
作者&投稿:俎祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Happiness is the permanent topic for us to think about. What does happiness mean and what makes up happiness may be quite different for different people. In my opinion, there are different things can make one happy. Some people may choose love to be the first factor while others may choose wealth, depending on different characters and sense of values. For me ,I think that health and company from my family can make me happy. Material wealth is really not in my consideration. Of course, you need enough money to build a happy life or you won't have the appetite to think about anything other than making a living. But it doesn't mean you need to pursue material wealth and never get satisfied. Material wealth is the tool to build up a happy life, not its goal. All in all, I think if you are eager to live a life of true happiness, you need to cherish what you have now, pursue something worthy, and love people around you.

我很兴奋! Today is Spring Festival,我睡了一早上!我希望每一天是春节!Because i will get a lots of lucky money! The second day of the New Year!我可以穿新衣服.因为我不知道到哪里去买它,我现在有100元的零花钱;t like to play fireworks. But I can'!I hope evey day is Spring Festival.在下午. My uncle give me 50 yuan pin money! A happy day in Spring Festival Today is Spring Festival,I slept during the morning,I went to the beautiful countryside. I can eat so much tasty food and fruit On it. And I can go shopping all day! 今天是春节. I am busy,so i', I am excited,about 1 kilometer. My grandma buy a new watch for me提供, I like it very much.我的叔叔阿姨都给我50元零花钱:春节.但我不能玩烟花. I often visit my relatives on Spring Festival! 一月一日是农历春节. But I don'! 春节幸福的一天今天是春节,并且我可以去逛一整天;t play fireworks. The Spring Festival is always good!因为我将得到许多压岁钱.春节总是快乐的.我奶奶给我买了一块新手表.我经常去看我的亲戚的春节,但是我很开心,and visited the Yi River,it is very wide. This festival was great:The lunar calendar of January 1st is Spring Festival. Because I don',我很喜欢,并参观了易水.我很忙,所以我很开心, too;m happy.并且我不喜欢玩烟花,要么, but I am very happy;t know go where to buy it,大约1公里!And i can wear new clothes! 新年的第二天, either! Then I have 100 yuan pin money.In the afternoon,我去了美丽的乡村,my aunt give me 50 yuan pin money. 这个节日是伟大的.我可以吃很多美味的食物和水果在那一天,它很宽

Lucky Hat store welcomes everybody come to buy hats!
we have many kinds of beautiful and cheap hat.
Each of them spends only a little!
We have women's hats in all colors.they are 12 each
There are also men's hats in brown white and black.They spends 18 each.THE children's hats have all colors.THEY are only 10 each!
SO come to our store and enjoy yourselves!

母爱难言尽,让那一切一切的感激,在我的心里悄悄地沉淀后,化成最朴实的话语:“谢谢你,可敬又可亲的妈妈。” 谢谢优秀作文13 亲爱的妈妈: 您好!在这个阳光明媚的日子里,我想对您说:“谢谢您,妈妈!我爱您!感谢您为我付出的所有,却不求回报。这些年,您为我所做的一切,我都深记在心。” 记得一年级的时候,我...

谢谢优秀作文1 亲爱的妈妈: 您好!在这个阳光明媚的日子里,我想对您说:“谢谢您,妈妈!我爱您!感谢您为我付出的所有,却不求回报。这些年,您为我所做的一切,我都深记在心。” 记得一年级的时候,我因为3月份的“郑民生事件”住进了医院。我在手术时,您和爸爸哭干了泪水,接下来几天医生告诉您们我还没脱离危...

《谢谢你迟到》这本书,就在嘉宾的一次次迟到中完成了。 谢谢优秀作文7 妈妈,谢谢你 作者:张迪斯 四年级 点评:文章有真情实感,是一篇好文章,心理描写也很丰富,如果再多些细节描写就更棒了! 妈妈的爱是一把伞,当下雨的时候,妈妈总是用雨伞挡住了;妈妈的的爱是一盏灯,在我迷失方向时,照亮我前进的道路;妈妈的...

一声谢谢作文1 树木的成长,离不开阳光雨露,只有它们无私的给予,才会生机勃勃。花朵的生活,离不开大地,有了大地提供的营养,才会有花儿的艳丽动人。而我们的学习,离不开老师,有了您的细心帮助,有了您的谆谆教诲,才会有我们的健康成长……老师,谢谢!谢谢您这一年多来,苦口婆心地教育我们,您的每一句金玉良言,我一...

关于感谢的作文,要好,400字左右 急~~~
1 在我的记忆长河中,有许许多多我要感谢的人:我要感谢妈妈,是她给了我宝贵的生命。我要感谢爸爸,是他给了我宽广的胸怀。我还要感谢朋友,是她们给我了珍贵的友谊……但是今天我要感谢的人却是我的老师——刘老师。记得在我刚上一年级的第一次语文测验中,我考砸了。拿到试卷后垂头丧气地走到...

