
作者&投稿:宿妍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #英语资源# 导语】descend有下降;降临等意思,那么你知道descend的用法吗?以下是 整理的descend的用法和短语例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!



  descend的用法2:descend可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作不及物动词时,常与介词from连用,表示“是…的后代”“从…传下来”, from所接的名词指祖先、祖宗,并不是指父辈。



  用作动词 (v.)

  descend down (v.+adv.)

  descend from (v.+prep.)

  descend into (v.+prep.)

  descend to (v.+prep.)


  1. She's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.


  2. As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.


  3. Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.


  4. The plane began to descend.


  5. If a prisoner is badly treated, he may descend to violence.

  如果囚犯受虐待, 他就可能发展到行凶.

  6. I hope the grace of God would descend on me.


  7. Soon afterwards, the ballon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.

  后来不久, 气球开始降落,并在一个机场附近着陆了.

  8. I'm surprised that you would descend to lying.


  9. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.

  后来不久, 那只气球开始下降了,结果它在一个机场附近着陆了.

  10. In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and return to it.

  将来, 宇航员应当能从依然在太空中的宇宙飞船中下来,并且能够回到飞船里去.

  11. In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it.

  将来, 将要求宇航员从停在太空里的飞船中下来并且能回到飞船中去.

  12. 'As they descend the hill like madmen running a race, he falls.

  “ 他们像疯子赛跑一样往坡下冲, 他摔倒了.

  13. We're not going to descend to such methods.


  14. She has only her jointure, which will descend to her children.

  她只有她的寡妇所得产, 而那会留给他的孩子们的.

  15. You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot.


descend的用法1:descend的基本意思是“下来”“下去”,可指物体向下降落,也可指沿着山坡、梯子、台阶、树干等表示斜线或斜坡的物体下降。descend的用法2:descend可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作不及物动词时,常与介词from连用,表示“是…的后代”“从…传下来”, from所接的名词指祖先、祖宗...

descent 和 descend用法上有什么区别
descend 英 [dɪ'send] 美 [dɪ'sɛnd]vi. 下降;下去;下来;遗传;屈尊 vt. 下去;沿…向下 例句:1.Should you reach the summit you would have only one desire, and that to descend and be with those who dwell in the deepest valley.一旦你登上顶峰,你就只有...

descend是一个动词,表示“下降”,指从高处或较高的位置移动到低处或较低的位置。用法:descend通常作为及物或不及物动词使用。作为及物动词时,后面可以接地点、方向或描述性的词语。作为不及物动词时,常与介词on、from等搭配使用。词形变化:一般现在时:descend 过去式:descended 过去分词:descended...

descent 和 descend用法上有什么区别
descent和descend在用法上的主要区别在于它们的词性和语境中的使用方式。首先,descent是一个名词,通常表示“下降”、“下坡”或“血统、世系”。比如,“the descent of the mountain”表示下山的过程,而“his descent from a noble family”则表示...

一、descend的含义及用法介绍 descend作为动词,含义有下来;下去;下降;下斜;下倾;降临;来临。表示空间位置的从高到低。例句:The plane began to descend.飞机开始降落。At this point the path descends steeply.小路从这里陡然而下。Night descends quickly in the tropics.热带地区黑夜来得快。Things ...


land 与descend区别以及用法
land是降落,登陆。到达地面上的意思。Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon.目标定的高一点有好处。(意译)descend是下降。指空间方位的向下移动。Descend the rapids of the river.顺激流而下 These fish winter up the river and descend to the sea in the spring.这种鱼在河的...

一、指代不同 1、descendantant:后裔,后代。2、offspring:子女,后代。二、用法不同 1、descendant:descend的基本意思是“下来”“下去”,可指物体向下降落,也可指沿着山坡、梯子、台阶、树干等表示斜线或斜坡的物体下降。descend可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作不及物动词时 2、offspring...

descent 和 descend用法上有什么区别? 举2个例句。
back to a French duke.He claims direct descent from Mohammed.descend (verb)[I or T] formal to go or come down:The path descended steeply into the valley.Jane descended the stairs.› [I] literary If darkness or night descends, it becomes dark and day changes to night.

