
作者&投稿:养贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(Yang Liwei)"When I boarded the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited, I decide that I must fly it."------said by Yang Liwei.Colonel Yang Liwei is an astronaut, and he is also a member of the Astronaut Team of the People’s Liberation Army.Born on June 21st,1965 in a teather’s family in Suizhong Country of Liaoning Province,Yang Liwei had a happy childhood with his parents.Not only was he a good student in school,but he also had a gift for math.He won a lot of math competition prizes.After graduating from middle school,Yang Liwei continued his studies at the No.8 Aviation College of the Air Force of the People’s Liberation Army.He studied very hard and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree.Later,hebecame a fighter pilot.Several years later,because of his excellent manifestaion,Yang Liwei was among 14 persons chosen from 1,500 pilots for astronaut training.Yang Liwei did very well and passed astronaut tests in 1996 and 1997.Then he became one of three astronauts for China’s first manned space flight.After a series of hard trainings and tests,Yang Liweibecame China’s first astronaut on Oct15,2003 at last.Being the first Chinese to travel in space,Yang Liwei is a hero of our nation in our heart and mind.He devotes himself to Chinese space program.Whenever we review the moments which Yang Liwei was traveling in Shenzhou-5 in space,holding our national flag in hand, we will be proud of our country and think highly of Yang Liwei.I believe that China will make greater progress in space flight in the future.

Protect Our Environment
It is important to beal with the rubbish in cities.
Our world was colorful,beautiful and full of life. But these years, people have built many factories along rivers. Many trees have been cut down. Many animals have lost their homes. Factories cause pollution. Rivers become polluted.
As a student, you should do every things in your everyday life to protect them.
First, stop wasting more water.
Second, throw waste things into different dustbins. For example, waste paper should be throw into paper recyclable bins.
Third, stop cutting down trees. Instead, plant more. Fourth, pick up garbage in the park or on the road when we are free.
Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to contrlling pollution. In a word, everybody has his duty to protect the world.

He is is sixteen years old. He is in grade 9, and he is of average height. His horoscope sign is Taurus. It represents that he is someone who is dependable. He is also confident, hardworking, studious, has good grades, and likes to help others. Please consider my recommendation.


Ming Li

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