
作者&投稿:宿昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁有余华 《活着》的英文版~

I a present am younger than ten year-old time,has obtained theoccupation which idles about,goes to the village collection folkballad.That year entire summer,I like identical only randomly flythe house sparrow,loafed has been knowing the rural cottage fieldwhich and the sunlight flooded.I like drinking farmer that kind tohave the bitter taste the tea,their tea barrel puts under theboundary ridge between fields tree,I take up paint Man Chagou thebowl to ladle water without scruple drink,but also fills fully owncanteen,works the man with the field in to say several idle talk,ingirl because of me but in private smiles in a low voice swaggers away.I once and defended the melon field old person to chat the entireafternoon,this was my since birth melon eats most,when I stood upsaid goodbye,suddenly discovered oneself liked a pregnant womanequally to walk with difficulty.Then I worked as grandmother's womanwith to sit on the threshold,she arranged the straw sandal to singfor me "in October To be pregnant".I most like when is the eveningarrives,sits in front of farmer's room,looks they will raise thewell water sprinkles on the place,suppresses the transpiration thedust,the setting sun ray shines on the treetop,takes fan which theyhands over,tastes them and salty equally salty ,has a lookseveral young women,speaks with the men.My wears the broad brimmed straw hat,on the foot is putting on theslipper,a towel hangs on the after death leather belt,lets itresemble like the tail is whipping my buttocks.I all day publicizethe mouth to hit the yawn,sloppily walks on the field track,myslipper clip clop clip clop,these tracks made the dust flies upwards,is as if the wheel billowing and the obsolete scene.

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Yu Hua (April 3, 1960 -), a contemporary Chinese writer, was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is a member of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association and now works for the Hangzhou Federation of literary and art circles.

In 1984, he began to publish novels. Xu Sanguan's selling blood was selected as one of the ten most influential works of the 1990s by 100 critics and literary editors. In 1998, he won the garzana Carver prize for literature in Italy. In 2005, he won the Chinese Book Special Contribution Award.





Yu Hua (simplified Chinese: 余华; traditional Chinese: 余华; pinyin: Yú Huá) is a Chinese author, born April 3, 1960 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. He worked as a dentist for five years and later turned to fiction in 1983 because he didn't like "looking into people’s mouths the whole day." Writing allowed him to be more creative and flexible. He grew up during the Cultural Revolution and many of his stories and novels are marked by this experience. One of the distinctive characteristics of his work is his penchant for detailed descriptions of brutal violence[1]

Yu Hua has written four novels, six collections of stories, and three collections of essays. His most important novels are Chronicle of a Blood Merchant and To Live. The latter novel was adapted for film by Zhang Yimou. Because the film was banned in China, it instantly made the novel a bestseller and Yu Hua a worldwide celebrity. His novels have been translated into English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Serbian, Japanese, Korean and Malayalam.

余华,四月三日事件,英译本,英文版,白亚仁译,The April 3rd Incident...
享誉全球的中国当代文学巨匠余华,以其力作《活着》名震四海,如今,他的一部精彩故事集《四月三日事件:故事》英文版,由Allan H. Barr翻译,为我们揭示了他在中国文学历史上的深远影响。这部选自余华早期杰作的集子,时间跨度横跨上世纪八九十年代,那时他与其他年轻作家们一同推动了中国文学的革新。他们...

2.《人类简史》(Yuval Noah Harari):这本书由尤瓦尔·赫拉利所著,其英文原版广受欢迎。它不仅提供了丰富的历史知识,而且从人类发展的宏观视角审视人类历史。此书语言流畅、有趣易懂,适合进阶英语学习者。3.《活着》(余华):虽然是一部中文小说,但其英文版也备受推崇。《活着》通过讲述...


余华说的死亡不是失去了生命而是走出了时间 求英文翻译
Death, in the opinion of Yu Hua, is not losing one's life, but walking out of one's time.

From "alive" by Yu Hua's works. we watch the tragic.

余华,四月三日事件,英译本,英文版,白亚仁译,The April 3rd Incident...


中国语言博大精深,很多是很难翻译的,你就暂时用这个吧:Leg sweep

Steward 史都华


陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 有余华的外文翻译资料吗 -
秘昌莫炎: 有余华的外文翻译资料 With Yu Hua's Translation

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 余华(说一说余华的简介)
秘昌莫炎: 1、余华,男,1960年4月3日出生于浙江杭州,中国当代作家,中国作家协会委员会委员.2、1978年,高考落榜后进入卫生院当牙科医生.3、1983年,发表首部短篇小...

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 请问有关余华《活着》的外文文献资料有哪些?在哪可以找到?急~~~~ -
秘昌莫炎: 中文文献可以到 中国知网 维普资讯网 或者 万方数据库 上去找找 也许能找到一些相关文献 不过搜索有一定技巧外文文献的话我只知道几个工程方面的网站 还有用外网找到不一定能浏览全文 自己试试吧!

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 谁有余华 《活着》的英文版 -
秘昌莫炎: I a present am younger than ten year-old time,has obtained theoccupation which idles about,goes to the village collection folkballad.That year entire summer,I like identical only randomly flythe house sparrow,loafed has been knowing the rural cottage...

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 求余华的个人资料,对《活着》的理解和感受~ -
秘昌莫炎: 余华,浙江海盐人,1960年出生于浙江杭州,后来随父母迁居海盐县.中学毕业后,因父母为医生关系,余华曾当过牙医,五年后弃医从文,进入县文化馆和嘉兴文联,从此与创作结下不解之缘.余华在1984年开始发表小说,其中《活着》被...

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 英语口语话题简述话题:我看过的一本书 书名:活着 作者:余华 内容:就是讲一个人的一生坎坷经历,这中间他经历了游手好闲的青年时期,战争、饥荒,... -
秘昌莫炎:[答案] Topic :I have read the book title :alive author :Yuhua content :that stresses a person's life experience bumps,which he experienced dawdle among the youth period,war,famine,and loved ones have left....Feelings :Yuhua would like to tell readers :life is not ...

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 在细雨中呼喊余华用英语怎么说 -
秘昌莫炎: 在细雨中呼喊余华 Yu Hua in the drizzle

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 好烦恼.有关余华的《兄弟》的外文文献可以提供吗??? -
秘昌莫炎: 我在读秀学术搜索中找到兄弟英文版的了,你看看能不能下,不行就再问我.如果你是学生可以在你们学校图书馆里找才能下载 http://fjour.blyun.com/searchFJour?sw=brother++yu+hua+&allsw=&bCon=&ecode=GBK&channel=searchFJour&Field=all

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 介绍些好书! -
秘昌莫炎: 《平凡的世界》 作者:路遥《穆斯林的葬礼》 作者:霍达《挪威的森林》 作者:村上春树《基督山伯爵》 作者:大仲马《教父》 作者:马里奥·普佐《苏菲的世界》 作者:乔斯坦·贾德《麦田里的守望者》 作者:塞...

陵水黎族自治县19888025395: 有关当幸福来敲门的英文介绍 -
秘昌莫炎: The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film, directed by Gabriele Muccino and based on the true story of Chris Gardner. The film stars Will Smith as Gardner, an on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned stockbroker.The ...

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