
作者&投稿:仲长连 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Over 10,000 stars appear in this image, which covers a region about 130 light-years wide in a nearby galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud. The faintest stars in the picture are some 100 million times dimmer than the human eye can see.[/cp] which cov
appear in在出现; 表演; 出庭
covers掩蔽; 遮盖; 盖; 覆盖; 撒上,洒上,溅上; 覆盖物; 掩蔽物; 套子; 罩子; 躲避处; 避难所; 庇护所; 封面,封皮; cover的第三人称单数和复数
faintest极小的,些微的,一丁点儿的; faint的最高级
in the picture牵涉其中; 在局内
million一百万; 大量
dimmer调光器,减光器,亮度调节开关; 暗淡的; 昏暗的; 微弱的; 不明亮的; 光线暗淡的; 不分明的; 不清楚的; 朦胧的; 隐约的; dim的比较级
covcovenant 契约,条款

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Enter here the text to be translated 1, Q: How much sightseeing ticket, the children will ticket?
A: 20 RMB / ,1.2 --- 1 .4 M for children 10 yuan / person, may be under this amount of height.
Can take the belt with 9:00 - 6:00 pm by car many times.
A: visited along the Main Ring Road, a week, about 25 minutes.
1, Do you want to buy on card?
2, Q: Which car do I?
A: You wait a bit, the driver will take you on the train.
3, Q: drive at any time or fixed time a train?
A: 1,20 minutes for a bus, just getting away a group, you wait it.
4, Q: park exit where?
A: KFC turn right go straight to the gate of the park.
2, there are few minutes away.
5, Q: There are chartered it?
A: Yes, a car can seat 13 people, 150 RMB / hour.
6, where the other battery in the car park? (Old car)
7, the car battery before XX Palace site.
8, the cable car entrance XXX site.
9, Q: How much cruise fare, children have to ticket?
A: 20 RMB / ,1.2 ---- 1 .4 M for children 10 yuan / person, under the stands in this volume, and then purchase.
10, each boat trip can take 20 people, about 15 minutes sailing.
11, Cruise has two stations, one on the beach pier and the other is gold town pier.
12, each class made a trip about 30 minutes boat.
1, Do you want to buy on card?
Card Vending in windows:
2, buy a card please go to 9 years Shoupiao Chuang.
3, Q: Hello! Handle on how card?
A: What is your passport or ID card with it? If you do not only suggest that you purchase tickets with a.
A: annual card fee is 428 yuan / year / person, when you apply for valid documents, because only I use.
4, Q: how children go through years of cards?
A: 1.2M or more children in card if the purchase price and the adults are the same, no concessions. If the children without passports, documents can be handled with the parents.
5, Q: how can the credit cards? / Here where there is ATM?
A: I'm sorry, where cash, withdrawals can go to the visitor center across the ATM machine.
A: Please look at the content and then go through it. If you have clear, after you complete the application form as soon as possible I will help you go through, up and down the same content should be completed.
A: Could you at the bottom of this section blank cashier signed with Cash bar and fill out the form to make the system card in card rooms, card rooms in the red awning in front of your left office.
6, Q: how can the development of a ticket?
A: Requests must be within three days of your valid documents by fax, thank you for your cooperation.
7, this is your change.
A: With Gouka the cashier window on the 12th article to be invoiced.
FIT ticket:
8, this is your receipt.
1, Q: How much is a ticket?
A: full price ticket is 200 RMB / Zhang.
2, Q: How many tickets would you need?
A: 4 sheets, total 800.
3,3 ZHANG block two half-price ticket. Please take
4, this is your change.
5, Q: how high the child? (Girl Girl boy boy)
A: height at 1.4 m above
6, he will need to purchase full price tickets.
1.4 m:
7, the child is free of charge
9, the park is 50 yuan tickets for the night.
10, Q: do you have student tickets?
A: Sorry, No student tickets.
11, Q: how kids tickets?
A: less children are free of charge 1.2M, 1.2M ---- 1.4M children are half-price ticket, more than 1.4M the block, next to the altimeter, measurable, and then decided to purchase.
12, if it rains, outdoor large-scale projects will be suspended.
13, Q: What equipment do not drive?
A: daily maintenance of the project, you can see LED display or the tree in front of the maintenance card.
14, Q: Where is the map, free?
A: When the park staff can be, is free.
15, sorry, please go to the window next to the ticket.
16, you are prompted to look at the park will be closed in six parks, but park project 5:00 closed.
17, tickets are invoice, no additional invoice.
8, the park's game projects are all free of charge.
Inter-card system:
18, groups of 10 adults or more votes required, need letter of introduction, and 24-hour advance reservation
1, Please fill in your information, including name, ID number, telephone and other personal information. Sign the form and write the date of processing.
3, Please give me your documents verified, please Gather your documents.
2, first in the queue to do this card. Go to the 2nd flight to take photographs and fabrication.
Please wait, I first enter your data and then help you take pictures, shoot when I will remind you.
5, please go to the back of station, good, smile, better.
6, make sure that satisfied your photos, please claim area, if no problem waiting to receive card.

