
作者&投稿:门晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

According to the different clinical manifestations of severity and age, treatment is not the same. For the complexity of urinary tract infection, if not associated with fever, etc, can be toxic symptom oral antibiotics, 5-7 days. For urinary anatomy associated anomalies such as reflux children should continue to normal after the application of antibiotics for at least five days, oral or venous medication can, For treatment of acute pyelonephritis should be timely thoroughly, especially for older than 3 months, or fever sleepiness, lower blood pressure, etc for sepsis or complexity of urinary tract infection or intolerance, oral drug treatment, intravenous infusion treatment 5-7 days. After giving small doses of antibiotic prophylaxis, until the urinary deformity recovery. Recurrent infections in cultivating bacteria can choose two antibiotics, treatment 7-14 days for appropriate, then gives small doses of drugs, prevent recurrence.

Almost no one believed that Jiang Jieshi will be in Taiwan for up to one year or more, even Jiang Jieshi himself wrote in a December 25, 1949 diary: "over the past year, party, politics,economy, military, diplomacy, education has been a complete failure and despair.".

Toxicology: Feed drugs to different types of animals by grams , their LD50 values show that: the acute toxicity of oral Uralyt is low; the increase of urine PH value attributables to the citrate complex pharmacodynamics effect.The animal experiments shows that hydrogen-K-Na citrate-free embryos and teratogenic potential toxicity.

Toxicology: used for measuring the drugs, different kinds of animal feed, it shows that: the value of oral friendly LD50 to the acute toxicity is very low, Due to the increased urine PH value of folic acid compound pharmacodynamics function. Animal experiments show that folic acid sodium potassium hydrogen without underlying embryos and teratogenic toxicity.

I love Chelsea 2、我还喜欢打乒乓球。我唯一获得过的跟体育有关的奖项就是小学四年级时的乒乓球比赛,我得了第三名,重在参与嘛。不过我想如果我得了第一的就一定不会这么说了。I also like table tennis. The only prize related to sports of mine is in the table tennis match which was ...

which are all unshakable.and will go on as long as people go in for solution of freedom.世界吗?是啊!回答是应该选择追求自由的世界。在这个辽阔的世界面前,可笑的梦想将成为你们前进的方向。提起勇气,在信念的旗帜带领下!”The world?yeah. go in for the freedom,enjoy yourself even whe...

中文翻译(1)产生于这些因素的结合是市场开拓,而不是市场发展的政策 中文翻译(2)这些因素的结合所产生\/创造的是市场开发而不是市场发展\/利用\/推销的政策 中文翻译(3)与其说是市场开发,不如说是市场开拓政策是指写因素结合而导致的结果.flow from 从…流出 Water flowed from the pipe.水从管子...

Could you please let me know what you expect my team to do when the company moved in? It'll be very much appreciated if you can provide me a list. Thank you very much.

你好!Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday.以一个开放的心态学习新的课程。即使它与你前天所学到的恰恰相反,产生矛盾。百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~...

英语翻译一句话 5分 要快
不要放弃,没有任何借口。寻找解决问题的办法,才是最有效的工作原则!Don't give up,no excuses.To find the way of solving the problem is the most effectual working principle.


好的,只要寄给我jack jones 的T恤,我昨天已经付过钱了,还有寄给我免费的礼品-paul smith 的围巾.当我收到这些包裹时,我再订皮夹克的样品.

求翻译分析一句话 谢谢 compared to children, teens are 90 perc...

句子翻译,这是老外说的一句话,翻译下!要准确无误才给分! the one i am not, the one i want to be, the one i want set free, is the one you never see, the one i hide in me, is the man i want to be 那个我还没有成为的人,是那个我想成为的人,那个我想释放出的人...

海盐县19237469157: 高分请求大家帮我翻译个句子
尹重澜琪: 请听我从头开始复述这个故事 Please let (允许)me repeat(重述) the story from the beginning(从头)

海盐县19237469157: 高分悬赏.朋友们帮帮忙,在线翻译英语句子!!时间紧急的!谢谢各位了~
尹重澜琪: it`s disadvantageous for us to be addicted in computer games. it is harmful for our eyes and health to sit too long time in front of computers. some games will harm students` mentality. you should be away from computer games, and study conscientiously. To be moderate in amusement is good to relief.

海盐县19237469157: 高分求英语翻译.帮我翻译一个句子
尹重澜琪: love fades, because you have changed .

海盐县19237469157: 高分紧急求译 -
尹重澜琪: 有市场联系起来的产业链很快形成(spring into有弹出的意思 不好翻)

海盐县19237469157: 翻译一句话,高分求高手,需要详细解释
尹重澜琪: 就是那个意思 让我留下 不知道你有没有看过 lie to me 这个直译过来就是 对我说谎 但是,真正的意思是 别对我说谎 跟这里的 Leave Me 是一样的.算是一种修辞吧.呵呵好吧,那我直译一下 : Let me stay here

海盐县19237469157: 高分求英文翻译一句! -
尹重澜琪: 上面的翻译存在一个对西方文化理解的问题,Him首字母大写是指上帝.可理解为:主给我力量,让我无所不能.

海盐县19237469157: 高分求助翻译一句话高手帮忙翻译括号里面的一句话谢谢TheCEOs
尹重澜琪: 是那些总执行长们(CEOs)未能根据协议履行他们的义务.【他们引导你相信他们... ****** 这一句摘自《Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!》这本书的第十六章. 作者是...

海盐县19237469157: 翻译一句话,高分求高手,需要详细解释. -
尹重澜琪: 为了不看错.你的"让我留下" ''Leave Me''视频的连接是? 看了..这Leave me, 是Leave me alone, Leave me be 的意思..严格来说,是”别管我“的意思.对不知到这“Leave Me" 的 “来源”,“背景”的人来说,Leave Me 不是你要的“让我留下”的意思.“让我留下” 是 Let Me Stay. 分不重要,纹身是一辈子的事情,不想你弄错.也不必那么急.就算其他人说“Leave Me" 是”让我留下“,我建议你写下着"Leave Me"在一张纸上,问问任何会英文的人.看看 对没有见过”Leave Me"短片的人来说,“Leave Me"这组句的 解释是什么.

海盐县19237469157: 高分求翻译!!!! -
尹重澜琪: 需要帮忙吗?May I help you?我要办理此次班机的登机手续.I'd like to check in for this flight, please.请把行李放在磅秤上.Please put your luggage on this scale.你需要在柜台托运你的...

海盐县19237469157: 高分求翻译一句话!
尹重澜琪: 因为你,我会尽我最大的努力去做一个合格的英语课代表. I will try my best to be a qualified representative of English course for the sake of you. 或:Because of you,I will try my best to be a qualified representative of English course.

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