高分求高人翻译一段中文为英语 急急急

作者&投稿:壬阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Internet of things is "material objects connected to the Internet", the core and basis is still the computer to the Internet.
On the Internet of things terminal sensor timing acquisition need through the network transmission of data information, due to its quantity and its vast, formed the huge amounts of data, research methods and how to realize the massive data processing huge amounts of data is this topic research task.
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本文通过拟通过对我国人民教育出版社出版的《普通高中课程标准实验教材生物》必修教材和浙江教育出版社编译的美国高中生物主流教材《生物:生命的动力》比较。分析温度对酶促反应的影响这一实验在两种教材中实验内容的组织、呈现方式及特点,从而对中美教材中实验内容的特色做出评价,为中外教材的相互借鉴和中学生物实验教学提供一些理论依据。This paper attempts to provide some theory basis for the mutual reference of Chinese and foreign teaching materials and the biology experiment teaching forhigh school students by comparing the “compulsory textbook of standard biology experimentsfor high school curriculum” published by People’s Education Press of China with the main textbook for US high schools, ”Biology: the dynamics of life”, which is translated and published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House; and by analyzing the experiment of “The effect of temperature on enzymatic reaction” in the two textbooks in terms of organizing the experiment contents, presentation and characteristics, so as to evaluate the special features of the experiment contents in the Chinese and the U.S. textbooks.

This paper conducts a research on the mainstream biology teaching materials of the two countries by mainly adopting the methods of literature analysis and comparative study. The research focuses on the comparison of the experiment contents, ability cultivation and the follow-up study for the experiment of “Theeffect of temperature on enzymatic reaction” in the Chinese and U.S.textbooks.Through the comparative analysis of the two textbooks, it discovers that there are common points in the textbooks regarding the above-mentioned experiment: The basic concept of the curriculum in both the textbooks is to enhance high school students’ attainment of biological science and treat scientific enquiries as the approach and key link of Science learning; arrangements of both the textbooks are logical and the emphasis is on the integration of subjects; both focus on the thought of science, technology and society (STS), there are traits of literature and humanization in the language of the experiment used by both the textbooks.
At the end of the paper,the author offers some suggestions on the high school teaching of biology experiments. In the aspect of teaching, the cultivation of students’ exploration ability should be taken seriously; in the aspect of content selection, the textbook published by People’s Education Press should be in close touch with our life, increase experiments that apply biology knowledge which is related to daily life, improve its openness and increase the
supplementary use of cyber sources.

摘 要
In today's increasingly rampant drug force in modern society, everyone will have the contact with drugs, such as a little attention is involved. The teenagers and in a state of mental instability is fragile, and the period of drugs, which make them low immunity, especially the erosion. In recent years, with our drug abuse, 35 species diversity is under the age of youth group has become the main objects of drug violations. Drugs, serious damage to the physical and mental health of teenagers drugs, and induce lots of illegal crime and social issues, to their own youth, family, social cause irreparable damage. The youth is the mainstay of social development in the 21st century teens and reserve force, pay attention to the problem, the drugs take effective measures to prevent teenagers crime, illegal drugs already become protecting teenagers to grow up healthy and curb poison spread, promote social harmony healthy development of civilization has an urgent task of society. The article analyses the meaning of drugs and crime and drugs, explores the new period for teenagers in the drug prevention education promotion measures. "For the purpose, the prevention publicity" policy, conduct research for teenagers to drug, antivirus, fight drugs.
Keywords: youth, education, prevention and drug-related crimes

please review the translation as below
Rampant drug forces in today's modern society, each person may have with the drugs, as there is all too easy to be involved in possible. The youths are more vulnerable in a psychological state, turbulent, changing times, which makes them immune to the drugs, especially the lower, easily subject to its erosion. With the type of drug abuse in China in recent years have become more diversified, 35 groups of young people under the age of drug abuse has become the main target. Drugs, drug-related serious damage to the physical and mental health of young people, and induce a large number of crimes and other social issues, to the young people themselves, family, community irreparable loss. Majority of young people is the twenty-first century, the main force of social development and reserve forces, concerned about the youth drug-related problems and take effective measures to prevent juvenile drug-related crimes, has become the protection of young people's healthy growth and curb the spread of poison, and promote social harmony healthy and civilized development of an urgent social tasks. This article analyzes the meaning and youth drug status and causes of drug-related crime, carried out on young people to explore a new era anti-drug publicity and education of specific measures. Purpose of implementing the "prevention-oriented, focusing on advocacy" approach, aimed at young people how to carry out anti-drug, anti-virus work, combating drug crime.