Bikes, cruise ticket booth:
Q: 1, the tour fare, children will vote?
A: 20 yuan /, 1.2-1.4 M $10 / children, in this by height.
In early on belt by 9:00-6 times later.
A: along the main ring road visiting A week, about 25 minutes.
Q: I do, what a car?
A: wait A minute, you will have the driver take you get on the bus.
3 Q: drive, or fixed time a bus?
A: 1, 20 minutes A bus, train, just left you wait for A moment.
2, and a few minutes will be opened.
4 Q: park, where the export?
A: the KFC turn right and go straight will see the entrance to the park.
Q: there are five, tolling?
A: yes, A car can sit to 13, 150 yuan/hour.
6 in the gardens, where such sanya? (old)
7 and in the XX palace before sanya site.
8 and there in XXX at the entrance website. Sanya
9 Q: cruise fare, money, kids to vote?
A: 20 yuan /, 1.2-1.4 M $10 / children, in this volume, tickets next height.
10 per trip, a ship sailing, about 20 people for 15 minutes.
11 and two platform, a yacht dock, another is the Shanghai gold town pier.
12, about 30 minutes every ship sent a trip.
Year sale card window:
1, do you want to buy card?
2, buy card please ShouPiaoChuang - 9.
3 Q: hello! How to handle card?
A: the card fees are 428 yuan/year/person, when dealing with the valid certificates to you, because I use only.
A: may I have your passport or id belt? If you don't take only suggest you buy a ticket.
4 Q: children, how to deal with card?
A: 1.2 M above the children if purchase price and adults in card, is the same, no discount. If children don't have a passport, can use the certificates for parents.
5 Q: excuse me, do you take credit CARDS? Here is where the ATM? /
A: sorry, cash withdrawals, here can be opposite to the tourist center ATM machine.
A: please in the blanks below the valid signature by cashier, and completed form to make room in production, make you left in the red.
A: please see clearly dealt with again after content. If you have a clear, please fill in application form after I help you handle, content need to fill it.
A: please in three days, you must be valid certificate fax, thank you for your cooperation.
6 Q: excuse me, can develop ticket?
A: with the valid until the 12th window invoice.
7 and here is your change.
8 and here is your receipt.
Casualclient ticket booth:
Q: 1, how much is a ticket?
A: will is 200 yuan.
2 Q: excuse me, how many tickets do you need?
A: four, total 800 yuan.
3, 3 2 half full. Please take good
4, here is your change.
5 Q: that child, have many tall? Girl boy boy (Girl),
A: height in 1.4 meters
6 and he will need to purchase.
1.4 meters:
7 and the child is free of charge
8 and the game all free.
9, park evening tickets for fifty dollars.
10 Q: do you have this, VIP?
A: sorry, no staff temporarily.
Q: how children 11, ticket?
A: the child is insufficient 1.2 M redeeming, 1.2 M - 1.4 M, more than half of children is 1.4 M is 0, the flank have altimeter, measurable after purchase decision.
12 and if it rains, outdoor large projects will be suspended.
Q: what 13, didn't drive equipment?
A: every day maintenance program, you can see the LED display or trees in front of the maintenance.
Q: where there are 14, maps, free?
A: when can the staff, is to free of charge.
15, embarrassed, please go to the ticket window beside.
16 and hints you once, the park will close at six o 'clock, but the garden project 5 points off.
17 and tickets is no other invoice, bill opens.
18 and group need 10 adults above, units need references, and 24 hours in advance booking
Make room:
1, please fill in your name, and the material, including the id number, contact telephone of personal information. In the form with signature and write the date.
In the first two, please queue card. Please to 2 berth photograph and fabrication.
Three, please give me your certificate, please check your documents.
Please wait a moment, I'll put your data input again after the pictures for you, I'll remind you.
Under the arrangement, please pick the collar, pack, such a better effect.
Five, please go back, and carried smile, ok.
6, please confirm whether it satisfied with your photos, if no, please wait for place to get.

