
作者&投稿:农敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello,i'm Li keying.i'm ten years old.i have two big eyes ,a small nose, a small mouth.my English
teacher is miss chen.she's young and pretty,my favourite food is potatoes.they're healthy.i can
helpfui at home.i can sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. there is a small park behind my
home. there is green grass and many flowers in it.it's so beautifui!Can you make friends with me?

My dream job is to be a teacher because I think it is the greatest job in the world. Teachers teach the students the whole knowledge they own. Besides, they also educate the students how to be a good person. I hope I can become a good teacher and have many great students in the future. So I must work hard now to make my dream come true !
我梦想的职业是老师,因为我认为 它是世界上最伟大的职业。老师将自己所有的知识毫无保留的都教授给学生,除此之外,老师还教会学生如何做人。我希望未来我能成为一名优秀的教师并且拥有很棒的学生。所以现在我必须努力学习让梦想成真!

My younger sister is young, but she likes doing housework very much. She can cook nice food. She is not tall, but she is pretty. She is polite and helpful. She doesn’t go to school. She is only seven. She likes playing computer games very much. She can speak English. She often rides a bike to the park to fly kites.

  She is lovely, so we all love her.

but she is pretty. She is polite and helpful. She doesn’t go to school. She is only seven. She likes playing computer games very much. She can speak English. She often rides a bike to the park to fly kites.She

跪求 人教精通5年级英语上册,求分享教材的网盘资源呗~
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一 . should 作为助动词 shall 的过去式,可以在间接引语中与第一人称主语搭配,表示过去将来时间。例如:The group leader announced that we should (= would ) begin to work soon.小组长宣布:我们不久就开始工作。A week ago, I told him that I should (= would) go to Beijing the ...

对于五年级的小学生,每天花费20分钟进行奥数学习是十分有益的。以下是部分课程的目录,涵盖了各种数学知识点:数列问题: 探索数字之间的规律和顺序。小数运算: 增强对小数加减乘除的理解和计算能力。小数巧算: 学习快速、巧妙的解题策略,提高计算效率。计数问题: 基础的计数技巧和应用,如排列组合。二十四...

其他回答 共 5 条季羡林(1911- ) 北京大学教授、中科院院士、中国语言学家、文学翻译家,梵文、巴利文专家。 山东清平(今临清)县人。1956年加入中国共产党。 1930年考入北京清华大学西语系。1934年毕业后,在济南山东省立高中任教。1935年考取清华大学交换研究生,赴德国留学,在哥廷根大学学习梵文、巴利文、吐火罗文...

5、我们把教育定义如下:人的智慧决不会偏离目标。所谓教育,是忘却了在校学的全部内容之后剩下的本领。6、真正有价值的东西不是出自雄心壮志或单纯的责任感;而是出自对人和对客观事物的热爱和专心。7、A=X+Y+Z! A就是成功,X就是努力工作,Y是懂得休息,Z是少说废话!8、如果有一个能够应付...

五年级上册第六单元父母之爱知识点梳理一、基础知识1、易错字爆(右下易写成水) 颤容易写错 墟(右下为“业”)誊(上边是两横) 谨(右下三横) 慎(真里面三横)2、易错读音混(hùn)乱 “混”易读错为hún 瓦砾(lì)“砾”易读错为lè 颤(chàn)抖“颤”易读错为zhàn歧(qí)途“歧”易读错3、多音字...


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