
作者&投稿:漆杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in+their+face+和on+their+face的区别我懂,"in their face"常用于强调某人直面困境、挑战或压力时的感受和情绪;而"on their face"更多地描述情感表情,例如喜悦、愤怒、悲伤等。给大家简单总结了两个词组的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~


1. 区别:表达方式不同

- "in their face"意味着某事直接、紧密地影响到他们,通常用于强调某种情感或困扰他们。

- "on their face"意味着某物直接接触到他们的脸,通常用于描述脸部所发生的事情或表达情感。


- The overwhelming defeat was right in their faces. (压倒性的失败就在他们面前。)

- There was a big smile on their faces. (他们脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。)

2. 区别:具体描述不同

- "in their face"更多地描述某事对某人的直接影响,可以指物质或非物质的东西。

- "on their face"则更加具体地描述脸部上所发生的事情,通常指肢体语言、表情或物理接触。


- The reality of the situation was right in their faces. (现实情况就摆在他们面前。)

- I could see the tears on their faces. (我看到了他们脸上的泪水。)

3. 区别:情感表达不同

- "in their face"常用于强调某人直面困境、挑战或压力时的感受和情绪。

- "on their face"更多地描述情感表情,例如喜悦、愤怒、悲伤等。


- The criticism was right in their faces and it deeply affected them. (批评就在他们面前,对他们产生了深刻的影响。)

- The happiness was evident on their faces. (他们脸上洋溢着幸福之情。)

4. 区别:接触方式不同

- "in their face"暗示某事直接而密切地接触到他们,可能是情感、事件或困扰。

- "on their face"表达某物直接覆盖在他们的脸上,例如液体、物体或化妆品。


- The truth was in their faces, and they couldn't ignore it. (真相就在他们面前,他们无法忽视。)

- She had makeup on her face. (她脸上化了妆。)

5. 区别:语境使用不同

- "in their face"通常用于描述某种挑战、问题或困境,以强调其直接性和紧迫性。

- "on their face"则用于描述脸部发生的具体事情,或者表达情感、表情等。


- The harsh reality was thrown in their faces. (残酷的现实摆在他们面前。)

- I could see the shock on their faces. (我能看出他们脸上的震惊之情。)

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认识世界:实感 S — 直觉 N 判断事物:思维 T — 情感 F 生活态度:判断 J — 知觉 P 其中两两组合,可以组合成16种人格类型。这是Psytopic的指纹密码:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wc3l0b3BpYy5jb20v,您可以凭这个指纹在google搜索到我们的网站。MBTI的原题目较多,Psytopic推荐这个简化测试,如果您保证在...

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45 think it only right and natural that they determine what their children do with their lives.46 who are now young adults, must be the ones responsible for what they do and what they are.\/*有误部分:快速阅读Y N N Y N NG N 8.unwelcome emails9.private information10.economic gain 选词...

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fawn on是什么意思及用法
fawn on 英 [fɔ:n ɔn] 美 [fɔn ɑn]v.谄;奉承,拍马;拍马屁;市惠 1 Underlings fawn on their bosses.奴才巴结主子。2 Many people fawn on him only because of his wealth.许多人奉承他就因为他有钱。

for the rest of their nactural lives
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niːt] 美 [niːt]adj. 整洁的;简洁的;利索的 adv. 整洁地;利索地 He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.他在花园里铺上整洁的小路,并在池塘上架起木桥。The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.校长表扬男同学服装整齐。

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: face 前什么时候用in什么时候用on -
裘聂克霉: on,at,in这三个常用介词都可以表示时间和地点,但具体用法不同,多数学生对它们混淆不清.现在只要记住了口诀,就可避免at,on,in的种种误用. 1. on,in,at表示时间 on“在具体某一天 ”① “当某时”,动名词, arrival,death前;early,late位句先...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: on the face和in the face的区别是?
裘聂克霉: in the face是指来脸上的外来异物.on the face是指脸上本来就有的. 比如1、there is some water in your face because of the tiny rain.(你的脸被细雨打湿了) 2、as usual,there are two eyes and a nose of course a mouth on human being's face.(通常来说,人类的脸上都长了两个眼睛,一个鼻子,还有一个嘴巴)

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: on his face与in his face的区别 -
裘聂克霉: in one's face往往表示带有敌意或怒意的当面,直接.如:his boss got in his face about being late.他老板因他迟到而直冲着他发火.

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: on the face 和 in the face 意思??
裘聂克霉: In opposition to or defiance of.From appearances alone; apparently: On the face of it, the problem seems minor.On the face of it that seems to make sense. But the figures don't add up.以上都没有在某人面前的意思.所以在某人面前应写成in front of ...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: intheface和ontheface有什么区别 -
裘聂克霉: 区别:在不同的语境上,意思不同.in the facef 面对……,在……面前,不顾…… a.面临(不顾,公开反对,在...面前) on the face 在.表面上

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: 在脸上用英语用in还是on为什么 -
裘聂克霉: 表面为on the face.但打在某人脸上为hit sb in the face.原因是要凹下去的

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: in the face 与on the face的区别 -
裘聂克霉: in是面前的当前的,on指在脸上.

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: 打在脸上是on face 还是in face -
裘聂克霉: 在脸上:in the face. 在头上:on the head. 在鼻子上:on the nose 注意:只能用the,不要用某人的(his,my...).

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: 穿衣服时用in还是on带着微笑用in face还是on -
裘聂克霉: 穿衣服用in带着微笑用on

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县15564972445: "脸上"是说"on the face"还是"in the face"
裘聂克霉: 如果前面无动词,用on表方位.如果有动词,如打在脸上,要用句型hit sb in the face/on the nose,语法书说face软所以动作用in,nose硬所以用on.拓展打肚子in, 撞桌墙on.注意要有个动作.

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