
作者&投稿:徒贾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is Cathy Wilson's first job: living with the Harvey family, looking after two-year-old children and doing housework. Cathy's parents died and she had no brothers or sisters.
She hopes to be happy in her new home, but she feels lonely from time to time. The children's father Duncan often goes to London on business. Cathy likes children and Duncan's mother, old Mrs. Harvey, but she has no friends.


2.It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan the children’s father ,is often away in london .cathy likes the children and she likes old Mrs Harvey .Duncan ‘s mother ,but she has no firend .

Of course, there is Nick .Nick has very blue eyes and a warm ,firendly smile .but Duncan doesn’t like Nick .Why?Becuse Miranda -------Duncan’s wife likes Nick .Many days ago .on one day night. Miranda tell Duncan .She likes Nick .she want to find him .and fall .and the biggest question was this :did .Miranda fall or someone push her many days ago Cathy know ,It Mrs Harvey Pust Miranda and she know Nick .in the end Cathy Wilson and Duncan Harvey loved each other .

Read this story I know .do man must like the Duncan and doesn’t like the Nick.becuse none but this just have the in deed blessedness.

It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan the children’s father ,is often away in london .cathy likes the children and she likes old Mrs Harvey .Duncan ‘s mother ,but she has no firend .

Of course, there is Nick .Nick has very blue eyes and a warm ,firendly smile .but Duncan doesn’t like Nick .Why?Becuse Miranda -------Duncan’s wife likes Nick .Many days ago .on one day night. Miranda tell Duncan .She likes Nick .she want to find him .and fall .and the biggest question was this :did .Miranda fall or someone push her many days ago Cathy know ,It Mrs Harvey Pust Miranda and she know Nick .in the end Cathy Wilson and Duncan Harvey loved each other .

Read this story I know .do man must like the Duncan and doesn’t like the Nick.becuse none but this just have the in deed blessedness.

It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan the children’s father ,is often away in london .cathy likes the children and she likes old Mrs Harvey .Duncan ‘s mother ,but she has no firend .

Of course, there is Nick .Nick has very blue eyes and a warm ,firendly smile .but Duncan doesn’t like Nick .Why?Becuse Miranda -------Duncan’s wife likes Nick .Many days ago .on one day night. Miranda tell Duncan .She likes Nick .she want to find him .and fall .and the biggest question was this :did .Miranda fall or someone push her many days ago Cathy know ,It Mrs Harvey Pust Miranda and she know Nick .in the end Cathy Wilson and Duncan Harvey loved each other .

Read this story I know .do man must like the Duncan and doesn’t like the Nick.becuse none but this just have the in deed blessedness.

范文:This is Cathy Wilson's first job: living with the Harvey family, looking after two-year-old children and doing housework. Cathy's parents died and she had no brothers or sisters.She hopes to be happy in her new home, but she feels lonely from time to time. The childr...

It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan...

they also need to understand horse racing, the emperors of entertainment sports ... ... A well-known race DD "silver" DD had disappeared, Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to the horse stables located in Dart moor. "Silver" is a week after a race favorites, an...

2.It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Dun...


难忘的米兰达英语读后感 It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is ...

This summer holiday I read a book, and the book name called 《The Wizard of Oz》. The author of this book is lehmann frank baom.This book is very interesting so I read it over and over.Once upon a time ,there was a girl called Dorothy.She with her uncle Harry and her...

中英双语对照阅读,提高阅读量,扩增单词量。建议初学者能熟练的掌握3-5本,通读100本左右。对英语的提高很有好处。第一级:300生词量,适合初一、初二学生,分上、下两册,共20本 上册: 1、《爱情与金钱》 2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德尔的巫师》 5、...

米兰达·理查森Miranda Richardson ...Madame Giry 影片类型: 爱情\/ 奇幻 \/ 惊悚 \/ 剧情 \/ 歌舞 片长: 143 min 国家\/地区: 美国 英国 对白语言: 英语 法语 意大利语 西班牙语 色彩: 彩色 黑白 混音: 杜比数码环绕声 DTS SDDS 评级: Rated PG-13 for brief violent images. 级别: Australia:PG Singapore...