Key words: adolescents, drug crime, prevention education, strategy

In narcotic influence rampant today, in the modern society each people possibly have day by day with the narcotic contact opportunity, if does not pay attention to have slightly the possibility which is involved. But the young people occupy a psychology to be frailer, turbulently, the changeable time, this causes them to be especially low to the narcotic immunity, Yi Shouqi corrodes extremely. Abused the type along with the recent years our country narcotics to multiply day by day, 35 year-old following young people communities have become the narcotic violation the main object. The narcotics, the serious damage forded the poisonous young people's physical and moral integrity, and induces social questions and so on massive illegal the crimes, for the young people own, the family, the society causes the losses which is unable to recall. The general young people are the 21st century social development main army and the reserve force, pays attention to the young people to ford the poisonous question, to take the effective measures to prevent the young people to ford the poisonous illegal crime, has become protects the young people healthy development, the containment to poison spread, a promotion society harmonious healthy civilization development urgent social duty. The article has analyzed the narcotic meaning and the young people fords the poisonous crime the present situation and the origin, explored the new time to carry out the suppressing drug prevention public education to the young people the specific measures. The goal lies in the implementation “the prevention is a book, again in propaganda” does the policy, how study aims at the young people to carry out suppressing drug, the anti-poison work, the attack drug-related crime.

Key word: Young people, drug-related crime, prevention education, countermeasure

要专业还是用我的吧 有些翻译用词太不书面化了

Rampant in the drug influence day by day of today, modern everybody in the society may have with drug contact of opportunity, such as slightly don't be careful and then have an indrawn possibility.But the teenager be again placed in a mental state appearance more weak, turbulence, much change of period, this make they to drug of immunity dint is lowly, easiest be subjected to it erosion.Along with in recent years the abuse category of the our country drug gradually diversification, 35 first anniversary the following of teenager's community have become the main object that the drug violate.Drug, severity injured to wade poison the teenager's mind and body health, and induct a great deal of of illegal crime etc. society problem, give teenager's oneself, family, society result in irretrievable of loss.The large teenager is 21 centuries society development of main force and spare strength, concern the teenager wade poison problem, adopt emollient measure to prevent teenager from wade poison illegal crime, have become protection teenager health growth, suppress poison harm to spread, promote society harmony health civilization development of one be urgent of society mission.Article analysis the meaning of drug and teenager wade poison crime of present condition and become because of, investigate new period open an exhibition to forbid to the teenager poison prevention publicity education of concrete measure.The purpose lie in the policy which carry through "prevention is origin, heavy at publicity", research how to teenager open an exhibition to forbid poison, anti-virus work, stroke drug crime.

Abstract: In the modern society, when the drug issue is becoming more and more rampant with each passing day, everyone in this society is likely to be in touch with it, and would get involved into it easily. What’s more, the teenager’s mental status is somehow fragile and changeable, which makes them more easily to be the victim because of their weak immunity. With the pluralism of drugs in China in the recent years, the teenager group under 35 years old has been the main victim of drugs. Drug, which harms teenager’s mental health as well as physical health severely, and brings about lots of crimes, has caused irredeemable and incredible damage to teenager themselves, their family and the whole society. The teenager is the main forces and reserve forces of social development in 21st century. Therefore, we have to pay close attention to drug issue of teenagers and take effective measures to prevent teenagers from drug crime. This has been an urgent social mission to help teenagers growing healthily, to control the spread of drug, and to promote the harmonious, healthy and civilized development of the society. The thesis has discussed the concept of drugs, and the present status and main reason of the teenager crime related with drugs. At the same time, the thesis has probed into some detailed measures on the education of drug prevention and prohibition among teenagers in the new period. The purpose is trying to implement the policy of “base on prevention, emphasize on publicity”, and also work on how to prohibit drug, prevent drug and fight against drug crime among teenagers.

Key words: teenager, drug crime, preventive education, policy


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