溏心风暴里面有两首粤语歌常在心很喜欢听的 后来还可以还买了录音带的那俩歌叫啥了着?

作者&投稿:隗蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
溏心风暴里面有两首粤语歌常在心很喜欢听的 后来还可以还买了录音带的那俩歌叫啥了着?女的唱的~

My love will get you home
If you wander off too far
My love will get you home
If you follow the wrong star
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If the bright lights blinds your eyes
My love will get you home
If your troubles break your stride
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever feel ashame
My love will get you home
If its only you to blame
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home

starry starry night
paint your palette blue and grey
look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodils
catch the breeze and the winter chills
in colors on the snowy linen land.
now i understand
what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
they would not listen they did not know how
perhaps they'll listen now.
starry starry night
flaming flowers that brightly blaze
swirling clouds in violet haze
reflect in vincent's eyes of china blue.
colors changing hue
morning fields of amber grain
weathered faces lined in pain
are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand.
now i understand
what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
they would not listen they did not know how
perhaps they'll listen now.
for they could not love you
but still your love was true
and when no hope was left in sight on that
starry starry night.
you took your life as lovers often do,
but i could have told you vincent
this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.
starry starry night
portraits hung in empty halls
frameless heads on nameless walls
with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
like the stranger that you've met
the ragged men in ragged clothes
the silver thorn of bloddy rose
lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
now i think i know
what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
they would not listen they're not listening still
perhaps they never will


郑中基 - 三生有幸
郭小霖 - 梦中见
张学友 - 暗恋你




溏心风暴里面有两首粤语歌常在心很喜欢听的 后来还可以还买了录音带...
郑中基 - 三生有幸 郭小霖 - 梦中见 张学友 - 暗恋你 不知道是不是这3首中得2首

溏心风暴⒉的: (也就是楼主要的家好月圆里的!)片头曲: [无心害你] -关菊英 这歌我在酷狗里发现了两个版本,歌词稍有不同。第⒈8集-⒉0集于素秋和凌b在一起出现的英文歌[Speak to me] 也有传歌曲名叫“Ice Cream”插曲: [爱不疚] -林峰 插曲: [二人世界] -钟嘉欣 分离前的中秋的那...

求溏心风暴2里的两首主题歌 急```
原本无心害你 林峰- 爱不疚 作曲:邓志伟 作词:张美贤 编曲:Johnny Yim 收藏在眼眸 常徘徊左右 爱猜到没有 愉快玩笑后 能全然退后 你开心就够 这种感觉太亲厚 讲一千句也不够 假使讲了你听到后 或会走 这种恋爱太罕有 不须真正拥有 成全 衷心祝福然后 就放手 放手 放开所有 彼此更自由 放手 ...

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共你双双对好得尺好得意 地暗天昏当闲事 就算翻风雨只需睇到你 似见阳光千万里 有了你开心d 乜部都称心满意 咸鱼白菜也好好味 我与你永共聚分分钟需要你 你似是阳光空气 扮靓d皆因你癫癫地皆因你 为你甘心做傻事 扮下猩猩叫睇到乜都笑 有你在身边多乐趣 若有朝失左你花开都不美 愿到荒岛去...

溏心风暴⒉的: (也就是楼主要的家好月圆里的!)片头曲: [无心害你] -关菊英 这歌我在酷狗里发现了两个版本,歌词稍有不同。第⒈8集-⒉0集于素秋和凌b在一起出现的英文歌[Speak to me] 也有传歌曲名叫“Ice Cream”插曲: [爱不疚] -林峰 插曲: [二人世界] -钟嘉欣 分离前的中秋的那...

my love will get you home vincent 这两首都是里面的,都很好听,你试试吧,我也很喜欢

《溏心风暴》第一部的音乐:1. 主题曲为关菊英所演唱的《讲不出声》。2. 片尾曲为林峯、钟嘉欣一起演唱的《心领》。3. 插曲是克里斯汀·娜所演唱的《My love will get you home》。《溏心风暴》第二部的音乐:1. 主题曲为关菊英所演唱的《无心害你》。2. 插曲为林峯所演唱的《爱不疚》。

林子祥的《分分钟需要你》愿我会揸火箭带你到天空去 在太空中两人住 活到一千岁都一般心醉 有你在身边多乐趣 共你双双对好得尺好得意 地暗天昏当闲事 就算翻风雨只需睇到你 似见阳光千万里 有了你开心d 乜部都称心满意 咸鱼白菜也好好味 我与你永共聚分分钟需要你 你似是阳光空气 扮靓d皆因你...

大通区13689699357: 《溏心风暴》常在心回忆和程亮的校园生活的粤语歌曲有哪些?得得地给
楚琪银杏: 陈百强的《有了你》、黎姿版的《恋爱预告》、赵学而的《每隔两秒》

大通区13689699357: 溏心风暴里常在心最喜欢的那首歌是什么(名字)

大通区13689699357: 溏心风暴1里面常在心唱的老歌有哪几首?
楚琪银杏: [[陈百强] 涟漪 [许冠杰] 难忘你 [赵学而] 每隔两秒 [陈百强] 恋爱预告 [[蔡龄龄] 细水长流 [谭咏麟] 情是永愿着迷 [张学友] 暗恋你 [林志美] 偶遇 [张学友] 月半弯 [陈百强] 有了你 陈奕迅的《浮夸》,杨千桦的《小城大事》,叶倩文的《祝福》,徐小凤的《情比雨丝》,郑中基的《无赖》,郑伊健的《感激我遇见》 Beyond的《amani》

大通区13689699357: 溏心风暴11集中常在心听的和说的全部粤语老歌是什么? -
楚琪银杏: 每隔两秒 恋爱预告 有了你 细水长流 依然相爱 其实你心里有没有我 明天你是否依然爱我 难忘你 暗恋你 月半湾 应该是这些吧~

大通区13689699357: 《溏心风暴》中程亮死之前与常在心通电话时常在心听的是什么歌啊?
楚琪银杏: 有两首歌 一首是上面说的 my love will get you home 还有一首叫 vincent 在百度MP3里面就可以搜到了

大通区13689699357: 电视剧《溏心风暴》里常在心吹的那首歌 -
楚琪银杏: 常在心吹的是:《Vincent》 Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In ...

大通区13689699357: 溏心风暴之花好月圆里那个粤语歌叫什么啊
楚琪银杏: 林子祥 分分钟需要你

大通区13689699357: 溏心风暴第11集里的老歌叫什么名字 -
楚琪银杏: 陈百强-有了你 陈百强-涟漪 陈百强-恋爱预告 陈百强-有了你 黎瑞恩-细水长流 谭咏麟-情(是永远着迷)许冠杰-难忘你 张学友 - 暗恋你 张学友-月半弯 赵学而--每隔两秒

大通区13689699357: 《溏心风暴》33集中常在心和还可以在码头的那首歌名字~? -
楚琪银杏: My love will get you home 你听听是不是这一首

大通区13689699357: 电视剧溏心风暴中常在心出现的时候经常放的插曲
楚琪银杏: 就叫my love will get you home 歌词在这里: My love will get you home 歌手:Christine Glass If you wander off too far My love will get you home If you follow the wrong star My love will get you home If you ever find yourself Lost and all alone Get back ...

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