
作者&投稿:左丘曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对....满意 be satisfied with
与某人/某事有关 in (or with) relation to
宁愿做...而不愿做...would rather do sth than do sth
他是一个既活泼,又聪明的男孩.He is a lively and clever boy
The thems of the story have something to do with children growing up and becoming more serious
恐怕你搞错了 I'm afraid you have made a mistake


In last semester,I did very bad with my final examination.I hadn't done so bad since my first year in primary school.So I felt sad and depressed,and I was afraid that I would fall behind others.Study is the most important to me,so that made me first-ever frustrated.But I knew the only thing I can do then is to deal with my problem.So I shed up my tears and analyzed my examination paper and tried to find out my problems.Then I found that it was because I didn't pratice enough,so I enhanced my praticing, and got a hign score in the examination this semester.

When I was at Beijing,what troubled me most was that I always got lost.Beijing is a huge city,you will always miss the metro station or the bus station if you are not familiar about the way.And sometimes it makes you detour to get to you destination.Fortunately I bought a map, and citizens in Beijing were very friendly,both grandpas who were enjoying the cool or aunts who were selling books and newspapers, they all showed me the way zealously.It made me very thankful.I couldn't count how many times did I ask the way that day,but I think it was a very good oppotunity to build up my ability to assosiate with others.

I think I will make passion as my life choice.We need passion in doing anything.With passion, I will be more creative, and maybe I can creat some pleasent surprize that I didn't ever think about before.With passion, I can be more efficiently , and I can do more in a short time. With passion, I can be more energetic, more out-going, more optimistic, and more popular among others.

这是我自己翻译的,给你参考一下吧。希望会有帮助。有一些错误的话敬请原谅。 有疑问的话还欢迎和我说哦,呵呵。

1. Just last semester, my final exam results far from ideal. Since first grade I did not do so bad off. So I'm sorry very depressed. I'm afraid I lagged behind the others on this. Learning is my life the most important thing, so this thing that made me think more than any other sad things. But I think to solve it is the only can do right now. I dry the tears, of paper, find the problem. I found that my problem is that the practice is too small, so I stepped up training in this semester's exams got good results. I think my optimism is such a time to help me quickly stand up.

2. When I was in Beijing when the most difficult thing for me that is often lost. Beijing is a big city. If it is not very familiar with the terrain, you often can not find the subway station and bus stations, sometimes taking many detours will be white. Fortunately, I have bought a map, and Beijing residents are very friendly, whether shade or kiosks grandfather's aunt, they are very enthusiastic for directions. It makes me very moved. I lost count those days how many times I have asked a total way, and I found it to exercise my ability to interact with people.

3. I think I will live my passion as a choice. No matter what are the needs passion. With passion, I will be more creative, perhaps inadvertently had never thought to create a surprise. With passion, work more efficiently, I can do more things in a short time. With passion, I will be more dynamic, more cheerful more optimistic and more popular.

1.In last term, I failed to the final exams.I was so depressed because that couldn't be worse.And study is the most important thing in my life, Iwas so afraid to fall behind.That accident was the most horrible thing,however, I believe to solve it was the only thing I could do.Then I dried my tears, analysed the paper and check questions. At last I found the problem was lack of prictise.Then I intensfied practising.At last in this term's examnation, I got a nice score.I think it is my Optimism helped me out.

2.• Losing my way was the most painful thing when I was in Beijing. It is a very big city, if you are not familiar with terrain, it is be not easy to find the subway station and bus station. Even getting the wrong way sometimes. Lucky that I have got a map, and the people in Beijing are very friendly, no matter olds enjoying the cool or aunts of newsstands, they show me the direction with warmth., which let me moved. I cannot figure out how many times I asked way, but I believe that practiced my social skill.

3.• Passion will be my choice in my life. Whatever you do, it needs passion. You own passion, you own creativity. Maybe sometimes you can create something that surprise you the most. You own passion, you own efficiency. You can do more things in shorter time. Own passion, you own more energy, you will be more cheerful, optimistic and popular.

在流行中的 2、用法 9世纪前进入英语,直接源自古英语的onbutan,译为在……之外。在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。It is about six o'clock now.现在是六点钟左右。

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求一个英语句子的翻译 急!
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1.这有许多美丽的油画在这个艺术馆里.This has many beautiful oil paintings in this art center.2.我看到了一个机器人在打扫房间。I saw a robot has been cleaning the room 3.一些男生对打篮球很感兴趣。Some boys are interested in basketball 4.他很担心他的妹妹,因为她上学总是迟到。He ...

gorgeous precious!gorgeous是华丽的,灿烂的,光鲜的,出众的。经常经常修饰女孩子,看美剧的话很多时候都能看到,很有档次 precious是宝贝,财宝的意思,这个词很中性,可以修饰一切属于自己的宝物和心爱的人。一些电影里叫自己的可爱的小宝贝都叫precious,有种爱不释手的感觉,也经常形容人。我想这样...

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 请帮我翻译一下这几个英语单词的意思,立即采纳beneathdis
稻饲小儿: beneath:在....之下 display:(动、名)陈列,展览,展示,显示器 inexhaustible:无穷无尽的 indispensability:不可缺少(名)indispensable是形容词 survival:生存,幸存,幸存者,残存物 idiomatic:惯用的,合乎语言习惯的 patient:(形)耐心的,忍耐的 (名)病人,患者 scop:吟游诗人(指古代盎格鲁撒克逊人的) detached :分开的,分离的

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 英语急急急??????马上采纳 -
稻饲小儿: healthy play stay apple hardly

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 一道翻译题,初中的英语!!很急,一回答及就采纳!!! -
稻饲小儿: 1.where is2.where will start3.making right4.where we will5.impolite to

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 翻译几个句子为英语,急!急! -
稻饲小儿: 1 The library is on your left, opposite to our school. 2 You can find the school is on the right of the bank when you pass it. 3 You can see that market when you walk along the central street. 4 Walk along this street, you will find that super market on your right. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 急 请翻译几个句子成英文 在线等 迅速采纳
稻饲小儿: 1 survived in the earthquake rebuild the farmers have difficulty 2 was arguing with the teacher about the answers to the questions in the students and I share a room 3 in strength and no one can match him in, so his mother proud of him (equal) 4 how ...

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 英语翻译.、狠急、拜托、立即采纳
稻饲小儿: The last time when I saw him is when he was too ill to walk any more.That little boy spends a long time studying the ants in the garden.It is not until we lose our friends that we know how valuable friendship is. The last time I saw him he was too ill to ...

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 翻译句子. 回答后肯定会采纳的. -
稻饲小儿: Thanks to the satelliteas if he were a famous singercouldn't wait to jumpinterviewed ----- most famous----charity有问题再回问

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 英语急急急答对马上采纳,求帮助啊 -
稻饲小儿: 1 dressed up2 symbol of3 take....place4 famous as5 did....job1 Thank you2 I love it.3 What about4 don't like it5 I can't stand it【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!】

巴马瑶族自治县19350016192: 用英语回答问题,会采纳的~~ -
稻饲小儿: 1.Yes2.I like dogs the best because they are cute3.It's on March 13th4.For eating

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