感谢话题作文1 我活了12年,在这12年里,我感谢我的亲人、朋友。但是,思来想去。最感谢的,就属老师了。 已经上了四年级,与老师、同学已经相处了四年。当我开学第一天的时候,看到那秀气、大方的字迹,还有老师和蔼可亲的笑容时,我不再想家。每当我的作业本上有着老师的字迹的时候,那就是我最开心的时候。我感...

感谢作文300字 篇1 “谁言寸草心,抱得三春晖”。在我的一生中,给予我最多关爱的就是我的妈妈。是妈妈经历了十月怀胎的辛苦,把我带到了这个美好的世界,妈妈,我要感谢您。 记得一天晚上,我在对面的实验中学操场上骑自行车。当时刚下完暴雨,地面很滑,况且,我还在橡胶跑道上骑行。开始我还骑得很自然,不一会儿,...

的确,从我懂事开始,妈妈一点一滴的爱我都看在眼里记在心里,小学六年级作文:谢谢你,妈妈。 有一次,我一如既往——八点整回家,那天,我洗澡洗的快,轻手轻脚的走回了房间,只见妈妈正在收拾我的东西,我见这情形,我默默地站在门后,看她双腿跪在床上,双手吃力的拖着被子,在32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5...

妈妈我感谢你,感谢你生我养我,感谢您为我付出的点点滴滴,没有您就没有我的今天,谢谢您给我最伟大的爱! 最感谢的人作文15 我最感谢的人是我的妈妈,小时候我在妈妈怀里睡觉时,妈妈的双手就像天上的白云一样软绵绵的,又很温暖。 每晚我睡觉时,妈妈都会在半夜看我有没有盖好被子,从这里我就可以知道妈妈时时刻...

为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我整理的感谢话题作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 感谢话题作文1 从那个牙牙学语的小孩,蜕变到出口成章的女孩。 其中女孩最该感谢的是时光,时光陪女孩度过一个又一个煎熬的日子;时光和女孩共同见证喜悦的时刻;时光看着女孩一点一滴的成长。 在别人对自己失望...

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呈雷四消: 【内容提示】你喜欢某门学科,比如英语吧.你参加了你们县或你们市组织的该学科奥林匹克比赛,但是失败了.你非常懊丧.正在这时,你收到一封朋友的来信,信中用“失败是成功之母”之类的话给你鼓劲.在该同学的鼓励和帮助下你第二...

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呈雷四消: Yesterday the weather is good, I and my classmates took a bus to the east lake, we got up early, took some food and drinks, after an hour we get there, the scenery is good, there beside the lake clean and lakes there are many trees... Etc. We were home at six o 'clock in the afternoon, although we tired but happy

廊坊市19565204437: 一篇100词的英语作文以谢谢你我最好的朋友为题材 -
呈雷四消: My best friend Lily is one of my best friends . She wears long hair and wide eyes . She is very slim and beautiful . We have became friends for more that two years . And we are at same class . She would like to help everyone only if you need it ....

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呈雷四消: My Mother My mother is a kind woman.She is 35 y ears old.She is tall.She has two big eyes .She is a good teacher.She teaches Engl ish.She goes work at 7 o'clock.She goes home at 6 o'clock.She likes reading boo k.On Saturday,she often does housewor k.Sometimes she does sports.She is a g ood mother.I love my mother.

廊坊市19565204437: 英语,作文,谢谢 -
呈雷四消: Dear Mr Wang,I'm writing to recommend Tom as the new vice-chairperson of the Students' Union.I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Tom is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.He is hard-...

廊坊市19565204437: 英语作文 >谢谢啦 -
呈雷四消:[答案] 思路: 1.人的文明体现 2.社会要求 3.对别人的付出的一个态度

廊坊市19565204437: 英语作文 “感谢”
呈雷四消: I want to say to say "thanks" to my mother.She taught me the first sentence.She is looks after me everyday.And she taught me lots of reasons about how to be a man . I love my mother.

廊坊市19565204437: 英语作文、谢谢 -
呈雷四消: The Palace Museum was set and started to be built since 1407. It took 200 thousand people 14 years to finish the whole masterpeace. By the time it was fully built, it was 1420. It is specially designed that so this palace has 9,999 rooms, as a lucky ...

廊坊市19565204437: 英语作文....
呈雷四消: it was dark when i entered the house,i couldn't help wonder what was happened there ,then i tried to turn on the light while it bringt itself,and i was so surprised that found all my friends were in the house ,celebreting my brithday.how moved were i that ...

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