋友
And better friends I'll not be knowing; 和我尚未认识的更好的朋友而温暖
Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take, 但仍然没有一趟列车我能搭乘的
No matter where it's going.不管它将开向何方。

流年 》


Imagine, then, our ideal, our faith;

Today, we stare, once the joy, our grief;

Yi so, once upon a time, our struggle, our confusion;

Yearn to those in the most beautiful scenery, they echoed stile, echoed in the time.

Once upon a time, we walk in campus on the way in, interminable song echoes, or airborne between clouds, never forgotten;

Now, in these enron's summer, we carrying all dreams, fly to the sky, and wings and soar.

In those has been blown by unease, we brainstorm, stray;

When all the dreams of the future, we expect, researched predicted.



That year, like the summer so, we took longing, to enter the palace of have long sought;


That year, like the summer, so we took the childish, locating the dream of sight;


Even remembers when, if we start gradually forgotten, forgotten childhood had paradise;


Lead China to wash, leave the sentimental, inside ACTS of whether we remember, it's gorgeous fireworks down warm time;


How many are elegant of morning sun filled;

How many are dancing stars coverage of evening.


In the world of mortals years how drunk;

How many flowers attachment to the night's sleep.


We have not forgotten, those who has been blown by unease, they are we not is already lost desire. Or

Flies away in China, never again see starting, when we were not young, in all night without light, whether to also can have, once that is worth worrying, today, in the memorable, tasted.

When all the multifarious dissipates, when all the air calm, silently, waiting for this morning's end, there, is another paradise.

"Fleeting time" gathers: thinks back on, at that time, our ideal, our belief; stares, once now, our happiness, our sadness;therefore recalls, formerly, our struggling, our confusedness; is reluctant to part with, these most beautiful scenery, they in the reverberation, the reverberation the time which passes gradually. not long, we stroll on the campus shade of forest road, the singing sound reverberates in the cloud, not once scattered, not once forgot; the present, in these summer day safely, we are carrying all dreams, flies to the vault of heaven, spreads the wings to hover. in these by the breeze blow fleeting time, we have surged, paces back and forth;when all dreams will congeal the future, we anticipated, forecast. monologue: one: that one year, imitates, if the like this summer day, we bring to look forward to, marches into yearns for already the long palace; two: that one year, imitates, if the like this summer day, we are bringing immaturely, tracks down in these dreams the picture; one:when did even not once remember, whether we do start forgetting gradually, the forgetting childhood has had heaven; two: the cosmetics cleaning, the person keeps Xiao Suo the sadness, whether we did remember, under that gorgeous fireworks warm time; one: how many dawn which is flooded by the graceful sunlight; How many star light cover twilight which waves. two: how many are enchanted by in the bustling place years; How many dependences in numerous flower's dreamland. gathers: we not once forgot, these by the breeze blow fleeting time, they have been reposed the desire which we not once had or already lost.when the time passage like shuttle dissipates, also does not look at the outset again, when we not in young, in all does not have the light night, whether also to have, once now, these were worth worrying, being worth accepting as a memento, in heart flow. works as all numerous and diverse dissipations, when all air are tranquil, waited for silently this dawn's terminus, that side, is another heaven.

Way back when, our ideals, our faith;
Staring, who today, our joy, our sorrow;
Memory, therefore, to the past, our struggles, our confusion;
Nostalgia, those most beautiful scenery, they echoed, reverberating in the flies of the time.
Once upon a time, we walk through the tree-lined road in the campus, singing echoed in the clouds, have not been released into the atmosphere, have not been forgotten;
Now, in the Enron summer, carrying all of our dreams, fly to the sky, wings to fly.
Been blown off in those fleeting, we surges, loss;
When all the dreams cemented the future, we expect and look forward to.
That year, there are like this summer, we took vision, into the coveted hall;
That year, there are like this summer, we took immature, and search for those who dream scene;
Not even remember when, we began to gradually forgotten, had forgotten childhood paradise;
Qianhua washed, leaving behind only the desolate sentimental, we remember the brilliant fireworks under the warm days;
How much sun is full of elegant dawn; number of those covered in the twilight of the stars dance.
How many years in the mortal world fascinated; the number of attachment in the flowers of sleep.
We have not forgotten, that song in the fleeting, they are entrusted with we did not have the desire or already lost.
China then flies away, never see the start, when we are not young, no light at all the night, does it have, have this, those who deserve care, memorable, in the heart flowing.
When all of the complex dissipation, when all the air calm, silent, waiting for the end of this morning, there is another heaven.

Way back when, our ideals, our faith;
Staring, who today, our joy, our sorrow;
Memory, therefore, to the past, our struggles, our confusion;
Nostalgia, those most beautiful scenery, they echoed, reverberating in the flies of the time.
Once upon a time, we walk through the tree-lined road in the campus, singing echoed in the clouds, have not been released into the atmosphere, have not been forgotten;
Now, in the Enron summer, carrying all of our dreams, fly to the sky, wings to fly.
Been blown off in those fleeting, we surges, loss;
When all the dreams cemented the future, we expect and look forward to.
That year, there are like this summer, we took vision, into the coveted hall;
That year, there are like this summer, we took immature, and search for those who dream scene;
Not even remember when, we began to gradually forgotten, had forgotten childhood paradise;
Qianhua washed, leaving behind only the desolate sentimental, we remember the brilliant fireworks under the warm days;
How much sun is full of elegant dawn; number of those covered in the twilight of the stars dance.
How many years in the mortal world fascinated; the number of attachment in the flowers of sleep.
We have not forgotten, that song in the fleeting, they are entrusted with we did not have the desire or already lost.
China then flies away, never see the start, when we are not young, no light at all the night, does it have, have this, those who deserve care, memorable, in the heart flowing.
When all of the complex dissipation, when all the air calm, silent, waiting for the end of this morning, there is another heaven.