上升和下降的英文,以及它的形容词副词名词动词各是什么。举出例子,每 ...
1、动词 上升:increase;rise;ascend;flourish 下降:decrease;fall;descend;decline 2、形容词 上升:increasing;rising;ascending;flourishing 下降:decreasing;falling;descending;downward 3、副词 上升:increasingly;ascendingly;improvingly;upward 下降:decreasingly;descendingly;declingly ...

新华区15761942556: 初中英语descend这个词的用法,意思?
伏崔小儿: 意思: vi. 下降[(+from)],传下,遗传;屈尊,降格,堕落 变化: 时 态:de·... 形容词:de·scend'i·ble, de·scend'a·ble 例句: Bob and his girl friend descended...

新华区15761942556: “descent” 和 “descend”用法上有什么区别? -
伏崔小儿: decline是指 力量、数量的减少. descend是指在空间上的下降. descent 英 [dɪ'sent] 美 [dɪ'sɛnt] n. 下降;血统;袭击 vt. 除去…的气味;使…失去香味 例句: 1. Americans of Chinese descent. 中国血统的美国人 2. The authors show how this ...

新华区15761942556: descent与descend的区别,怎么造句?
伏崔小儿: 现代英汉综合大辞典descent n. 降, (落)下; 倾斜, 下坡; 下降的方法或工具 家世, 血统, 门第; 遗传, 世袭 袭击 降格, 屈尊; 堕落 a gradual descent from land to sea 由陆地逐渐倾斜至海 The descent of the mountain took nearly two ...

新华区15761942556: descend和ascend是怎么构成的? -
伏崔小儿: descend:下(来, 降, 斜, 倾)(财产等)传给, 遗传转而说到, 涉及(细节等)屈尊, 降低身分去做突然去访问, 袭击向下倾斜下凡由远而近, 由大而小【天】移向地平线; 移向南方 be descended from ... [descend from ...]从...

新华区15761942556: 英语词组 下降 -
伏崔小儿: descend go or come down drop fall decrease (in) decline fall off downgrade例句: decrease by degrees 逐渐下降 decrease in production [weight] 生产[体重]下降 bring about its decline 引起下降 steady decline 持续下降 be relegated to a ...

新华区15761942556: 这句话有错吗?尤其是descend的用法和从句的位置?或者还有更好的表达方式吗?I have been there twice to seek for a feeling descended from our ancestors... -
伏崔小儿:[答案] 就只有hided--hidden I have been there twice to seek for a feeling descended from our ancestors,which has hidden away from me for a long time.

新华区15761942556: descend有“祖传,遗传”的意思吗?如果有,请造几下句子.Thanks.
伏崔小儿: This necklace descends from my grandmother .这条项链是从我祖母那传下来的.

新华区15761942556: descent 和 descend用法上有什么区别?举2个例句.这2个词都有下降的意思,是一个单词的名词和动词形式吗?有没有什么好的网上单词词典,会列出一个单... -
伏崔小儿:[答案] descent (noun)the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past:She's a woman of mixed/French descent.They trace their line of descent back to a French...

新华区15761942556: descend和lower的区别 -
伏崔小儿: 首先descend只能做动词,表示下降,随着,还有遗传(一般是指财产或权利》而lower 可以做形容词和动词,做动词的下降,表示的是降低,减弱希望对你有帮助哦~

新华区15761942556: decide的用法,例句,词组. -
伏崔小儿:[答案] decide: [ di'said ] v. 决定,判决例句与用法: 1. Don't decide on important matters too quickly. 不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情作决定. 2. He decided to get married. 他决定结婚. 3. A chance meeting decided m...

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