
作者&投稿:人绍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My name is Wang Xiaodi, this year 11 years old, I read the new River Center, fourth-grade class. I have a pair of big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. My favorite thing is the violin, books and computers, I like to do is playing the violin, listening to music, singing, playing on the computer, sitting in the classroom or at home a daze. I have a good friend, his name was King Tong Qi, she was very thin, with big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth, her favorite subject is music and painting, is a quiet girl.

Beijing has a long history with an abundance of historical and cultural heritage that represents treasures from the city's civilizations.

The Forbidden City is the largest and most magnificent cluster of ancient buildings in China. It is a great achievement of Chinese architecture.

Located in a northwestern suburb of Beijing, the Summer Palace is an immense park containing some Chinese traditional architecture and arts. It was built and served as a royal garden during the Qing Dynasty.

Beijing also has many traditional cuisine specialties, including Beijing duck, Mongolian hotpot, Muslim barbecue, and Beijing traditional folk food. Imperial and the Tanjia cuisine are examples of Beijing's traditional cuisine.

Many foreign tourists come to Beijing to experience the Chinese wonderful culture. And Beijing is becoming an international city with its continuous development.

Beijing is the symbol of China. It reflects China's development and change. I love Beijing.

Yuexi County in Anhui Province in southwest Dabie hinterland, is a national ecological demonstration zones County. Territory of a beautiful forest coverage rate reached 73%, biological resources are very rich, by experts as "ecological preservation is a well-developed natural garden." In 1998, as a national ecological demonstration zones county, territory Miao Road Mountain National Forest Park, Yaoluoping Reserve, dry well Park Provincial Nature Reserve. Yuexi County State herbal base. The county herbs existing class 1,024 kinds of plants, 79 kinds of animals, 33 kinds of minerals, the total reserves of 75,000 tons, of which Tuckahoe, Tianma, Eucommia , musk, Dendrobium, more than 30 kinds of rare medicinal herbs renowned at home and abroad.






首先,我做一下自我介绍吧!我有一个好听的名字,叫某某某.现在就读于美术馆后街小学五年级二班.我有一双大而明亮的眼睛,这是令我最骄傲的.我是一个活泼开朗的小女孩.我全身洋溢着热情.我爱好美术,英语.我的英语棋在新津杯英语棋比赛中获得二等奖。 我的校园虽不太大但十分漂亮.一进大门,就看见大而漂亮的操...


笔试科目:公共基础知识(100分)。内容包括常识、写作、计算机、英语。笔试时间:2011年6月19日上午9:00—11:30。笔试地点见准考证。为确保新进人员基本素质,设定笔试最低控制合格分数线,笔试成绩达到60分及以上的应聘人员,方可进入下一轮面试。2、面试 面试人选在同一招聘岗位笔试达线人员中依成绩...



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