
作者&投稿:离阀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1, the overall design phase
1) script. Any film production is the first step in creating the script, but the animation and live performance scripts for feature films are very different from the script. General movie dialogue, the performances of the actors is very important, and in the animated film should be avoided as much as possible the complexity of the dialogue. Here is the most important performance of the visual screen action, the best animation is achieved through the action of the comic, of which there is no dialogue, but rather inspired by the creative vision of people's imagination.
2) the story board. According to the script, the director to draw comic story of a similar plan (sub-lens mapping script), the script describes the action shown. Story board there are a number of fragments, each fragment formed by the series of scenes, a scene is generally limited to a certain place and a group of people, and the scenes can be seen as divided into a series of pictures of the lens unit, which construct the overall structure of a cartoon. The story of the various sub-board camera in the drawing at the same time, as the contents of the action,道白time, photography instruction, the screen connection and so have a corresponding note. 30 minutes of animation in general script, if set up about 400 points of the lens will be about 800 pictures drawn picture script - the story board.
3) produced table. Table is produced by the director of film production throughout the preparation of the progress of the planning sheet to guide the parties animation collective work coordinated staff.
2, Design Phase
1) design. Design work is based on the story board to determine the background, the prospects and the form and shape of props to complete the scene environment and background of the design, production. On the role of characters or other design, and draw each shape several different angles of standard pages for other animation reference.
2) sound. In animation, because action must be matched with the music, it had to sound recordings before the animation. Recording is completed, the editorial staff would also like to record the voice of the decomposition to accurately position each piece of the screen, that is, the first few seconds (or the pieces of the screen) began to speak, how long and so to speak. Finally, to all the audio course (or track) to break down a picture of each location and be the voice of the corresponding table for animation reference.
3, specific creative phase
1) the original drawing. The original painting created by the animation designer to map out some of the key frame animation. Is usually a designer is only responsible for a fixed figure or any other role.
2) the production of the middle illustration. The middle two important illustration is the location or the framework of plans to see the pictures, is generally between two original paintings painting. Assistant animators create a middle-painting, and the remaining officers interpolation art drawn to connect the role of action painting. Original paintings in various additional interpolation between the consecutive action of painting, it is necessary to comply with the specified movement time so that it can show close-to-natural movement.
Animation is a very complicated and important work, very detailed division of labor. Usually divided into the system prior to production, such as system. System also includes pre-planning, work settings, such as fund-raising; productions include the sub-mirror, the original painting, animation, color, background painting, photography, dubbing, sound recording, etc.; system, including synthesis, editing, preview and so on.

Machinery manufacturing technology is to study product design, production, manufacturing, selling and use, maintenance services and even recycling of Zhenggeguocheng engineering courses Shiyitigao quality and effectiveness, competitive Liwei goals, including matter stream, information flow and the flow of Nengliang complete system engineering. With the development of society, demand for products, great changes have taken place, asked to diverse varieties, update to fast, high quality and to use the convenience, reasonable prices, appearance to appearance, degree of automation is higher, after-sales service better, to meet the growing demands of high, they must use advanced machinery manufacturing technology.
1, the characteristics of advanced manufacturing technology
1.1 is the technology for the 21st century
Manufacturing technology of advanced manufacturing technology is the latest stage of development, is the manufacturing technology development from the traditional up, not only with past technology Zhong maintained the effective ingredient, having to continuously absorb Ge Zhong Cheng Guo high, and penetration 到 产品 All areas of production and the whole process. Advanced manufacturing technology combined with modern high-tech and created a complete technical group, it is a clear scope of the new area of technology, is oriented toward the 21st century technology.
1.2 is the technology for industrial applications
Advanced manufacturing technology is not limited to the manufacturing process itself, which involves the product from the market research, product development and process design, production preparation, manufacturing, service and other product life cycle, all the contents, and their integration into an organic whole. The application of advanced manufacturing technology the best special attention to the actual results produced, the aim is to enhance competition and promote national economic growth and overall strength. It aims to enhance the comprehensive economic and social benefits the manufacturing industry.
1.3 is a production process control system engineering
Special emphasis on advanced manufacturing technology computer technology, information technology, sensor technology, automation technology, new materials technology and modern systems management technology in product design, manufacturing and production organization and management, sales and after-sales service and other applications. It should continue to absorb the results of various high-tech and traditional manufacturing techniques combine to make manufacturing technology into the production process to manage the material flow, energy flow and information flow in systems engineering.
