
作者&投稿:蠹向 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


he shook his fist, his voice swelling with anger.
his voice swelling with anger是独立主格结构,当状语,表示挥动拳头时的声音情况。可以理解为含有时间状语的句子:When he shook his fist, his voice was swelling with anger.

The Lay of Thrym
Thor awoke with a start. His hammer, the mighty Mjöllnir, was missing. He shook his shaggy head, and his beard bristled with anger as he groped around him.
He shouted to Loki, "My hammer has been stolen! No one in heaven or on earth can know what a loss this is for me!"

Forthwith they rushed to Freyja's shining halls.

"Freyja," said Thor, "will you lend me your feathered coat to help me seek my hammer?"

Freyja said, "I would lend it to you even if it were made of gold or silver."

Then Loki put on the feathered coat and, leaving Asgard, winged his way to Jotunheim, the world of giants.

Thrym, the lord of giants, sat upon a mound, smoothing his horses' manes and twisting golden halters for his hounds. He said, "How are the Æsir? How are the elves? Why have you come to Jotunheim?"

Loki said, "It is ill with the Æsir; it is ill with the elves. Tell me, have you hidden the Thunderer's hammer?"

Thrym said, "Yes, I have hidden Thor's hammer eight leagues deep in the earth. No one can win it back from me, unless he brings to me fair Freyja as a bride."

Loki flew away, the feathered coat rustling. He left behind the world of giants and winged his way back to the world of the gods.

Thor met him there in the middle court. He said, "Were your labors successful? Tell me the tidings before you land. Sitting causes one to forget, and lying causes one to lie."

Loki said, "Yes, my labors met with success. Thrym, the lord of giants, has your hammer; but no one can win Mjöllnir from him, unless he brings to him fair Freyja as a bride."

Forthwith they rushed to find fair Freyja. "Dress yourself in bridal linen," said Thor. "You and I are on our way to the world of giants."

At this Freyja foamed with rage. The halls of Asgard shook with her anger. The necklace of the Brisings broke apart. "You may call me man-crazy, if I go with you to Jotunheim," she said.

Straight away all the gods and goddesses gathered to discuss how they could recover Thor's hammer.

Heimdall, the fairest of the gods, like all the Vanir could see into the future. "Let us dress Thor in bridal linen," he said, "and let him wear the necklace of the Brisings. Tie housewife's keys about his waist, and pin bridal jewels upon his breast. Let him wear women's clothes, with a dainty hood on his head."

The Thunderer, mightiest of gods, replied, "The gods will call me womanish if I put on bridal linen."

Then Loki, son of Laufey, said, "Thor, be still! With such foolish words the giants will soon be living here in Asgard if you do not get your hammer from them."

So they dressed Thor in bridal linen, tied the necklace of Brisings around his neck and housewife's keys about his waist. They pinned bridal jewels upon his breast, and dressed him in women's clothes, with a dainty hood on his head.

Then Loki, son of Laufey, said, "I will accompany you as your maid-servant. Together we shall go to Jotunheim."

Forthwith the goats were driven home to be harnessed. The mountains trembled, and the earth burned with fire as Odin's son rode to Jotunheim.

Thrym, the lord of giants, said to his kin, "Stand up, you Jotuns, and put straw on the benches. They are bringing fair Freyja, daughter of Njord from Noatun, to be my bride. I have golden-horned cattle grazing in my yard. They are pure-black oxen, a joy to giants. I have treasures aplenty and rule over great riches. Freyja is the only thing that I lack."

Day soon became evening, and ale was brought to the giants' table. There Thor ate an ox and eight whole salmons, in addition to all the dainties that were served to the women. Furthermore, he drank three measures of mead.

Thrym, the lord of giants, said, "Have you ever seen a bride eat and drink so heartily?"

The maid-servant wisely answered thus: "Freyja was so eager to come to Jotunheim that she has eaten nothing for eight nights."

Thrym stooped beneath his bride's veil, wanting to kiss her, then jumped back the whole length of the hall. "Why are Freyja's eyes so fearful?" he said. "I think that fire is flaming from her eyes."

The maid-servant wisely answered the giant thus: "Freyja was so eager to come to Jotunheim that she has not slept for eight nights."

Then a poor sister of one of the giants came in and dared to beg a gift from the bride. "If you want my love and friendship then give me the gold rings from your fingers," she said.

Then Thrym, the lord of giants, said, "Bring me the hammer to bless the bride. Lay Mjöllnir on the maiden's lap, let the two of us thus be hallowed in the name of Vor, goddess of vows!"

When Thor saw the hammer his heart laughed within him, and he took courage. He first slew Thrym, the lord of giants, then he crushed all the giant's kin. Finally he slew the old giantess who had begged for a bridal gift. Instead of coins she got the crack of the hammer. Instead of rings she received the mark of Mjöllnir.

Thus Thor won back his hammer.

The Lay of Thrym Thor awoke with a start. His hammer, the mighty Mjöllnir, was missing. He shook his shaggy head, and his beard bristled with anger as he groped around him.He shouted to Loki, "My hammer has been stolen! No one in heaven or on earth can know wha...