用《金山词霸》 P 进去,之后 可以看到译文啦!这个你也懒得做。这样做是对你最好不过的了!记忆会很深刻哦!加油吧!

我来自学前教育系0204班,一个从优秀班级体走出的优秀学生,...,I am from pre-schooled eduction department, who is a outstangding student from a outstanding class 我喜欢小孩,喜欢他们的纯真,他们的童言无忌,所以我热爱学前教育这个专业.I love kids, and their purity and knoching on woods. ...

1998.7.26英语翻译 要真的,帮个忙呗,不然被老师吵啊。
日期吗这是? July 26th, 1998.


哪位英语好 帮个忙呗 要用英语解释哦
单词辨析:1. clumsy 和awkward 都可表示笨拙的,动作不灵巧(lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance)及难以移动或处理(difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape)clumsy还可以表示得罪人的或不得体的(done without skill or in a way that offends people...

The interview 面试 Reaching the end of a job interview, the human resources person asked a young engineer fresh out of MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"就业面试进行到最后时,人力资源负责人问这个刚从麻省理工学院毕业的工程师:“在你工作刚开始的时候,你期望得到...

여러분,안녕하세요.제 이름이 xxx 예요.저는 15살이에요.저는 노래를 부르고...

Modes of supply for a long time after several changes, after the traditional model stage, the tension between the model stage, improve the model stage, the partnership model stage after stage of the Japanese model, the ultimate development of the lean supply model stage. Wenzhou ...

翻译如下 这张图片中出现了超过10000颗恒星,覆盖了附近一个叫做大麦哲伦云的星系中大约130光年宽的区域。照片中最微弱的恒星比人眼所能看到的暗1亿倍左右 词汇 appear in在出现; 表演; 出庭 covers掩蔽; 遮盖; 盖; 覆盖; 撒上,洒上,溅上; 覆盖物; 掩蔽物; 套子; 罩子; 躲避处; 避难所; ...

Do you know that you can use your watch as a compass on a sunny day?Take a watch and point the hour-hand in the direction of the sun .Imagine a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point halfway between the hour-hand and number one .This line will ...


江夏区18978499631: 帮个忙呗 这几个词的英文翻译是什么啊……谢谢1下挂账户账号 2 余额 3子账户序号4 账户属性:无折户5 记录状态:正常6 到期日期
禤念三七: 1:Household credit account under 2:balance 3:Child account serial number 4:Account attributes: no fold door 5:Record status: normal 6:Due date

江夏区18978499631: 英语翻译帮个忙, -
禤念三七:[答案] 我们面对未来正在演出悲剧

江夏区18978499631: 帮个忙 英语翻译
禤念三七: This hates not to have certainly time continuously

江夏区18978499631: 英语翻译帮个忙,请说的正确些. -
禤念三七:[答案] 一点五十,ten to 2 四点十五,a quarter past 4 六点三十,half past 6 八点四十五,a quarter to 9 十一点五十五,five to 12

江夏区18978499631: 英语翻译帮个忙 -
禤念三七: 1 in this city, there are many beautiful parks .2. What do you think of China? 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

江夏区18978499631: 英语翻译,帮个忙. -
禤念三七: They have as much thing to do as we have.We work more than ten hours per day everyday.Of all the boys in our class,Peter is the cleverest.His skin is white like snow.He studies even harder than he used to.The Yangtze River is ten times longer than The Zhu River.

江夏区18978499631: 帮个忙!翻译成中文!
禤念三七: 반전,罗马拼音的念法是:banjeon,中文的意思是:逆转.

江夏区18978499631: 英文翻译,帮个忙啦
禤念三七: 1.I would like to refuse her gifts, but finally received 2.I doubt whether the value of this computer so much money 3.The scheme is the value of careful consideration about 4.Since TOM came to China in the Chinese context, he has made great ...

江夏区18978499631: 外语翻译~帮个忙啊`·!!!! -
禤念三七: 节日结束以后,路易斯将会被送回野外.

江夏区18978499631: 英语翻译 帮个忙
禤念三七: You gotta tell somebody to mail this letter 『如有疑问 欢迎追问』 或者 You've got to get someone to send this mail

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