难忘的米兰达英语读后感 It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is ...

廉江市17376098939: 跪求一篇《难忘米兰达》的英文读后感.大家不要写目录,要求是200字,写得很简单最好 -
绪竹开同:[答案] It's Cathy Wilson's First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy's parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wa...

廉江市17376098939: 跪求一篇《难忘米兰达》的英文读后感. -
绪竹开同: It's Cathy Wilson's First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy's parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is ...

廉江市17376098939: 求《书虫》中《难忘米兰达》和《福尔摩斯与赛马》的英语读后感 -
绪竹开同:[答案] they also need to understand horse racing,the emperors of entertainment sports ......A well-known race DD "silver" DD had disappeared,Sherlock?Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to the horse stables located in Dart moor."Silver" is a ...

廉江市17376098939: 书虫一级下任意两篇文章读后感 -
绪竹开同: 1. 《绿野仙踪》以虚构的奥兹国为背景,讲述了美国堪萨斯州的小姑娘多萝茜被龙卷风卷到了一个叫孟奇金的地方,好心的女巫指点她到翡翠城去找奥兹国大术士帮忙送她回家.路上,她先后遇到了稻草人-----他需要一副脑子;铁皮樵夫-----他需...

廉江市17376098939: 求《书虫》中《难忘米兰达》和《福尔摩斯与赛马》的英语读后感 -
绪竹开同: they also need to understand horse racing, the emperors of entertainment sports ... ... A well-known race DD "silver" DD had disappeared, Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to the horse stables located in Dart moor. "Silver"...

廉江市17376098939: 难忘米兰达英语文本.不要读后感,简介这类的.要原文文本哈 -
绪竹开同: 这是凯茜·威尔逊的第一份工作:同哈维一家生活在一起,照看两年幼的孩子和料理家务.凯茜父母双亡,也没有兄弟姐妹.她希望在新家里过得快乐,但她不时感到孤独.孩子们的父亲邓肯常常出差去伦敦.凯茜喜欢孩子们,也喜欢邓肯的母亲老哈维太太,但她没有朋友.当然,还有一个叫尼克的农场主,他住在田地的另一边.他的眼睛很蓝,笑容亲切而友善.但要和尼克交朋友并不容易,因为邓肯恨他,而凯茜同尼克出去吃晚饭也会让老哈维太太很生气.但是邓肯为什么恨尼克呢?为什么尼克让凯茜在海滩屋要小心呢?为什么谁也不愿意谈到两年前过世的孩子们的母亲米兰达呢?哈维家有许多秘密,令凯茜产生了疑问.很快,她开始揭开谜底,并终于明白了为什么每个人都忘不了米兰达……

廉江市17376098939: 写一篇英文读后感 -
绪竹开同: impressions of 《The Wizard of Oz》This summer holiday I read a book, and the book name called 《The Wizard of Oz》. The author of this book is lehmann frank baom.This book is very interesting so I read it over and over.Once upon a time ,...

廉江市17376098939: 难忘米兰达读后感
绪竹开同:It's Cathy Wilson's First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy's parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is ...

廉江市17376098939: 难忘米兰达告诉我们什么 -
绪竹开同: 这是凯茜·威尔逊的第一份工作:同哈维一家生活在一起,照看两年幼的孩子和料理家务.凯茜父母双亡,也没有兄弟姐妹.她希望在新家里过得快乐,但她不时感到孤独.孩子们的父亲邓肯常常出差去伦敦.凯茜喜欢孩子们,也喜欢邓肯的母亲老哈维太太,但她没有朋友.当然,还有一个叫尼克的农场主,他住在田地的另一边.他的眼睛很蓝,笑容亲切而友善.但要和尼克交朋友并不容易,因为邓肯恨他,而凯茜同尼克出去吃晚饭也会让老哈维太太很生气.但是邓肯为什么恨尼克呢?为什么尼克让凯茜在海滩屋要小心呢?为什么谁也不愿意谈到两年前过世的孩子们的母亲米兰达呢?哈维家有许多秘密,令凯茜产生了疑问. 很快,她开始揭开谜底,并终于明白了为什么每个人都忘不了米兰达.

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