
作者&投稿:通蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lucy gets up at 6 :00 in the morning.She cook breakfast for her parents and wash bowls herself after breakfast.Lucy goes to school right at 7:10 but yesterday at 6:40,because she helped her tercher.She has lunch at school and after that she usually reads books.At 2:00 Lucy begins her class and 4:00 she do some sports.Then at 5:00 Lucy returns home.She will watch news broadcast on TV at 6:30 but sometimes she must do homework or go for a walk instead of watching TV.Lucy intends to go shopping with her mother tomorrow.She wants to buy many things such as milk,bananas,apples and hamburgers.Milk was gone last week and there is no eggs and vegetables in refrigerator which she also wants to buy.Lucy is writting a list now while her mother is doing housework. 毕业了,第一次写这么辛苦- -!


Under the green tree shade of the school, you always can see a lovely girl , hold a book to read. Who is she? That is me, 111 of teacher Hua attached primary school class 505. I am an ordinary girl, but there is an ambitious heart . The biggest ideal thing becomes a diplomat who masters languages of various countries. For this reason, my diligent study foreign language, wish eagerly to finish my ideal. In other respects, I am a big book worm, often hold a book to stare at all day long, the brain is full of rich and colorful contents of books. But long-term reading let eyes of me suffering , hey , I know really kind bad either too. I like the blue sky and white cloud , blue mountains and green waters , the flower in spring, grass in summer. Like chatting the game with friend. The ones that like observing and learning from real life are colourful . I am a happy girl!

Keeping a friendship presupposes the mutual respect, which bears neither imposing anything on each other, nor interfering each other, nor predominating each other. Two persons, if with congenial taste or temper, would like to make friends and keep in contact with each other. Otherwise, even two friends would break their friendship, and cut off contact with each other. Among friends, who are more familiar to each other and have a closer relationship than any others, they cannot have no manners but keep ceremonious to each other. Otherwise, they will break their rapport and balance, and even destroy their friendship. Everyone in the world hopes that they have their own private spaces. If keeping anything at will between each other, they tend to enter their own private space, a no-go-area, which easily results in conflict and estrangement with each other. Keeping unceremonious, probably just a trifle, may bury a destructive seed for the friendship. The best way of keeping a close friendship is to keep temperate contacts with each other, and to make non-interference in each other. In short, Everlasting respect makes an everlasting friendship.
分析:这是一篇改编过后的短文。所有句子都是断章择句组合而成。从择句组合看,出题有较高的英语思维观,因为组合后的文章虽短,但结构还是完整,所谓结构完整是从英文写作角度看的。有introduction部分,有body部分,有conclusion部分。第一句话属于introduction部分,开门见山地提出main idea,“相互尊重是交友之道”,其中的“相互尊重”是关键词。第二三四五句属于body部分,所择句子都是从反面论述朋友之间应该“相互尊重”。第六句是结尾句。其实,在原出处此句是一段的开头中心句,此处补充了“‘久而敬之’才能天长地久”。
第一句:“朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的”是主题句,“容不得半点强求、干涉和控制”是对“相互尊重”的阐释,相当于英语作文introduction中的transitional sentence(s)阐释关键内容有三:“容不得半点强求”,“容不得半点干涉”和“容不得半点控制”。照理说,正文部分要从这三个方面加以论述,但毕竟是断章择句成文,无法展开。翻译时,处理成了定语从句。
第二句:“彼此之间, 情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交; 反之, 则离、则绝。”省略了主语,必须增加主语,谁“彼此之间”?此处绝对不能以“朋友”作为主语,因为能够成为朋友已经是“情趣相投、脾气对味”,因此,主语应该是“两个人”,也就是两个人“彼此之间, 情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交”;“反之, 则离、则绝。”谁“离”?谁“绝”?此处绝对不能是“两个人”,而是“朋友”,而且此处有递进关系,翻译时要增加“即使”,也就是说,“反之,(即使朋友)则离、则绝。”

Among friends, fun congenial, bad taste, while a right, then cross. 反之,则离,则绝。 If not, leave, then absolutely. 朋友之间再熟悉,再亲密,也不能随便过头,不恭不敬。 Familiar friends, and then close, can not easily overdone, and contemptuous disrespect. 不然,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在。 Otherwise, understanding and balance will be broken, and friendly relations will cease to exist. 每个人都希望拥有自己的私密空间,朋友之间过去随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲突,造成隔阂。 Everyone wants to have their own private space, among friends in the past casually, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which led to the conflict, resulting in alienation. 待友不敬,或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下破坏性的种子。 Friends to be disrespectful, and perhaps just a small matter, but it may have planted the seeds of destruction. 待朋友亲密关系最好的办法是往来有节,互不干涉。 To be a friend intimate relationship between the best approach is a festival, mutual non-interference.


翻译;Among friends, fun congenial, bad taste, while a right, then cross. If not, leave, then absolutely. Familiar friends, and then close, can not easily overdone, and contemptuous disrespect. Otherwise, understanding and balance will be broken, and friendly relations will cease to exist. Everyone wants to have their own private space, among friends in the past casually, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which led to the conflict, resulting in alienation. Friends to be disrespectful, and perhaps just a small matter, but it may have planted the seeds of destruction. To be a friend intimate relationship between the best approach is a festival, mutual non-interference.

Among friends, fun congenial, bad taste, while a right, then cross. If not, leave, then absolutely. Familiar friends, and then close, can not easily overdone, and contemptuous disrespect. Otherwise, understanding and balance will be broken, and friendly relations will cease to exist. Everyone wants to have their own private space, among friends in the past casually, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which led to the conflict, resulting in alienation. Friends to be disrespectful, and perhaps just a small matter, but it may have planted the seeds of destruction. To be a friend intimate relationship between the best approach is a festival, mutual non-interference

Among friends, they who have same sentiment, temper congruence, can make friends,If not, leave each other,or break off. Among friends,they are so familiar, close that they can not be unduly Contemptuous and disrespectable.or,privity and balance will be broken,good friendship will not exist again. Everyone hope to possess your own private space,friends are not unduly casual,they intrude the forbidden region easily .thereby,the conflict between them occurs,gap will be made.To be disrespectful of Friends may be a little affair,but the destructive seeds may be buried. the best method of treating friends is that contacts are in a suitable limit ,and interfere will not happen among them.

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请帮我翻译成中文 谢谢
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籍杜降脂: Is that true? I think it depends on each person take a different aesthetic. Love is a very fair, and only after paying to get, whether man or woman, as long as you feel that love each other, you're a good friend first, to pay it, just want to get people who do not want to pay the ultimate is always the most painful.

云龙区15126819504: 帮忙翻译一段文字,急求. -
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籍杜降脂: 你好大神,我是在上看到您给别人的翻译回复,让我深感佩服.一千字以内汉字,答辩需要用的,不知道大神能否抽时间帮忙翻译一下,若能在今日12点之前完成翻译,本人愿意付报酬答谢.如果大神愿意帮忙,请大神回复.Привет ...

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云龙区15126819504: 谁能帮我翻译一段中文?
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