
作者&投稿:王狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我看看 这是语法问题~



Today, i made milk tea. With my mother's help, i finally prepared the material. First, I soaked a bag of black tea with half a cup of water. Then i put sugar in the tea. The tea was hot, so the sugar quickly dissolved. Pouring the milk inside the cup, i blended the tea and the milk. It was near completion. After a few minutes, i took some ice from the refrigerator and placed them in the milk tea. I finished. In the future I would like to drink my selfmade milk tea.

第一行:固定词组:start doing something or start to do something
with someone's help
句子太长,应该断开来。i finally ready material没有动词。
第二行:first, i soaked a bag of black tea. the tea's water is cup's half 有点点累赘。
then put sugar in the tea 没有主语。后面那句话(because....)这样子接太长了。最好不要用because 做句子的开头。
第三行:then pour the milk inside the cup 没主语。tea and milk together....没动词。
第四行:wait a few minutes 不应该用祈使句,你不是在告诉别人做什么而是在陈述你自己在做什么,用陈述句。ice from the....没主语,时态要保持一致,用过去式就通篇用过去时。
第五行:finished 和最后一句话完全没有联系,要断开。


动名词作伴随性状语, 而不是一个句子.

上楼 说的在理,这里是 动名词 作 伴随性 状语。

这种结构叫做伴随状语,这种状语表示原因,如果从完整的原因状语从句来讲的话,就是Because she does not want to frienght the poor man,Mrs Richards quickly hid kitchen table.为了省略,就直接删去了Because she does,为什么加ing呢?因为表示的是伴随,就像进行时一样,用ing来表达,表示这个动作一直存在着,所以叫做伴随。


您好,Professor Lee's book will show you ___ can be used in other contexts.这里的考点是 show somebody something,也就是(双宾语结构),表示空格应该是(宾语从句)的引导词。所以从空格开始到 contexts 都是(宾语从句)。细看这个 ___ can be used in other contexts. 中可以发现,这个...

more 做副词修饰need翻译为 更多地需要这个文化 后面which从句我们暂且不管 如果你想表达的是需要更多种类的文化 那你这个more就用错了 因此此处的more只能修饰谓语动词need而不能修饰名词culture 如果想表达更多种类的文化需要用more of those cultures 或者单纯想说更多的文化 那就是more cultu...

- Don't you know (that) I love her so much ?- Well, I can't see yet.翻译:- 难道你不知道我是多麼爱她?-嗯,我还没有看出多少。

请问这句本身意思是什么??是说要记住最多的字?那是 memorize (美式) \/ memorise (英式) 不是 memories.memories 是 memory 的 plural form 然後,本身的句子,words 是 countable 可以数的, 所以要用 many Thirdly, memorize as many words as possible....

2.D rather than和instead of意思是一样的,但C选项有语法错误,应改为rather than speaking。3.B 应该是before Tom es back 4.C 原话应该这样断句:“What--do you suppose--happened to her?"5.D ...,2,请大家帮忙看看这几道英语语法题该怎么做 1.If cities are to remain places to ...

首先,字典的写法绝对正确,这一点请放心。我来解释一下,这句话整体看是一个“主系表”结构的句子,主语是the least,is是系动词,warn以后都是表语部分,主语the least被省略关系代词that的定语从句 I can do修饰,即The least (that)I can do,be动词用is不难理解,好多人认为is 和 warn ...

翻译为:粤菜在国内外以精致的味道,富足的食品材料而享誉盛名,这都源自粤菜所坚持的信念,不断追求新鲜,美味,柔滑,易消化的的食物。语法上我认为是对的,constantly going after……这部分是作伴随状语。 light,fresh,tender,smooth and delicious 这几个形容词是修饰中心词food, 其中light 可理解为...

