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LS 的,个人觉得语言不是很通顺,以下是我的翻译:


日本樱花的历史 The History of Sakura (Cherry Blossom)

樱花的生命很短暂。在日本有一民谚说: “樱花7日”,就是一朵樱花从开放到凋谢大约为7天,整棵樱树从开花到全谢大约16天左右,形成樱花边开边落的特点。也正是这一特点才使樱花有这么大的魅力。被尊为国花,不仅是因为它的妩媚娇艳,更重要的是它经历短暂的灿烂后随即凋谢的“壮烈”。
The lifespan of cherry blossoms is very short. There is an old proverb in Japan, ”7-day Sakura”, it means that from blooming to withering, a cherry blossom can last about 7 days; while the whole cherry tree from coming into bloom to total withering away will last about 16 days, thus creating a special feature of some flowers are blooming while some are falling off; and it is this feature that enables cherry blossoms to have such a great enchantment. It is regarded as the national flower of Japan not only because of its beauty and charm, but more importantly the ‘heroic’ performance of its short-lived nature.

“To know the national spirit of Japan, just look at the mountain cherry under the sun”. It is the conviction of Japanese that life is short, one should live brilliantly like a sakura, even if one has to die, he should do it resolutely. A cherry blossom falls off without more ado, it never contaminates and this is regarded as the Japanese spirit.

另外,樱花还作为日本人民的友好使者,已经盛开在世界许多地方。 1972年,中日邦交恢复正常化时,中国赠送日本一对大熊猫,日本政府从北海道远轻町选出1000棵樱树苗,由当时的日本首相田中角荣访华时赠送给中国,这些樱花树苗栽种在北京。后来几乎每年都有日本政府或民间团体或友好组织赠送樱花给中国。这些盈情载义的樱花,使中日两国人民之间多了一份友情,多了一份温馨。
In addition, cherry blossoms also act as friendly ambassadors of the Japanese people, and they are in full bloom in many parts of the world. When China and Japan resumed normal diplomatic relations in 1972, China had presented a pair of pandas to Japan, and when the then Japanese Prime Minister, Tanaka Kakuei, paid an official visit to China, the Japanese government had selected 1000 cherry seedlings from Hokkaido Prefecture Monbetsu District, and presented them to China as a gift; these seedlings were later planted in Beijing. From then on, practically every year, cherry blossoms were given to China as presents by the Japanese government, non-government organizations or friendly groups. These genial flowers had enhanced the warmth and friendship between the peoples of China and Japan.

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