
作者&投稿:嬴周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
恳请英语高手帮我一下,将中文翻译成英文,只要准确、话语通顺 直接用软件翻译的 软件王子就不要翻了~

During installation, the front must be covered with a light-proof material, so as to avoid generation of current.

The installation can be carried out safely by using connection joints.

All corners had been burnished, no sharp edges exist.

The polymeric material used is in compliance with the fire rating requirements.

Reliable cable connections, no electric sparks will occur.

It is clearly specified in the manual that trampling is forbidden, this is to prevent man-made damage to components.

In order to ensure proper installation, detailed instructions on various installation methods are included in the manual.


请教 友爱



Under the background of the new curriculum primary school English teaching effectiveness strategies

4.1、Class preparation
Prepare lessons before class, including teachers and students of the preview. Teachers should emphasize preparing lessons, independent study independent, and to advocate cooperation study, preparing for the collective, improve the quality of the preparation, Teachers should also teach students some preparation methods, and through the classroom training to improve the quality of a preview. So to improve the effectiveness of preparing students and the effectiveness of the preview is what we must research strategy. Teachers in preparation for teaching activities, the creation don't too complicated situation, should pay attention to the teaching time distribution. With the establishment of teaching content to students of real life situation is to improve the effectiveness of teaching is the important way. For example, in learning vocabulary, some teachers stationery guessing game design, let the students guess several bags, stationery, teachers are subject animals in the zoo design student, lets the student verbal description they are familiar with animals. These environmental creation is for students in the limited time learning objectives, teaching objectives are clear. However, some of the teachers' teaching environment of too. For example, a teacher in a birthday gift "professor" the content, design of birthday cake, teachers using half stanza lesson of time, lets the student with props as a birthday cake, for instance, some teachers in teaching "under"), on the design of hide-and-seek activities, teachers carefully! ChengGuTing classrooms, a bed room, table, box objects such as a student, blindfolded guess another student hiding place, because the student to have very interested in the scene, the activities of inattention to use language teaching activities of the position of the students, and the scene is limited, only have 2 meters of the students to participate in the activities, yes, the efficiency is greatly reduced the whole class arrangement quite unreasonable, can only say, no more than content to form the teaching goal, therefore, teachers in preparing, not only should pay attention to when creating context teaching situation of authenticity, interesting, and also considering activity participation and efficiency.

4.2、The effectiveness of the classroom operation strategy
The effectiveness of the classroom operation directly affect the effectiveness of the classroom teaching of English in primary school, so in the classroom teaching, how to effectively use of teaching resources, create valuable teaching situation? How to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning words? How to design effective teaching structure? How to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching? Exploration and study on the effectiveness of a series of classroom operation strategy is imminent.

4.2.1 Classroom activities to the teaching goal: to clear
How to improve the effectiveness of classroom operation? LiXueHua education foundation said. "the overall objectives of stage English course is to cultivate students the comprehensive application capability", students can use English to do things "is the main target of classroom teaching. In English classroom teaching in elementary school teacher is widely used to student life, easy to students to participate in the experience of task-based activities. For example, in the teaching of "75 please" teaching content, the teacher can design "to McDonald meal" activities, lets the student practice food words and sentences express need some food. This is the goal of teaching activity is clear. Students use the food and food expression ability of developing to a certain extent and some activities. The teaching goal is not strong, even directivity pointing error of the teaching goal, as in teaching can you 6 fast? This text, teachers can design more interesting sports competition with each other, let the student can you 6 fast? As the race, in which a refueling player though students can speak activities can you 6 fast? But easy to let the student can use can you mistakenly 6 fast? To give players, like this can cheer to the activities of teaching goals is not considered a effective teaching.

