
作者&投稿:邵赖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Workflow management pay
The first step: the design of pay system
1, the pay structure of the principles include: internal and external equity, mutual benefit employers and employees, incentive, the level of demand, pay for the efficiency and capacity development;
2, the development of pay system: (1) position or ability to pay wages of the development process; (2) bonus system for the development of the program;
3, the pay adjustment: (1) the need for pay adjustment; (2) pay adjustment strategy; (3) based on the pay adjustment;
The second step: job evaluation
1, the main job evaluation: (1) status by the nature of the work, first of all enterprises and institutions of the post is divided into several categories; (2) to collect information about the various positions; (3) the establishment of the post Analysis and evaluation experts evaluate the work of the group; (4) work out an overall evaluation of the work plan and specific recommendations for action or the implementation details; (5) in a wide range of information collected on the basis of positions and to find a direct , Closely related to a variety of key factors and their targets, set out a list of breakdown, and the indicators that make; (6) through the evaluation of the collective group of experts to discuss, design the survey questionnaire and measurements of the rating scale. (7) to grasp a number of important positions to carry out pilot projects; (8) full implementation of the evaluation work plan, in accordance with the scheduled program, step by step implementation of the organization. (9) to write the final out of enterprises and institutions at all levels of job evaluation report, made available to the departments concerned. (10) to work on a comprehensive summary of the evaluation.
2, job evaluation methods: (1) arranged in law; (2) classification; (3) factor analysis; (4) score;
The third step: artificial cost
1, cost accounting procedures manual: (1) labor costs account for the basic indicators; (2) labor costs account for input and output indicators;
2, artificial methods of cost: (1) Labor Standards Law distribution rate; (2) net sales Standards Law; (3) differences between profit and loss benchmarks set by law;
Step four: the management of employee benefits
1, the total welfare budget plan: (1) the nature of the well-being; (2) the initial benefits, the implementation date of the last financial year, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of scores; (3) the welfare of beneficiaries, coverage of last year and this year's total expenditure budget ; (4) to add the name of the well-being, the reasons, the beneficiaries, coverage of this year's budget, forecast results and effectiveness of the evaluation criteria;
2, various types of insurance and public housing deposit accounts.

Second, the Chinese and western myth and its changes in the image of god
Chinese and western mythology differences mainly displays in the image of god in the early days god's image characteristics and variations in the image of god.
1. The image feature differences
Chinese mythology half man, half god represents the people made their own brand: in natural body nature is no longer a totally alien, the infinite power, not close to the object, human and animal shaped like a large bile through god symbolically represents man and nature in harmony for the idea of a body, both with natural features in the image of god, and the fusion of man's will. This kind of get rid of the totem of pure animal shape and become a beast existed facts, accentuating to express the change of the development of the ancient Chinese view of nature, and people to the improvement of self confidence. Representative in Chinese ancient myth is god, such as pangu leading snake body, girl The sons of worm snake body, inflammation Emperor cattle face person... The outside the mountain sea classics contained hundreds of gods, nine times out of ten is half man and half beast, that some god into intermediary and Bridges between human and nature, man Either through it to reach a (quite) to conquer and transformation of nature, can also with nature to achieve a kind of communication, a kind of reconciliation.
Greek mythology, the god of the original image in addition to a small amount of animal parts And blame god with a nature of prominent totem, such as a person and the sphinx, below half man and half snake of cascades that, such as mythological world in god belong to the rest of the personality, namely completely according to the image of god. Fear of nature allow Greece to constitute a huge pantheon and the earth
Cut the power god has given, then the hero Story is even more outstanding performance they conquer nature. The legend of heroes heroes are all descendants of the coexistence of god and man, is a demigod and extraordinary talent and perseverance. With the Chinese mythology, the image of god is personified in Greek mythology, not only has the person's body and sexual characteristics, show appearance beauty, such as the beauty of the female hunter and month God Artemis, etc.; But also has the person's thoughts and feelings, like father Zeus is often lower chasing entice down-to-earth lady, while his wife Hera persecution as a jealous heart strong woman Her rival in love
2. The difference image transformation
(1) the Chinese mythology, the god of sex by the female to male
Transformation, and Greek mythology has rarely sexual variations. As the matriarchal society to patriarchal society, ancient mythology, the god of sex have changed, people of ancestor god worship the goddess also turned to the man of god. Such as: the earliest land god been as women, people of her early in the sky gods, with the emergence of class, the male is higher than women's rights, have the soil after the "god". Social development forward, expand sex change not only in the field of land god as god became man, the name becomes "club of god". The manchu "tiangong wars account more detailed: certainly this is a huge goddess spectrum, a total of more than 300 goddess, tens of thousands of years there is a spontaneous bred a fit men and women, the god of agriculture. These fit then gradually become a male god and goddess compete for space Zhou hegemony, triggering celestial war. Renowned female god ABU card After thousands of difficult to survive, although temporary defeat opponent ahriman Yale, but
Still can not change the fate of history, later female gods for itself gradually into a male god, renamed ABU kahn, all rule yu from now on
Eon. During times of the ancient Greek myth has entered the patriarchal clan society, revered mythology men, three generations of the king of gods are men, so little
There are gender variations.

If I were an angel, I will use magic to stop the United States and the war in Iraq, so that all understand that war is bad. I will let the Iraqi people live a happy life, let them know that the world needs peace, force is not the answer.

