
作者&投稿:巩呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

微难。。。 还没分。。。

That was the sword from my throat as 0.01 cm
But in the near future
That will be the master of the sword of love, I thoroughly
I decided that because of a lie
Although I lie countless lives
But this one
I think it is the most perfect one right

Half a step forward again
I would kill you

You should do so
I should die

It seems that I shouldn't have come.
It's too late to say so.
Can you just leave me some memories?
I don't want memories.I just want you.
Then you'll get only my body,but not my soul.I've been fell in love with others,and we won't have any results.Just let me go.
Ok,I'll let you go,but kiss me before you go.
Kiss her!Kiss her!
I'm a Western samurai,if I kiss you just because you let me to,how can I keep my image?
You lier.You dare not cause you're still loving me.Let me tell you,you'll regret in your whole life if you refuse me.
I won't do that even I'll regret.All the fault is that we met each other too late.
这个……也要翻么?= =
The depression in the woman's eyes makes Sun feel hurt.He blows up some wind with sand which makes people unable to see what's happening,and fly into man's body.
The man's body suddenly shakes and throws away his sward,he walked to the woman and kisses her deeply in his arms.
I'll never go away in my life.I love——you.
The woman suprisely hugs the man.
The crowd cheer up together.
The man suddenly wakes up and finds the woman in his arms.He knows himself finally kissed the woman from the happy expression on woman's face and people's cheer.He feels happy even it's unbelievable.
Sun looks up the couple and turned back into the crowd.The woman noticed his back.
That man looks strange.
Yeah I see him too,he looks like a dog!

纯手工翻译啊 有点累
呵呵 提供这么个机会 谢谢你啊

Men: It seems that I should not come!

Woman: Now, I realize too late!

Men: the impression of memory work?

Woman: I do not remember! If you want to leave the person!

Men: But just to get my body and can not get my soul. I already have love, and we will not have results. You let me go!

Women's: Good! I let you go you can, but before he kissed me, you have to look at!

Spectator: to kiss her! Pro She!

Men: how do I say this is a Western samurai, you call me kissed me on the pro, then I was not completely destroyed the image!

Women's: You lie! You can not kiss me because you still like me. I tell you, even if you refuse me, you will regret it for life!

Men's: regret, I would not pro! Blame Xiangfenghenwan, weird twist of fate!

(Women's eyes revealed the sad stricken eyes sting a while to make the hearts of Wukong, his burst of wind and sand blowing everybody's fascinated eyes, took the opportunity to fly into the man's body.)

(Men's whole body suddenly startled, raised his head and arms of the sword will be a cast, great strides walked over to a woman in his arms a deep kiss.)

Men: I am in this life will not go! I love - you!

(Women's surprised, the two hugged tightly.)

(Under the city along with the crowd applauded.)

(Men's whole body suddenly startled to wake up and found that woman was in his bosom, can not help but Yi Leng, and so happy to see face of the woman's face and hear the crowd cheering, finally came to understand their own, or pro-women's, although some were puzzled, but also very happy.)

(Where Wukong final glance at the get married lover, turned around, hidden in the crowd. His backs were women noticed.)

Men: what?

Woman: That looks like a good person strange ah!

Men: I have also seen, he seems to be Goua!

Man: it seems I should not come!

Woman: now just know too late!

Man: leave some memories?

Woman: I don't remember! I want you!

Man: just get my flesh, and can't get my soul. I've got a lover, we won't have the result. You let me go!

Woman: good! I can let you go, but before you want to kiss me!

Onlooker: kiss her! Kiss her!

Man: how do I say is a powerless warrior, I would I kiss you, my image will be ruined.

Woman: you're lying. You can't kiss me because you still love me. I tell you, if you reject me, you'll regret forever!

Man: sorry, I won't kiss! To meet hate late, the creator lane!

The woman (in the eye to piteously wu heart a twinge of wind blowing, he was fascinated by people's eyes, which the body into the man.

(a man suddenly the whole body, head of the sword, and will cast a bosom to go to hug the woman in the bosom deeply a kiss.

Man: I've never walk! I love you!

(a woman, both surprise hug together.

The crowd gathered together (roughly) applause.

(a man suddenly all earthquake wide awake, discover the woman fell on his arms and one leng, etc. To see women face facial expressions and hear all the happiness of shout, just understand oneself finally or close the woman, although some puzzling, but also feel very happy.

(when wu finally a look Ellen lover, and turned in the crowd back. He was woman noticed.

Man: what is stem?

Woman: the personal appearance is very strange!

Man: I also saw, he seems dog!

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