4.2.2 The creation of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students
Mr Rogers said "successful education depends on a sincere trust and understanding of the relationship between teachers and students, relies on a safe and harmonious classroom atmosphere." In English classroom teaching process and create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, can make to learn good heart condition, make students in active emotional state, in order to make students learning initiative and happily.
In English teaching, teachers, students' English level with jagged, should fully respect and understand students, especially for difference of them without the efforts to find their sparking tried to encourage and help them to establish confidence, introduce some study method, and teach them some improving brain exercise methods memory. Homework to present the wrong, don't simply wrong with the red pen, deny it, the right place is drawn out, DOOG sketching PIONT or

4, New Curriculum primary school English teaching effectiveness Strategy
4.1, preparation before class
Preparation before class, including teachers preparing lessons and students preview. Teacher preparation should not only emphasize the independent studying, self-lesson preparation, but also promote collaborative research, collective lesson planning, and effectively improve the quality of lesson preparation; teachers should also teach students to preview some of the methods, and classroom training to improve the preview quality achievement. Therefore, preparing lessons to improve the effectiveness and the effectiveness of strategies students preview what we have to study. When teachers in preparing lessons, teaching activities for the creation of scenarios should not be too complicated and should focus on the allocation of teaching time. Teaching content creation line close to the real student life teaching scenarios is an important way to improve effectiveness. For example, in studying vocabulary stationery, some teachers puzzle game designed to enable students to guess the number of bags side of stationery, study animals in the topic, the teacher design a zoo scene with students, for students to verbally describe their familiar animal. The creation of these environments are conducive to the students in the limited time to achieve learning goals, teaching goals are also clear. However, some teachers teaching too much emphasis on Environment. For example, the teachers teach, "birthday gifts" in the content, send birthday cake design activities, teachers use class time for students in half with prop a birthday cake, another example, some teachers teach "in under on" position words, the design of the hide and seek activity, the classroom teacher carefully arranged family room bar scene, there are beds, tables, boxes and other items, a student blindfolded possession of another student may guess location, the scene of activity as students very interesting, attention can not focus on the use of the language to describe the location of the teaching activities of students, and because of the activities the scene is limited, you can only have 2 Miang students to participate in the activities of the efficiency is greatly reduced, the whole class arrangement quite unreasonable, can only form than content, not to reach teaching goals, therefore, teachers in lesson preparation, the creation of situational teaching situations when not only pay attention to the authenticity of fun, but also taking into account the participation in activities and efficiency.
4.2, the effectiveness of classroom operation strategy
Class operation directly affects the validity of the effectiveness of classroom teaching, then teaching English in primary schools, how to create efficient use of valuable teaching resources, teaching situation? How to improve word, sentence teaching effectiveness? How to design effective classroom teaching structure? How the effectiveness of classroom teaching evaluation? Explore and research the effectiveness of classroom operation strategy of the series is extremely urgent things.
4.2.1 Classroom Activities to point to specific teaching objectives:
Like how to improve the effectiveness of classroom operations do? Arriving that "basic education English courses overall objective is to develop students ability to use the integrated", the students can "do things in English" is the goal of classroom teaching to reach the main embodiment. English teaching in primary schools in the extensive use of close teacher student life, easy-to-student participation in the task of experience-based activities. For example, in teaching "food and drink" of the teaching content, teachers can design "to eat at McDonald's" campaign for students to practice food words and expressions need some food to grow. Teaching objectives such activities will be very clear. Students expressed the capacity of food and the use of food have been developed to some extent. And some of the teaching activities targeting is not strong, or even point to the wrong teaching objectives, such as in teaching can you run fast? This lesson, the teacher can design the more interesting sports for students with each other can you run fast? players for the race fuel, although this activity students say can you run fast? but it is easy for students to think they could can you run fast? to players refueling, like this can not be right to point the activities of teaching objectives can not be considered effective teaching.
4.2.2 the establishment of harmonious relations between teachers and students
Rogers said that "the success of education depends a genuine understanding and trust of the teacher-student relationship, depends on a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom safe." In English class teaching process, creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in class, can learn to produce good heart condition, so that students are positive emotional state, so that students take the initiative and learn happily.
In the English classroom, teachers are facing varying English language proficiency, students should fully respect and understand, especially for poor students did not give up on their efforts to find them enlightening point strongly to be encouraged, to help them establish confidence in the learning techniques to introduce them to books, and teach them some ways to improve brain memory exercise. There is more work for the errors, not simply wrong in red, summarily reject the second is to sketch out the right place, paint or DOOG PIONT