北欧国家最著名的神话来自冰岛一首名为《史莱慕之诗》(The Lay of Thrym)的诗。诗中叙述有一天索尔醒来,发现他的锤子不见了,气得双手发抖,吹胡子瞪眼睛。于是他带着侍童洛奇去拜访芙瑞雅,问她是否可以将翅膀借他,好让洛奇可以飞到巨人所住的“约腾海”(Jotunheim),以探查那些巨人是否偷了...

5.史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊地看?到一双红彤彤的眼睛。此时洛奇再度出面解围。他说,新娘是因为在婚礼前太过兴奋,才整整一个礼拜都没有阖眼。于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 6.合卺同牢,二姓欢佳耦。凭谁手。鬓丝同纽。共祝齐眉寿。 7.堂开蓬莱景,人醉武陵春。

史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊地看到一双红彤彤的眼睛。此时洛奇再度出面解围。他说,新娘是因为在婚礼前太过兴奋,才整整一个礼拜都没有阖眼。于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 事实上,我们就是那只被人从帽子里拉出来的小白兔。我们与小白兔之间唯一的不同是:小白兔并不...

于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 3.细雨蒙蒙空悲眸,纤纤小玉碧佳音。蛾眉淡扫紧深锁,已是饱噙泪珠;樱唇难启羞涩涩,颜似红霞衬,低头无语凝噎。碧袖盈盈拂清波,天上人间,美不胜收! 4.合卺同牢,二姓欢佳耦。凭谁手。鬓丝同纽。共祝齐眉寿。 5.两姓来合婚,日日有钱春...

于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 13.听说你们俩明天去酒店,找个中间人去换戒指。我心里那个高兴呀,你也有今天,哈哈!你让我说什么好呢?结婚了,你俩后半辈子幸福的过着去吧! 14.笑脸写满幸福,笑眼里含着甜蜜,弯弯的嘴角挑着快乐,飘舞的婚纱包裹着美丽,还缺的是你的光临,希望...

于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 6.合卺同牢,二姓欢佳耦。凭谁手。鬓丝同纽。共祝齐眉寿。 7.堂开蓬莱景,人醉武陵春。 8.无论多豪华的婚礼都不代表幸福婚姻,两个人终生相处和睦与否和筵开几席、多少首饰全无关联。 9.佼佼乌丝,玉带珠花。兰性喜如春,娇面红霞衬,朱唇...

于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 24.恭喜你找到好的归宿!祝福你步入爱的殿堂!期待你们早生贵子! 25.在党的生日那天我们要结婚了,老婆让我立下结婚的誓言:我俩自愿结成夫妻,拥护老婆的领导,遵守老婆的章程,履行夫妻相互义务,执行老婆英明的决定,严守老婆打是亲骂是爱的纪律,对...

10.史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊地看?到一双红彤彤的眼睛。此时洛奇再度出面解围。他说,新娘是因为在婚礼前太过兴奋,才整整一个礼拜都没有阖眼。于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 11.你想给周围人安全感?结婚吧,单身公害。你想给父母亲幸福感?结婚吧,家人欢快。你想...

16、今天,我带着喜乐、感恩的心灵,代表教会向你们致以衷心地祝愿:主作之合永恒情,情投意合爱不息;愿上帝祝福你们的爱比高天更高更长,你们的情比深海更深更广! 17、缘情无需开户费,友情不付漫游费,爱情免收月租费,真情要比千金贵。我们的爱情一年又一年永永远远 18、史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊地...

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尉胞烧伤: 冰树那里现在是比较热的,是50-60的地方. 但是去的路上不好走,费劲阿,冰树是55级的,-5~+5之间都是可以拿到满经验的! 具体参考这里的任务. 不可思议系列任务之三 《史莱姆的回忆》 任务做到第11步,拿到手电就行了,就可以去练级了!拿好后村里那个小娃说话就可以去了! 路上是40多级的冰怪和水蜘蛛,建议带纯地水晶!头次去多带点血瓶!

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尉胞烧伤: 编者按: 7月28日例行停机维护后开放,任务名称:《史莱姆的回忆》 任务限制:无 推荐等级:Lv50+;5人组队 任务奖赏: 放大镜--【精神+3~15 命中+1~2 R3 耐久180~...

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尉胞烧伤: 不可思议系列任务之三 新浪游戏 2004-07-14 08:53 【我要投稿】 编者按: 7月28日例行停机维护后开放,任务名称:《史莱姆的回忆》 任务限制:无 推荐等级:Lv50+;5...

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尉胞烧伤: 烧技能最佳地点 必要条件:古代种子(注1)、1W魔币、4小时打卡时间、开摩顿村... 技能就是在这里烧,这里的敌人是30~33级的“史莱姆”和“果冻史莱姆”.(注2) ...

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尉胞烧伤: 是收晶石吧 活动日期: 2005年12月20日至2006年1月3日 活动内容: 法兰王国途中... 耐久100-150,等级1 说出“金币” 金币>10 得到史莱姆护身符 史莱姆护身符:(扔...

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尉胞烧伤: 可以 我的盗贼就进去偷了,不过你的现在不行,那个是5级普卡,你盗窃只能用到4级的,那里的怪才10几级,我记得是黄巨人和液态史莱姆 还有过那个桥还要40级呢,所以你现在是肯定不行,练到40级有5级盗窃才可以

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