  If I were an angel, I want all the kids happy, I want the magic to all the homeless and poor children go to school so that they affluence. If I were an angel, I want to teach the children all over the world the truth in life, never able to do a wicked, high-rolling thing, that they absolutely can not go to war, only peace.

  If I were an angel, I will use my power so that the Earth's ozone hole disappears. Let the earth becomes green grass. If I were an angel, I want all of the earth have become desert oasis, to regain the world's food chain. To get fresh air, so the sky bluer, and clearer water

  If I were an angel, I want to enter the fairy world, so that poor little girl survived the cold winter to live a happy life. Her and kind grandmother, living with parents. If I were an angel, I will use her magic to the sea alive, so she speaks to the prince, and she and the prince living a happy successful lives.

  If I were an angel, I want all the sad people happy, so that everyone happy.

一分钟 你字也要少点啊 If I were an angel, I fly all over the world in every corner of the lifting of their suffering and allow people to have a happy life.
If I were an angel, I would use magic to stop the United States and the war in Iraq, so that all understand that war is bad. I will let the Iraqi people live a happy life, let them know that the world needs peace, force is not the answer.
If I were an angel, I want all the kids happy, I want the magic to all the homeless and poor children go to school so that they affluence. If I were an angel, I want to teach the children all over the world the truth in life, never able to do a wicked, high-rolling thing, that they absolutely can not go to war, only peace.
If I were an angel, I will use my power so that the Earth's ozone hole disappears. Let the earth becomes green grass. If I were an angel, I want all of the earth have become desert oasis, to regain the world's food chain. To get fresh air, so the sky bluer, and clearer water
If I were an angel, I want to enter the fairy world, so that poor little girl survived the cold winter to live happy life. Her and kind grandmother, living with parents. If I were an angel, I will use her magic to the sea alive, so she speaks to the prince, and she and the prince living a happy successful lives.
If I were an angel, I want all the sad people happy, so that everyone happy.



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Diverse landscape and rich resources of the ancient human resources, such as the wings Kunpeng for the take-off of the tourism industry in Shanxi Province has laid a good foundation.Shanxi, majestic mountains, unique scenery. Shanxi and more famous, is China's only a Five Sacred ...

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厉以乙肝:[答案] Today is children's day.My grandfather give me 100 yuan for KFC.I invited Mary and Lucy.When we got to KFC,we found a lot of children there!Every table was full of children.It was very hard for us to ...

遵化市13538669753: 请各位高手帮我翻译把这篇文章翻译成英文~~十分感谢!! -
厉以乙肝: Long time ago, there was an old couple who has a daught named Textiling Girl. As time past by, the little girl became more and more gorgeous which initiated a lot of men coming and making their proposals to her. There was a man from a rich family...

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厉以乙肝: Yes, you are friendly, also have a lot of friends, very good, sometimes helping others ( help to help ), yes, you really very pretty, but, you are sometimes very capricious, sometimes also will have to pay attention to others, your character I know, so, I feel ...

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厉以乙肝:[答案] 钓鱼 亨利喜欢钓鱼.他经常在我们房子附近的小河垂钓.晚上,他用小片的羊毛和棉花做成了“苍蝇”绑在了他的鱼钩上.... 因为今天是我母亲的生日,她邀请了我的叔叔阿姨们和她的一些朋友来参加.我和母亲正在将派对的大部分食物排列整齐,...

遵化市13538669753: 求英语高手帮我把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,谢谢!我最感激的老师 我最感激的老师是我的小学班主任--吴老师.他是我数学的第一个启蒙老师.我至今都还记... -
厉以乙肝:[答案] I appreciate most of the teachersI am most grateful that I'm the most grateful is my primary school teacher-the teacher-teacher Wu. He was my first teacher of enlightenment of mathematics.I still reme...

遵化市13538669753: 麻烦高手帮忙把下面的文章翻译成英文,叩谢了!亚太经合组织作为本地区最重要的国际经济组织,要顺应新的形势,坚持通过经济合作缩小差距、实现共... -
厉以乙肝:[答案] As the most important international economic organization,APEC should be in accordance with the new conditions and through insisting on narrowing the gap and achieve common prosperity,adjusting the co...

遵化市13538669753: 求英语大神帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文,不要翻译器翻的!要注意语法!【亲爱的朋友,你好吗!很高兴你能收到我的来信!谢谢你愿意成为我的朋友,你是... -
厉以乙肝:[答案] Dear friends,how are you?I'm glad you can see this letter,It's my pleasure to be friends with ya,you are my first foreign friend.And it's awasome that we have the same hobbies.I am interesting in Ame...

遵化市13538669753: 谁帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文啊?(急!!) -
厉以乙肝: My name is Bassanio. This story I described happened in 10 years ago. I was in love with a pretty and smart girl, Portia. It was more trouble than I had expected to make a marriage proposal to her .I had to turn to my good friend Antonio, a Merchant ...

遵化市13538669753: 麻烦高手将下面的文章翻译成英文,拜托了! -
厉以乙肝: 私问私老师的:Economic globalization required the active participation in international economic cooperation, but in opening wider to the outside world should b...

遵化市13538669753: 有没有英语高手帮我把这篇文章译成英文
厉以乙肝:Try to greet but turn out to be numb;try to pour my words but afraid of your annoying;try to contact you but worry about my borthering your peaceful life, so I just wave my hands then turn my back and sorrow for myself with tears out. we both like two ...

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