4, New Curriculum primary school English teaching effectiveness Strategy
4.1, preparation before class
Preparation before class, including teachers preparing lessons and students preview. Teacher preparation should not only emphasize the independent studying, self-lesson preparation, but also promote collaborative research, collective lesson planning, and effectively improve the quality of lesson preparation; teachers should also teach students to preview some of the methods, and classroom training to improve the preview quality achievement. Therefore, preparing lessons to improve the effectiveness and the effectiveness of strategies students preview what we have to study. When teachers in preparing lessons, teaching activities for the creation of scenarios should not be too complicated and should focus on the allocation of teaching time. Teaching content creation line close to the real student life teaching scenarios is an important way to improve effectiveness. For example, in studying vocabulary stationery, some teachers puzzle game designed to enable students to guess the number of bags side of stationery, study animals in the topic, the teacher design a zoo scene with students, for students to verbally describe their familiar animal. The creation of these environments are conducive to the students in the limited time to achieve learning goals, teaching goals are also clear. However, some teachers teaching too much emphasis on Environment. For example, the teachers teach, "birthday gifts" in the content, send birthday cake design activities, teachers use class time for students in half with prop a birthday cake, another example, some teachers teach "in under on" position words, the design of the hide and seek activity, the classroom teacher carefully arranged family room bar scene, there are beds, tables, boxes and other items, a student blindfolded possession of another student may guess location, the scene of activity as students very interesting, attention can not focus on the use of the language to describe the location of the teaching activities of students, and because of the activities the scene is limited, you can only have 2 Miang students to participate in the activities of the efficiency is greatly reduced, the whole class arrangement quite unreasonable, can only form than content, not to reach teaching goals, therefore, teachers in lesson preparation, the creation of situational teaching situations when not only pay attention to the authenticity of fun, but also taking into account the participation in activities and efficiency.
4.2, the effectiveness of classroom operation strategy
Class operation directly affects the validity of the effectiveness of classroom teaching, then teaching English in primary schools, how to create efficient use of valuable teaching resources, teaching situation? How to improve word, sentence teaching effectiveness? How to design effective classroom teaching structure? How the effectiveness of classroom teaching evaluation? Explore and research the effectiveness of classroom operation strategy of the series is extremely urgent things.
4.2.1 Classroom Activities to point to specific teaching objectives:
Like how to improve the effectiveness of classroom operations do? Arriving that "basic education English courses overall objective is to develop students ability to use the integrated", the students can "do things in English" is the goal of classroom teaching to reach the main embodiment. English teaching in primary schools in the extensive use of close teacher student life, easy-to-student participation in the task of experience-based activities. For example, in teaching "food and drink" of the teaching content, teachers can design "to eat at McDonald's" campaign for students to practice food words and expressions need some food to grow. Teaching objectives such activities will be very clear. Students expressed the capacity of food and the use of food have been developed to some extent. And some of the teaching activities targeting is not strong, or even point to the wrong teaching objectives, such as in teaching can you run fast? This lesson, the teacher can design the more interesting sports for students with each other can you run fast? players for the race fuel, although this activity students say can you run fast? but it is easy for students to think they could can you run fast? to players refueling, like this can not be right to point the activities of teaching objectives can not be considered effective teaching.
4.2.2 the establishment of harmonious relations between teachers and students
Rogers said that "the success of education depends a genuine understanding and trust of the teacher-student relationship, depends on a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom safe." In English class teaching process, creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in class, can learn to produce good heart condition, so that students are positive emotional state, so that students take the initiative and learn happily.
In the English classroom, teachers are facing varying English language proficiency, students should fully respect and understand, especially for poor students did not give up on their efforts to find them enlightening point strongly to be encouraged, to help them establish confidence in the learning techniques to introduce them to books, and teach them some ways to improve brain memory exercise. There is more work for the errors, not simply wrong in red, summarily reject the second is to sketch out the right place, paint or DOOG PIONT



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我是7:00离开家的 i left home at 7am 我是乘坐公交汽车去上学 i take bus to school 我家离学校有10公里 the distanse from my house to school is 10 kilometer 我从家到校要15分钟 it took 12 minuts to get to school 我喜欢我的学校之旅 i enjoy my journey to school ...

running around


以WPS 2019版为例,有两种办法供参考 第一种方法:全文翻译 1. 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“全文翻译”2. 在弹出框根据需求进行选择,点击开始翻译即可 第二种方法:划词翻译 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“划词翻译”,鼠标划选文字就可以显示查词,翻译结果~...


