
作者&投稿:旁弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.It's close to the centre and it's quite cheap-for London.
2.She"s very nice, a bit shy, but very intelligent.
3.She cooks great Chinese food.
4.The other flats were too expensive.
5.I'm sharing the flat with a lovely flatmate-Mary.
6.Xiaoyan' working in ABHK Bank.
7.She has a job for one year in the bank' IT department.
8.Mary's a music student, and she has lots of interesting and kind friends.
9.She likes the flat and the garden.
10.Mary's friends are all very friendly and outgoing.
11.It's easy to talk to them.
12.When I'm being noisy, making music with Paul and Ian, she goes into the garden.
13.The flat is beautiful and I have a big bedroom.
14.I hope I'm not too noise with my music.
I don't want her to leave.
15.I love the garden, it is very quiet. Good. Because the music students are very noisy!
16.Anyway, Joe stop in London soon, next time you go back to the U.S.
17.Anyway, Janet, come round for a meal sometimes.


I am from pre-schooled eduction department, who is a outstangding student from a outstanding class

I love kids, and their purity and knoching on woods. So I love the career of pre-schooled education.

In the past 5 years' of being the life commissary, course representive, and the leader of dormitory, I have improved my organizational capacity, developed my earnest and careful working style

I got the trust and support from my teachers and classmates with my exampling and realistic working principle, honest and tolerant human prinsiple, and working ability.

I am just such a simple girl.

i'm from the educational department, class of 0204, an excellent student from an excellent class... i like children, i like their naivety and innocence. therefore, i like the major of preschool education. during the five years of studying, fulfilling the position of living commissioner,representative of class, and dorm administrator. These all enabled me to enhance my organizing abilities and taught me how to work down-to-earth and seriously. Setting an example for others is my working principle. teachers and fellow classmates have also praised and supported me for my loyalty and tolerance. I am just a simple girl like that.

just to let you know, the way i translated isn't very good, i can express what you want to convey in a better way if i can alter some of your sentence structures and ideas. just let me know if you need more help! :)


60メートルのフィールド竞技への出马を名乗り出ましたが、时间を失念したため、竞技を逃してしまいました。本当に残念ですね。 これは、ぼくの中学校生涯の最後一回の学校スポーツ大会の忘れがたい思い出になりました。入学したい高校ではいろいろな部活があり、MUNという部活に入...

张静写法同中文繁体字;平假名:ちょう せい;罗马音:tyou sei 陈雨写法同中文繁体字;平假名:ちんう;罗马音:chin u

大家好1帮个忙吧! (526,67415157)怎么翻译
526:five hundred and twenty six 67415157:sixty seven million four hundred fifteen thousand one hundred and fifty seven

xim su na bo gong cu lai u xia lang ei zai 有时阵想要诉出 满腹的悲哀 u xi zun xiu bei sou cu mua bak ei bi ai 踏入七逃界 是阮不应该 da li ti tao gai xi wun bu ying gai 如今想反悔 谁人肯谅解 lu gim xiu huan hui xia lang kin liong gai 心爱你那有了...

コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュO.S.T あなたは私のストーリーズ 読んだことのない物语 あなたは私のストーリーズ 読んだことのない物语 その瞳をみつめると 见知らぬ国が见えた 扉が开いたストーリーズ 二度とは闭じない物语 扉が开いたストーリーズ 二度とは闭じない...

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢
(我可以请您帮个忙吗?) No, not at all. (没问题,完全可以。) Can I ask a favor? May I ask you a favor? *这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答“可以”。 能帮把手吗? Would you give me a hand? Would you please help me? Would you mind giving me a hand? Could you help me out?

Are you waiting for m?

因为事情刚刚开始,现在公司的情况非常不乐观。한 달 동안 계속된 지옥 훈련에 선수들은 지칠 대로 지쳐서 걷...

"我可以帮您做家务吗。""完全没必要,你是我的朋友,什么也不必做。""但是我不能呆在这啥也不做。我需要干点事""也许你可以到外面帮助其他动物脱困。"真是个好主意,我可以帮其他的动物。骆驼说着就出门了。天鹅问:打扰了,这是布朗先生的家吗?是,请进。布朗回答 我可以呆在您这里吗...

상에 사람들이 모두 행복하세요...=== 前面那两位都是翻译机器翻译的吧……累死了,可能会有点小错误,后面如果有发现请指正。

管城回族区17085234775: 大家帮个忙用英语翻译句子
藩宝还原: there is no buses from his home to the school

管城回族区17085234775: 英语翻译请进来帮个忙! -
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管城回族区17085234775: 英语翻译这句话怎么翻译?我用来回复对方说我很受欢迎.请大家帮个忙最好让对方理解我的英文意思,所以希望大家能口语话.我知道你很会用词组,如果用... -
藩宝还原:[答案] I than you think you do a lot of difference,also didn't imagine that good,in fact,a lot of peoplehate me,also very disgusted me

管城回族区17085234775: 大家帮你个忙翻译成英语~1、与此同时,我应该多参加社会实践,多与社会接触,提高自己的社交能力2、我还应该多参加学校组织的活动,多为学校做贡献3... -
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管城回族区17085234775: 我们又买了很多好吃的,买了很多好玩的.用英语怎么说,大家帮个忙吧! -
藩宝还原:[答案] We bought many delicious thing and lots of funny stuffs

管城回族区17085234775: 英语翻译兄弟姐妹们!.帮我的忙吧.我需要把英文翻译成汉文.有会的请您帮我弄一下!麻烦您..没有悬奖不能给.真不好意Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion ... -
藩宝还原:[答案] Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace.确保通风良好/ Exhaustion at the workplace.Open and handle receptacle with care.开放和处理容器的份.Prevent formation of aerosols.防止形成的气溶胶.Kee...

管城回族区17085234775: 英文翻译,帮个忙吧?
藩宝还原: In the past, people live in poverty, the old house. People don't care for the environment, throw away rubbish everywhere. Traffic inconvenience, visitors seldom. Now housing is capacious and bright, many people have their own cars. Everyone to ...

管城回族区17085234775: 请大家帮个忙,用英语翻译这些句子!急需啊 -
藩宝还原: 他的弟弟太小了,不能去上学.His brother is too young to go to school.TOM在学校努力学习,别为他担心.Tom is studying hard at school, don't worry about him.她的妹妹想要我帮助她.Her sister wants me to help her.李明邀请我们去他的生日聚...

管城回族区17085234775: 英语翻译 急用!帮个忙吧~~~!“帮助了别人,快乐了自己.”请把这句话翻译一下,先谢谢了! -
藩宝还原:[答案] It will make you happy to help others.

管城回族区17085234775: 英语翻译 大家帮下忙!
藩宝还原: 1 a France map2 from his home to the airport3 hate eating meat4 live in London5 on the left of the bank6 is some lovely7 two boxes of apples8 be friendly to them9 the leaves(leaf的复数) on the tree10 during day time11 on the right of Jim12 take the ...

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