
作者&投稿:池敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A new semester approaching, we stand on a new starting point, faced with greater challenges, I am well aware that this is not an easy way to take, but Once we mastered the knack of this, it is exciting to wait for the better tomorrow. After the study, in order to have a correct direction, I devised a study plan. First, there must be confidence, confidence is the first secret of success, both in life and in learning, self-confidence is crucial. No matter how tomorrow, but today has come, grasp this is the most sensible choice. No matter how great the gap between themselves and others, but to enter the second semester, and it is a new beginning, always believe they can be successful.

Dear students! Us this semester's voyage has begun!
Have the score, does not mean what
Once the performance does not mean what
Today is a new beginning, new hope
Although the beautiful sunset yesterday, but today's the beginning of a more glorious sun.
Before and after the light in you and me
As long as the hard-working, successful in sight
As long as the effort behind the bird will catch up with groups
Knowledge of the ocean waiting for your hard work
Life waiting for you to soar in the sky
Come Come!
Into their own space!
Start new semester!

  Whether happy or beautiful, show it tomorrow. New semester, come on!
  I hope you can make my good time, study hard, and make my dream come true as soon as possible. Come on!
  The new semester is coming soon. May you be diligent and enterprising, and make continuous progress in the new semester!
  May you stand at the end of yesterday, welcome a good beginning and have a pleasant study.
  Hope brand-new, will call you to open the wings of struggle. I wish you every success in drawing a new blueprint for the new semester.
  Wishing you a happy new term and a new starting point in life! Climb new heights!
  In the new semester, the horn of endeavor has sounded. Looking to the future, I wish you all the best. I hope you can work hand in hand to achieve brilliant innovation.
  Wish you a happy heart to study and a pleasant enlargement of your knowledge.
  May my friend have a new glory in the new semester, a new outlook and a new plan, come on!
  Wishing you success in this semester by stepping on wisdom, waving diligence, looking at the guidance.
  The new semester is coming. I wish you success in your studies. I wish you a rainbow in your dreams and a dragon in your dreams.
  Wish my friend a new semester, a new atmosphere, and a higher level!
  New semester, let's move forward together, never stop, for the dream!
  In the new semester, I hope you have new goals, new starting points, new hopes and new achievements. Everything will have new progress!
  New weather in the new semester, I wish all the students have learned something and achieved something!
  May you paint the vitality of spring in autumn and make a neon chapter in the new term.
  New semester, new beginning, new hope, new dream. May you have a new atmosphere and create a new world at the beginning of the semester.
  I hope you can concentrate your energy on your studies, and your grades will surely improve!
  Friends, may you have more wonderful new semester!
  Let's work together for a better future.

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