麻烦大家帮忙看看这句语法谢谢 Go pee. 为什么是go pee ?没有go do...
Do not use a preposition (a word such as 'at' or 'to') before pee when it is an adverb 当一个词是副词词性时,它和动词之间不加介词(比如at或者to)Go pee,Go home, Go outside, Go there等等,都是这种用法。

另外,因为The project与finish之间是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态。综上所述,本句应该用一般将来时的被动语态。刚看了你的补充,根据补充应该是:The project from March to May had been finished by the end of last month.意为“三月到五月的项目到上月底已经完成了”,此句是过去完成时的被动...

山城区13512693053: 请大家帮我看下这个句子语法? -
勇明二妙: 这里whoever it is是主语从句,在整个句子中作主语,整个句子的句子成分如下: 主语:whoever it is 谓语:mustn't suspect 宾语:anything. 整句译文:无论是谁,都绝不应怀疑什么.直译是:无论是谁,都不应怀疑任何事情.

山城区13512693053: 大家帮我看看这个英语句子..这个是个语法填空:The rat suggested that he and the cat - _jump_ - onto the ox's back and - _guided__(答案是填guide)him ... -
勇明二妙:[答案] suggest当建议讲时后面要用虚拟语气,也就是should+v.而should是可以省略的,这里就省略了,你可以多查查资料总结一下,有很多词都这样用.

山城区13512693053: 帮我看一个语法问题,1.You know the world of english is a fun and exciting place to be2.You know the world of english is a fun and excitting place这两句话在... -
勇明二妙:[答案] 1.You know the world of english is a fun and exciting place to be2.You know the world of english is a fun and excitting place这两句话在表达效果上有什么区别,第一句中to be 在句中做什么成分?答:问题很好,...

山城区13512693053: 大家帮我看看这个有没有什么语法错误A:He is Shayne wardB:Where is he from?A:He is from the Manchester,England.B:How old is he?A:He's 27 years ... -
勇明二妙:[答案] He's 27 years old,is through the British talent show "X -factor"-and he is a singer! is through 前面的is和后面的and不需要

山城区13512693053: 大家帮我看一下这句话语法有毛病吗?winter comes, can spring be far behind? 这句话语法有毛病吗?意思是:冬天来了,春天还会远吗? -
勇明二妙:[答案] If winter comes,can spring be far behind 你那句有毛病啊~一句话有俩动词了啊~而且逗号是不能随便用的~加个if就一切搞定 上面那个就是雪莱(P.B.Shelley,British poet)的原句~`

山城区13512693053: 请大家帮我看看这句话的语法是不是有问题...我不懂今天在群里听到这样一句话,虽然我不懂英语.但是起码初中也学过一点点,所以这句话我看着总是怪怪... -
勇明二妙:[答案] 应该是:now i am not only living for myself .

山城区13512693053: 请大家帮我看看这个句子的语法对不对,如果有错的地方请帮我指出,I wish the gorgeous smile like a flower can hang over your face forever.中文译文为:愿... -
勇明二妙:[答案] May smile be always on your face 英语里不用花儿般灿烂来修饰笑容

山城区13512693053: 大家帮我看下这句话我的语法有没有错误 getting stuck in traffic jam really made me unpleasant这里这个动名词作主语应该可以吧?made是否应该换成make呢... -
勇明二妙:[答案] 动名词作主语 正确 谓语 也可以 用现在时 可以是makes 但 作宾补的形容词 有误 应该是 displeased

山城区13512693053: 大家帮我看看 这句话有没有语法错误 library will perhaps give way to the internet which you can use it to find any books or informations you want. -
勇明二妙:[答案] you can use 后面的it 应该去掉的.which已经在前面指代了的. 还有information应该是不可数名词吧,所以要把imformation的“s”去掉 别的我也不清楚

山城区13512693053: 帮我看看这个句子的语法错误呗.I wast a day time on watched novel yesterday.Today i must finsh my assignment before watch novel and movie. -
勇明二妙:[答案] I wasted a day time on reading novel yesterday.Today I must finish my assignment before reading novel and watching movie. 读小说用read,看电影用watch.

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