他将错就错地将所遭受的一切嘲讽和委屈化作报复,然后在绝境里自杀 He connived at turning all the scoffs and frames he'd been subjected into a revenge,then committed suicide in a deep despair.书柜上摞了一摞原版英文小说 There are a stack of English original novels on the bookshelf....

中文音译英文名是指将中文的姓名或名字翻译成英语的一种方式。这种方式通常用于在跨文化交流中使用,例如在国际会议、商务会议、海外留学等场合。中文名在英文中的表达通常采用直接翻译,例如将“张三”翻译成“John Zhang”、将“李华”翻译成“Hua Li”以及应用音译,在应用音译方面,常采用的是汉语拼音...


龙州县15895247327: 把中文翻译成英文为什么不能直接翻译,而是把时间,地点,放在后面 -
诗解红源: 这个是习惯问题.没有为什么的.英文的语法结构就是这样的.

龙州县15895247327: 怎样才能把一段汉语翻译成英语呢,急 -
诗解红源: 把一段汉语翻译成英语,可以试试下面这个翻译方法,希望可以帮助到你. 1、微信上的有些小程序是可以翻译文字的,例如迅捷翻译,找到小程序就不说了,打开小程序. 2、然后点击输入或者复制你需要翻译的汉语,输入完成后,点击翻译,即可翻译文字了,如图所示: 3、点击旁边的按钮,可以复制翻译出来的英文.

龙州县15895247327: 【急求】帮忙把我的这封信翻译成英文,不要用翻译器不要用翻译器需要翻译的内容如下:现在我只是一个初一学生,还在努力学习英语,我也希望能通过... -
诗解红源:[答案] Now I am just a student, still trying to learn English, I also hope that through communication with you, let our English ability is stronger.

龙州县15895247327: 中文翻译成英语. 要求:不能用翻译器直接翻译的.语法错误尽量少一点.通顺.签署本协议的各位股东同意,他们将不出售、抵押、转让、过户、质押,或者处置... -
诗解红源:[答案] Signing the agreement of each shareholder agree,they will not sell,transfer,register transfer,mortgage,pledge,or dispose of or any of all the shares,unless the shares already with this agreement 4 (D) regulation,a calculation for the unit price,to the "...

龙州县15895247327: 中文翻译成英文,不要直译!...
诗解红源: Hearing from you,I could feel you troubled,and I hope my suggestions may help you.Finally,wish you happy.

龙州县15895247327: 求急!如何快速将中文翻译成英文?
诗解红源: 好吧,说实话,文字的翻译其实是文化的翻译,根本没有快速的一说.但是你若是想要达到快速的效果,可未尝不可,至少文字所需要达到的效果还是表达自己的思想,表达的效果达到了,那就好了,所以我的意见就是,你逐字的翻译吧,不用管什么结构,语法,外国人也能看懂,勉强理解是可以的,但是等不了大雅之堂,就是这样的希望你能满意

龙州县15895247327: 麻烦帮助把中文 翻译成英文 ,不要翻译机器翻译的,非常感谢 -
诗解红源: 1, the substantial increase in the number of...

龙州县15895247327: 急—将中文翻译成英文
诗解红源: Since forget how to foreve

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诗解红源: Your on half a lifetime I am unable to participation, your latter half of one's life I accompany! 你可以在 http://www.netat.net/这个网站翻译

龙州县15895247327: 找人帮我把中文翻译成英文,...
诗解红源: Hello everybody, my name XXX, 18 years old, height 180, is a boy, I am a secondary school students, is a computer professional, I like playing basketball and singing, occasionally jumping dance, most want to do now Spring is a little higher in it, playing basketball can be deducted storm.

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