
作者&投稿:祁京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Types of hybrid, that clearly is "nothing on earth" or "hodgepodge." This is a specializes in patchwork, pastiche of "Vice literature (paraliterature)". "Banal subject matter and plagiarism, parody and patchwork, popular with the lower boundaries of artistic expression downstream to the boundary to become boundless. Mixing high culture and low culture as a cylinder, in this pluralistic present, all style dialectical appear in a non-present present and the same with the difference being intertwined. "② possession of other post-modern fiction genres (poetry, prose, philosophy paper, etc.) in the field, but only that the loss of their territory. It is no longer a story, no narrative, it has degraded into a fragment of a language of random combinations. Novel has finally broken the traditional aesthetics to rebel, not only separates the contacts with the times, but also rejected its reading public. Such as "Snow White", when Bill found himself "being a nun sitting in a black station wagon tracked," he suddenly nervous, cranky, overwhelmed, and finally consoled himself would like to hear from a variety of radio information. Then the next chapter is an empty poem, the poem "Emily • Dickinson" is parody of the pioneers of American modern poetry, for never married, while "Yimosite Sister" in said the poet Emily Dickinson • the name. Before and after the section with the lack of the necessary transition, but also from the content point of view before and after the section of the poem seems no necessary connection, used to read not only the traditional novel's readers will know their meaning to this poem, but there will find it confusion. Inserted in the middle of the 15 questions novel "problem" is the language of the questionnaire form itself as a gay parody, but also make fun of us may be used to "explain" "Snow White" criticism tool. The novel also repeatedly appeared with a huge capital bold writing on literature, history, psychology and other cliches constituted a separate section, they plot nothing, a fancy academic flavor, solemn tone, in fact, funny such as: if pornography can easily be met needs, the perceived sexual status needs to plummet. The tendency to Libiduoda its climax, there is a need for barriers. Various times in history, as long as a natural barrier is not sufficient, people will put up barriers used.
Not the whole book is a novel, more like fragments of a continuous collection of clips of "collage" approach,
Loosely scattered around the Snow White fairy tale scattered to organize. In addition, like other postmodern novelists use geometry to express the same things, such as • Kurt Vonnegut in his novel "The perfect breakfast" in the painting a lot of graphics to represent the anus, flags, monuments, etc., to obtain a visual effect, Barthelme also "Snow White" using vertical to represent the 6 small circular side of the body 6 Snow White beauty spot. Author seems to think that the contemporary language has been sufficient to show things in real life. "Snow White" creation that go beyond post-modern fiction into a genre of non-interest writing, filled with a smell of stale ideas. Fiction is no longer concerned about such as the image of the typical, personality, interests, and other problems, it is only concerned about the devaluation of language and culture of action to combat elegant accelerate this depreciation. Postmodernist fiction as "an accumulation of measures ended in a stalemate, a lack of involvement in other areas of the unity of ideological hodgepodge."

The pursuit of realism, the reality has always advertised its authenticity, objectively reflect the external material world, emphasizing one correspondence with the physical world in order to achieve the realistic effect of the real life. Postmodernist metafiction realistic novel is to expose truth behind the fiction. Meta-fiction, also known as "super-fiction" means that the fiction novel, which concerns a fictional novel as fiction.
Meta-fiction is postmodern fiction novel of a strange form of the reversal of the traditional novel form and structure of the content and form of the novel and the narrative itself, the reflection and deconstruction. Meta-fiction is, broadly speaking, "on the fiction novel", and Patricia • Waugh (Patricia Waugh) pointed out that metafiction is "active and systematic attention to the novel nature of man-made objects to the novel's fictional and to explore the relationship between reality novel. " Yuan stressed that the novelist's fiction novel, in the novel of Novels. They often, who is also the narrator, protagonist and other multiple identities, free access to the works of such works comment on the story. They use non-linear fragments of tile-based creative tactics to remove the serious and trivial, terror and funny, the boundaries of tragedy and comedy, and playing word games, trying to create a simple text composed by the novel. This element of uncertainty for its novel, subversive narrative mode shattered expectations of traditional reading, but also shaken the traditional novel concept. $_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$$_$董第
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Donald Barthelme (Donald Barthelme, 1931-1989) in the contemporary literary occupies an important position, he is a style with metaphysics irony, cold, with the transcendental meditation type of politically sensitive novelist, postmodernism art and literary criticism has made significant contributions, known as the "new generation of postmodern writers of the father." 1 some of his works has become a classic, postmodern literature both novels or short fiction, reflect the characteristics of postmodern literature. Novel "Snow White" (1967), (2) is barthelme masterpiece, is published in 1918 now household green fairy tale, the snow queen's parody. Barthelme in postmodern skills, use the technique of loose fragment collage portrays the this myth. Although some of the deformation of the characters in the story, is often unexpectedly distortion and interrupt, but the novel or completed the fairy tale of the basic plot. The Snow White princess in the tomb and Paul, and ascended over again chastity. However, this will cause serious summary misreading, because barthelme is intended to create a collage of nonlinear effect, will play in the form of type, and extreme fantasy and details of the daily express, which combines the fairy tale of the modern life, it's essential emptiness, it's machine-made, its vulgar boring, the inevitable disappointment and failure.
Contemporary American important literary theory, Iraq Hassan (Ihab ahab, Hassan, 1925 -) in The Postmodern Turn "(The book, Postmodern will disappear in The border of PinPanShi postmodernism PinPanShi with The induction will also feature for Postmodern literature 11. The first five aspects of postmodernism deconstruction (is), after deconstructive six aspects of The reconstruction of postmodernist reconstructive (paper). (3) according to The theory, Hassan based on novel" Snow White "and focused on The analysis of The reconstruction of The Postmodern literature.
Postmodernism deconstruction of traditional and modern literature, but also formed their own "refactoring" trend. To reconstruct the irony, trends, and mixed or hodgepodge action and participation, composition and inner sex. Hassan so-called "irony" is no longer on the significance of the traditional aesthetics of irony, content has been left with only one name, purpose shell. Also called "the irony that hassan perspective", this is a basic principle and model vanished without direction, after a thorough left restriction "freedom", a weightless, not the light. In this kind of weightlessness, people without destination constantly game or dialog. According to the different historical period of irony can be divided into three models: intermediary irony (modern), before turning irony (modern), interrupt irony (postmodern). As the postmodern interrupt irony specify such a situation: multiple sex, slovenliness, probability and absurdity. 1 the irony or perspective, the truth finally, only to avoid flatly leave a heart full of irony self-awareness proliferation or excess. In "Snow White", readers can see this kind of probability of irony. If the author cramer, like a joke, "money" redistribution, "Let the rich more cheerful. New lover. New lover will make them excited, in a certain sense" rich ".... we must pass a law, all the people, their excess money of marriage is disbanded. We will tomorrow all these poor rich liberation, let them go out to play, the reward is their money. Then, we take money - "actually, American society in many a new lover and disintegration of the wealthy families, exactly how many people can really sense is happiness? But the absurd irony is everywhere. For example, "hard to break the girl in the village, they think the idea entrenched in the wall, the stone of the boy will one day become Pope. He's not hungry at home." In fact, they are poor, poor boy (lack of understanding and compassion indifferent. Be like again, the prominent, the royal descent, strong, educated, "Paul sat in his bath, don't know what to do next to him, history, but you know he is sometimes to the city to run some monks. "This monk" a "should be free from vulgarity" image and will rescue the Snow White princess ErNvQingChang Paul is not compatible.

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