1.4 is the technology for global competition
Since the 80s of the 20th century, the globalization of markets has been further developed, the developed countries through financial, economic, scientific and technological means to fight the market, dumping product, output of capital. With the formation of global markets, making market competition becomes more intense, advanced manufacturing technology is to adapt to fierce market competition emerged. Thus, a country of advanced manufacturing technology, it should be the subject of world advanced level, should be able to support the manufacturing industry's competitiveness in the global market.
1.5 is the unity of the three elements of market competition
70 years ago in the 20th century, the technology is relatively simple product, a new market, will soon follow the same functionality listing the products. Therefore, the market competition is the core of how to improve productivity. In the 20th century after 80 years, the manufacturing sector to win the main contradiction of market competition to improve labor productivity has been changed from a time as the core of the time, cost and quality of the three elements of the conflict. These three contradictions of advanced manufacturing technology combine to make up a unified three.
2 Advanced Manufacturing Technology in China
In recent years, China's manufacturing industries continue to adopt advanced manufacturing technology, but compared with the industrialized countries there is still a stage of the overall gap.
(A) management. Extensive use of computer management of industrial countries, attention to the organization and management system, updating the development of production patterns, introduced in-time production (JIT), Agile Manufacturing (AM), lean production (LP), Concurrent Engineering (CE) and other new management ideas and technology. Only a few large enterprises in China with a computer-aided management of local, most small businesses still in the management of stage experience.
(2) design. Industrial countries constantly updated design data and guidelines, a new design method, widely used computer aided design (CAD / CAM), large firms without drawing the design and production. China's use of CAD / CAM technology, the lower the ratio.
(3) manufacturing process. Wider industrial countries with high precision machining, precision machining, micro machining, micro-mechanical and micro / nano-technology, laser processing technology, electromagnetic processing technology, super-plastic processing technology and composite processing technology and other new processing methods. China's penetration rate is not high, still in development and control.
(4) automation technology. Industrial countries generally use CNC machine tools, machining center and flexible manufacturing cell (FMC), flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS), to achieve a flexible automation, knowledge, intelligence, integration. China is still in stand-alone automation, automatic stage of rigid, flexible manufacturing cells and systems used in only a few companies.
3 China's Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development
(1) Globalization. On the one hand the international and domestic markets more competitive, such as machinery manufacturing, there are many domestic and foreign enterprises, and even high-profile companies, in this ruthless competition have lost, there is collapse, and some be annexed. Many of the domestic market still holds a temporary share 企业 had to expand the market of new; the other hand, the network communication technology, rapid development has prompted the company toward both competition and co-operative direction, this development further intensified with international competition in the market. The interaction of these two reasons, the manufacturing industry has become the driving force of globalization, global manufacturing technology is based on the first network, and network communication technology to create a reality of globalization.
(2) Network. Network communication technology, rapid development and popularization of the enterprise's production and business activities brought about revolutionary changes. Product design, material selection, parts manufacturing, marketing and product sales can be conducted off-site or across borders. In addition, the rapid development of network communication technology to speed up exchanges of information technology to enhance cooperation in product development and management of learning, contribute to its competition and cooperation toward the direction.
(3) virtualization. Virtual manufacturing process technology is production-oriented process simulation and testing. Machinability testing of products, processing methods and the rationality of technology, to optimize the product's manufacturing process, ensure product quality, cycle time and minimum cost for this production process planning, organization and management, shop scheduling, supply chain and logistics design modeling and simulation. The core of virtual computer simulation, the simulation software to simulate the real system to ensure that products and production processes Sheji is reasonable, to ensure the success of manufacturing and production cycles, 发现 designing and production of Quexian and Cuowu inevitable.
(4) Automation. Automation is a dynamic concept, the present study its performance in the manufacturing system integration technology and systems technology, human-computer integration manufacturing system, manufacturing cell technology, manufacturing process planning and scheduling, flexible manufacturing technology and adapt to the current production model manufacturing environment. Manufacturing automation technology trends is to create globalization, agile manufacturing, manufacturing networks, virtual manufacturing, manufacturing intelligence and manufacturing green.
(5) green. Green manufacturing production process through the green, green design, green materials, green equipment, green technology, green packaging, green management and production of green products, product finished later be processed through the green recycling. Using green manufacturing to minimize the negative impact of manufacturing on the environment, while making use of raw materials and energy efficiency the highest.
4 Conclusion
Manufacturing technology is not only a country's technological development level an important indicator, is also the focus of international technological competition. China is in a critical period of economic development, manufacturing technology is our weak link. Only the development of advanced manufacturing technology to keep up with world trends, put it in the strategic priority, and in sufficient strength to be implemented in order to quickly narrow the gap with the developed countries, to the intense market competition in an invincible position. In short, our research and development of advanced manufacturing technology imperative



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