
作者&投稿:姚周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求 英文翻译。~

Could you please tell me how Maria finishes her homework without any help every day?
She said she would not argue with her parents anymore。


Considering the business risk, we to the customer request raising prices. Please confirm.

At that time I was eating whole-heartedly, as a result I looked at your message roughly only, I do not know "Long Distance Calling" and "Swallow the Sun" is a band, in addition I read "Swallow" as "Shadow"! So I understood the whole sentence: I will go Katatonia, long-distance calls, this evening the sun set a little late! In that case I told you that it was 2 o'clock in the morning here in China! You can not believe I am so stupid ... Of course, it is not to let you give me a call, just a little misunderstanding! In my home city where there is no any live performance to enjoy, in particular, the performance having the style I like, impossible! I also like post-rock, but I do not know the "Long Distance Calling", you seem like them very much, I will try later!
Yes, my mood is getting better. From now on when you have bad mood eat a little sweetmeat, which can resist your depression, this has scientific basis!

I was so concentrated on eating that I read your message not carefully. I didn't know that Long Distance Calling and Swallow the Sun were bands, and I took Swallow as Shadow! I took the whole message as: Later I will go to see Katatonia, call a long-distance call, and the sun went down a little bit late than usual! So I told you that it was 2 in the morning! I don't believe that I could be that stupid...of course, it doesn't mean that I want you to call me, it 's just a little mistake! In my place there is no many shows to go to, especially those I like, that's impossible! I like post-rock, too, but I don't know Long Distance Calling. It seems that you like them a lot, I will try that our later.
Yeah, I am feeling much better now. If you would be in low mood, you could try some sweetmeat, it's against depression(science proved).

I was focusing on eating at that moment and read your message very carelessly, I didn't realize that "Long Distance Calling" and "Swallow the Sun" are the names of bands. And I saw "Swallow" wrongly as "Shadow". Then I misunderstood the whole phrase as: later I will go to see Katatonia, make a long distance call, sun going down a bit late tonight. So I told you that my time was 2 o'clock midnight. I can't believe how stupit I was. Of course, I was not making you to call me, It's just a little misunderstanding. There was no performance at my place, especially for my favourite style, It's impossible to have one. I like post-rock very much, but I don't know "Long Distance Calling". It seems you like them and I'll try it later on.
Yes, my mood is better now. If you have a bad mood in the future just eat some sweetmeat. It resists depression. It's scientific proven!


I was just wrapped up in eating, so I just roughly read your message, I didn't know that“Long Distance Calling” and“Swallow the Sun” were bands, and then I took “Swallow”as“Shadow”!I got the whole sentence as: I will go to watch Katatonia later, and then make a long distance phone call, sunset will appear litte late tonight! Therefore, I am telling you, the time here now is 2 O'clock at night!I can't believe I was so stupid... of course,not letting you to call me, it's just a little misunderstanding! In the place where i am, ther is no live show whatsoever, especially those styles which I like, no way there will be any here! I also like post-rock, but I don't know “Long Distance Calling”,it seems like you like them
very much, I will give them a try later on!

and yes, I feel much better now, when you are not in the mood, try some sweetmeat, maybe they can resist depression, and that is based on scientific evidence!

Zhigu I was eating a result, only a very careless to read your message, I do not know "Long Distance Calling" and "Swallow the Sun" is the band, and then I put "Swallow" as a "Shadow"! Then I understood the whole sentence: I will go to Katatonia, long-distance calls, this evening the sun sets a little late! So I tell you that I have here is already 14 o'clock! Can not believe I actually so stupid ... Of course, not let you give me a call, a little misunderstanding! In my home where there was no live performances to see, in particular, I like the style, there can not be! I also like post-rock, but I do not know "Long Dista

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黄埔区15339397497: 英语翻译英文翻译 -
征玉乐净:[答案] Wish you will be happy forever and ever,my girl(love). 分给我,多经典的翻译啊

黄埔区15339397497: 英文的翻译
征玉乐净: English is becoming more and more widely.So we must attach importance to it to learn it well

黄埔区15339397497: 英文翻译成中文 -
征玉乐净: 翻译成中文的英语翻译是:Translate into Chinese,见下图百度翻译

黄埔区15339397497: 英语翻译用英语怎么说? -
征玉乐净: 人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译)普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation

黄埔区15339397497: 这个用英语怎么说 的英语翻译 -
征玉乐净: 这个用英语怎么说? what's this in English? 求个采纳哦!么么哒

黄埔区15339397497: 英语翻译(汉语翻译成英语) -
征玉乐净: I think it is good for a teacher to have humor in class , because it can improve students'interest in this course.And humor can relax the brain, keep people away from the state of tension, and this make our learnning much more easier. Humor helps ...

黄埔区15339397497: 请问英语翻译的英文怎么写? -
征玉乐净: english translator 英语翻译translate this to english 翻译成英语要看你怎么用咯

黄埔区15339397497: 英文翻译:1、打草稿;2、草稿;3、草稿纸;4、起草;5、草案;6、草拟;7、草算;8、草图. -
征玉乐净: 1、打草稿1st, rough draft. 2、草稿;2, draft; 3、草稿纸3, the draft paper; 4、起草;4, draft; 5、草案5, and draft; 6、草拟;6, draw up 7、草算7, calculate the grass 8、草图8, sketches.

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征玉乐净: 成为的英文:become; turn into; prove to be become 读法 英 [bɪ'kʌm] 美 [bɪ'kʌm] 1、作不及物动词的意思:成为;变得;变成2、作及物动词的意思:适合;相称 短语1、become extinct 灭绝 ; 变坏 ; 绝种2、has become 已经成为 ; 已变...

黄埔区15339397497: 英文翻译中文 -
征玉乐净: Dear Dad,Although I am not a good child,I love my family as well.Even if we have do something to express our love for you, my heart always eager you to love me!Sometimes I am unhappy because my brother and sister bully me.At that time,I'm angry ...


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