
作者&投稿:氐面 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Many students complain that Chinese, math and English are the most difficult subjects to learn well.
To tell the truth, Chinese is not that difficult. The Chinese language is rich and profound, and it is fun to learn a language when you are immersed in it. Here, I have a little experience to tell the students.

Regular memory. The memorization here is not the same as English grammar memorization, but refers to understanding memorization.

Deep feeling. Some students are most afraid of those questions that write the main idea of the article in the test. It's easy to get past that. That is to read and feel with your heart when you read an article.

A good lenovo. When studying ancient poems, I recommend this method to understand and memorize the verses.
When the teacher helps the students to explain a poem, the students can close their eyes, as if they have gone through a time and space tunnel, back to the realm described by the poet.

More practicing writing. Composition is a headache for many students. It doesn't matter, as long as you remember these words: Read, accumulate, practice.

Learning Chinese is a very interesting thing, let alone we are Chinese descendants, but also to learn the language of the motherland. Let us put down the burden of thought, roaming in the ocean of language!

推荐你看下Istudycn武外在线这个网站,上面有名师在线讲解如何写好作文。http://www.istudycn.com/topic/topic_7.jsp 本人觉得学好语文写好作文要掌握方法要领的,看到题目立意要创新,不然分数只能平平啦。

How to learn Chinese
Reading, writing, and more and practice more, ask.
Cultivate good habits, class notes, and assignments seriously.
Collect some good composition, many lovers, and good words written down, in his later wrote in the composition.
Read some books, strengthen extracurricular reading ability of himself.
To develop their interest in the Chinese language, let oneself likes, so that we can better learning Chinese, because the interest is the best teacher.
Anyhow, I want to have confidence in myself, I believe there will be paid.

To develop their interest in the Chinese language, let oneself likes, so that we can better learning Chinese, because the interest is the best teacher.Anyhow, I want to have confidence in myself, I believe there will be paid.如何学好语文读,写,而且越来越多练习,问。学习。培养...

Reading, writing, and more and practice more, ask.Learn.Cultivate good habits, class notes, and assignments seriously.Collect some good composition, many lovers, and good words written down, in his later wrote in the composition.Read some books, strengthen extracurricular reading ability...

4.学习词语应坚持“长流水,不断线”,根据自己情况,每天都要学习和积累一定的词语,到一定时期,自测之后,将还不熟悉的词语用过筛子的方法挑出来,再次复习,直至越来越少。 5.将自己积累的词语记在一个本子里,最好分类,既有利于语文基础知识的掌握。又有利于协作。 三、句 知识要点 (一)语法 应掌握短语、单句、...


如何学好语文 英语作文


对于有些学生来说,语文可能是一大痛点,毕竟语文要背诵的东西很多,注重在理解还有平时的阅读积累,如果没有掌握方法和技巧的话,语文成绩不会有很大的提升,下面是我总结出的关于学好语文的方法和技巧,一起来看看吧! 一、多读经典文学作品: 通过阅读经典文学作品,你可以提高对语言运用和文学表达的理解能力。比如,读《红...

笔者在教学实践中做了大胆的尝试,认为在新课标下学好语文大致有以下十法: 一、条件分析法。 语文教学过程中常涉及到对人物的性格、思想、心理的分析,在这类分析中,有时要用到语境分析,有时要用到背景分析,而大多情况下则要用条件分析。所谓条件分析,即对人物所处的客观环境现状进行分析。 如《孔乙已》一课中...


一二年级 拼音\/朗读\/习惯 一二年级的语文学习是以拼音、字词、句子为主,这一阶段的主要任务,就是养成孩子良好的学习习惯,比如认真听讲、整洁书写、按时完成作业、多读课外书等。这一阶段,要重点培养孩子的一项能力,就是朗读。鼓励孩子每天大声地朗读课文,能带有感情朗读更好。朗读对培养孩子的阅读...

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占司济学: How to learn Chinese Reading, writing, and more and practice more, ask. Learn. Cultivate good habits, class notes, and assignments seriously. Collect some good composition, many lovers, and good words written down, in his later wrote in the ...

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占司济学: Dear Fred,Hello.This is Jim.I have a problem in my Chinese study now.As we know,Chinese is one of the most important subjects for us students.But it's a pity that I can't learn it well.I always make some mistakes in Chinese exams.SoI fail in them ...

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占司济学:[答案] Dear Fred,Hello.This is Jim.I have a problem in my Chinese study now.As we know,Chinese is one of the most important subjects for us students.But it's a pity that I can't learn it well.I always make s...

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占司济学: i think your teacher can help you !

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占司济学:[答案] How to study chinese, As the proverb says;'many feather make a bed' First.You are to recite a good many word and phrase,then study the grammar and often be used to doing grammar everyday. Second,you are to write a many of passage and think ...

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占司济学: How to study chinese, As the proverb says;'many feather make a bed' First.You are to recite a good many word and phrase,then study the grammar and often be used to doing grammar everyday. Second,you are to write a m范唬顿舅塥矫舵蝎罚莽...

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