When all the multifarious dissipates, when all the air calm, silently, waiting for this morning's end, there, is another paradise.


白羽千千藏头诗 《我爱翠君》我赏蝶舞不思归 爱恋知心情相随 翠花香逸蝶双飞 君姿潇洒佳人醉


年代:魏晋 作者:曹植 作品:杂诗 内容:仆夫早严驾,吾行将远游。远游欲何之?吴国为我仇。将骋万里途,东路安足由?江介多悲风,淮泗驰急流。愿欲一轻济,惜哉无方舟。闲居非吾志,甘心赴国忧。[译文]驾车的随从早早整治车马,我就要去远游了。远游准备到哪里呢?(我要向东去)东吴是我的...


麻烦大家 帮我帮派写首诗 我帮的名字叫 狂龙霸天 谢谢
狂风载我上青云 龙翔九霄为帝君 霸业功成枯万骨 天下尽在吾掌心 === 藏头。超霸气。

龚莫愁我爱你 龚黄意外扳乔松,莫恋泉声问所从。愁如回飙乱白雪,我浮黄云去京阙。爱君且欲君先达,你可知我心独痴。龚黄意外扳乔松,莫辞来去递诗筒。愁心想似笼中鸟,我今因病魂颠倒。爱此沧江闲白鸥,你坐轻舟顺江游。龚黄意外扳乔松,莫教偷入管弦中。愁逢汉使不相识,我独觉子神...



芙蓉区15157397959: 谁能帮我把这首诗翻译成英文啊,最好翻译得充满诗意和美感~暮雪飘落寂无声,紫树孑然立寒风.长睫低垂春何在?寒地孤鸟独徘徊. -
锺残博爽:[答案] 只能翻译成这个样子了:Night's snow fallen down,So quiet.The purple tree,Standing in the winds lonely.The beautiful eyelashes dropped,Where's spring?In the cold ground,There is a lonely bird around,L...

芙蓉区15157397959: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这首诗翻译成英文? -
锺残博爽:[答案] Each street of the Capital is misty with drizzles, In the outskirts,the verdant grass becomes sparse if you approaches. Alas!It\'s the prime time of spring,superior To that green with willows everwhere. A short verse presented to Mr.Zhang

芙蓉区15157397959: 麻烦把帮我这首诗翻译成英文去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红.人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风. 如果答案满意 我会给分的 -
锺残博爽:[答案] just in the same room on the same date of last year. both the face of a pretty girl and peach blossom are red and form a contrast. but today where is pretty girl? only leaves the peach blossom swing and smile in the spring wind.

芙蓉区15157397959: 帮我把这首诗歌翻译成英文在对的时间遇上错的人,是一场伤心; 在错的时间遇上对的人,是一声叹息; 在对的时间遇上对的人,是一生幸福. 也许 爱情是一... -
锺残博爽:[答案] 在对的时间遇上错的人,是一场伤心; Meeting the wrong person at the right time,is a piece of melancholy;在错的时间遇上对的人,是一声叹息;Meeting the right person at the wrong time,is a sign;在对的时间遇...

芙蓉区15157397959: 请哪位大师 帮我把这首中文诗翻译成英文诗 拜托了 急用 谢谢 -
锺残博爽: Me with my umbrella in the rain was a stolid face of looking ahead, a pale and rigid face in front of me in awful of all, extremely distorted image of a machine stitch in hell of the pathos of the pupil of a wicked look through the body in the distance, what ...

芙蓉区15157397959: 请哪位帮我把这首诗翻译成英语
锺残博爽: The soft winds do chances The flying stars pronouncing hatredThe double be together,more than everything in the world Soft love as stream, Now that the love would be forever,it doesn't matter permernent day or night

芙蓉区15157397959: 麻烦大家帮我把这首诗翻译成英文好吗,谢绝机器翻译,好的译文读起来是种美的享受,而不是一串毫无语法的单词,谢谢.
锺残博爽: A girl fell in love with a boy She silently for the boy made a lot of chocolate in the morning the end of the physical education of mineral water The ice stick on the playground The snacks brought from home Boys do not cherish the humble love with ...

芙蓉区15157397959: 帮忙啊!谁能把汪国真的这首诗翻译成英文!感谢!《热爱生命》 -
锺残博爽:[答案] I keep the anticipation of success out of my mind 既然选择了远方 Since I've chosen to go far 便只顾风雨兼程 I will just walk down the path I chose step by step 我不去想能否赢得爱情 I won't worry if I will or will not win her heart 既然钟情于玫瑰 As I'...

芙蓉区15157397959: 谁能帮我把这首诗翻译成英文 -
锺残博爽: 哇~模仿泰戈尔的诗~太长了,望有高手补上~你参考一下泰戈尔的原文吧,The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死But when i stand in front of you ,Yet you don't know that I love you而...

芙蓉区15157397959: “今天我给大家朗诵一首诗,名字叫《静夜思》.”请翻译成英语. -
锺残博爽:[答案] Today I'd like to recite a poem to everybody,and the name of the poem is Jingyesi.

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